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[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!
- From: Jose Bernardo Silva <josebernardo1 AT>
- To: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>, sm-discuss AT, sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!
- Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 11:42:03 +0100 (BST)
First impressions:
As anyone on irc yesterday knew (I tend to do a step
by step account when things go bad, sorry guys), the
update blew up my desktop machine. First, my
/var/state/sorcery/packages file was cleared, then as
I had autoprune checked, my install and compile logs.
I stupidly went ahead, copied packages.backup to
packages, and did a cast --fix. When the time came to
compile glibc, all seemed to go ok up till the end,
when /tmp/sorcery.* started spitting messages like
lockexec and sleep were missing. What probably
happened is that glibc got dispelled on the install
part of the spell, and suddenly everything died. I
tried getting the /var/cache/sorcery/glibc* from the
laptop, booting into a rescue cd, but am unable to
untar it successfully, as some of the links are
absolute to /usr, and /var. It seems I'll have to
Well, I knew from the start this is pre-alpha... My
wife is the one that is going to kill me if I spend
more time twiddling with the pc... :)
--- Nick Jennings <nkj AT> wrote: > Hi
> Sorcery version 0.8.2, which is the 3rd BETA of the
> up and comming 1.0
> release, is now available.
> This release was not initially planned (0.9.0, RC1
> was what was supposed
> to be released), however, we still do not have our
> new tree-based
> dependancy sorting in place yet, and it's a very
> important feature.
> So we are holding off on RC1 until we finish up
> that feature.
> In the meantime, enjoy 0.8.2 and help stomp out the
> bugs :)
> To upgrade to 0.8.2, you will need to go about it a
> bit differently:
> # scribe update
> # cast sorcery
> # /tmp/
> or
> # sorcery update
> # /tmp/
> The major change in the sorcery spell, is the fact
> that it isn't
> a spell at all anymore. From now on, to update the
> sorcery scripts,
> you will use the command 'sorcery update', to
> update the whole system,
> you will now need to use 'sorcery system-update'.
> Release notes can be found here:
> The updated RoadMap can be found here:
> --
> Nick Jennings
> Sorcery Team Lead
> njennings AT
> _______________________________________________
> SM-Discuss mailing list
> SM-Discuss AT
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[SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!,
Nick Jennings, 10/02/2002
Message not available
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!, Nick Jennings, 10/02/2002
Message not available
Re: [SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!,
Julian v. Bock, 10/02/2002
- Re: [SM-Grimoire]Re: [SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!, Ryan Abrams, 10/02/2002
[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!,
Jose Bernardo Silva, 10/03/2002
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!, Andrew, 10/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!, Eric Sandall, 10/03/2002
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