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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0

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  • From: "Ryan Abrams" <rabrams AT>
  • To: "Nick Jennings" <nkj AT>, <sm-sorcery AT>, <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0
  • Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 23:15:34 -0500

This is GREAT Nick. Good work.

I went into the wiki and added pages for Multi Grimoire Support and
Sorcery/Grimoire split as listed in the 1.0 Feature list. Bottom line: Multi
grimoire support is beyond the time i have available. Nathan may be better
at that part, though I will try to get the basics of scribe working for it
(add, remove, update) - they are mostly there.

Sorcery/Grimoire split is almost ready.. it really just requires some
restructuring in the code and a new sorcery command line option. Read the
page to see what I mean.

Question: Are flat grimoires in or out? I dont care.. you guys need to make
the call.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Jennings" <nkj AT>
To: <sm-sorcery AT>; <sm-discuss AT>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:14 PM
Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Sorcery Team Organization - and the road to sorcery 1.0

> Hi All,
> I've spent the day talking with the sorcery team (mainly dufflebunk and
> zero_the_hero) in IRC (#smgl-admin) today. We've been organizing
> and taking the future of sorcery into our hands.
> I've been messing with Wiki all day, and have documented our strategy
> for 1.0, including a RoadMap, 1.0 feature list (work in progress),
> and organizing various feature notes to help document our work as
> we go along.
> You can get all of the info at :
> All comments welcome, and I *know* we are missing features, so please
> let me know if you happen to see something missing from the feature
> list (post it to sm-sorcery AT
> The RoadMap for Sorcery 1.0 is tentative, however I think we can
> get what we need to get done, done, in the time alloted. Feedback
> welcome.
> I just want to let everyone know that we are alive and well, and
> with the guys we got, I have every confidence we will make our
> deadline ontime.
> Have a nice day :)
> - nkj
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