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sm-sorcery - [SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!

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  • From: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT, sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
  • Subject: [SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.2 (1.0 BETA3) Released!
  • Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 14:24:19 -0700

Hi Everyone,

Sorcery version 0.8.2, which is the 3rd BETA of the up and comming 1.0
release, is now available.

This release was not initially planned (0.9.0, RC1 was what was supposed
to be released), however, we still do not have our new tree-based
dependancy sorting in place yet, and it's a very important feature.
So we are holding off on RC1 until we finish up that feature.

In the meantime, enjoy 0.8.2 and help stomp out the bugs :)

To upgrade to 0.8.2, you will need to go about it a bit differently:

# scribe update
# cast sorcery
# /tmp/


# sorcery update
# /tmp/

The major change in the sorcery spell, is the fact that it isn't
a spell at all anymore. From now on, to update the sorcery scripts,
you will use the command 'sorcery update', to update the whole system,
you will now need to use 'sorcery system-update'.

Release notes can be found here:

The updated RoadMap can be found here:

Nick Jennings
Sorcery Team Lead
njennings AT

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