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Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0
- From: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
- To: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
- Cc: sm-sorcery AT, sm-discuss AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0
- Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 16:10:24 -0700
On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:15:34PM -0500, Ryan Abrams wrote:
> This is GREAT Nick. Good work.
Thanks Ryan :)
> I went into the wiki and added pages for Multi Grimoire Support and
> Sorcery/Grimoire split as listed in the 1.0 Feature list. Bottom line: Multi
> grimoire support is beyond the time i have available. Nathan may be better
> at that part, though I will try to get the basics of scribe working for it
> (add, remove, update) - they are mostly there.
Ok, can you possibly flesh out the Multi-Grimoire support section in
the wiki to document exactly what the sorcery team needs to support
for scribe, and how scribe will behave? (don't you already have
some documentation on this?) Everything will help, since we are
(in a way) starting from scratch, because Anders kept alot of the
details in his head :)
> Sorcery/Grimoire split is almost ready.. it really just requires some
> restructuring in the code and a new sorcery command line option. Read the
> page to see what I mean.
> Question: Are flat grimoires in or out? I dont care.. you guys need to make
> the call.
Well, I don't know. I think Nathan did alot of work on this, so I'll check
with him and see what he thinks about it's current state. Does anyone
else know about what is/isn't done to support flat grimoires?
- nick
[SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0,
Nick Jennings, 08/12/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0,
Ryan Abrams, 08/13/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0, Nick Jennings, 08/13/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0,
Ryan Abrams, 08/13/2002
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