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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Second proposal for edit_file()

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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  • From: "Nathan Doss" <ndoss AT>
  • To: Peter Schneider-Kamp <peter AT>, sm-sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Second proposal for edit_file()
  • Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2002 18:54:15 -0400

> I have attached another patch for edit_file() with a bit
> more intelligence.

I've applied it to the cvs version of sorcery (See bug #778
in bugzilla).

> Questions:
> 1) Is it too much intelligence, i.e. too complex and too
> much overhead?

I like it.

> 2) Is it a good idea to ask the user if everything else
> fails? If so, should this be a dialog when called from
> sorcery?!

I'm not sure about this question.

Nathan Doss ndoss AT

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