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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Fall back for spells source url's?

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  • From: "Ryan Abrams" <rabrams AT>
  • To: <eric AT>, <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Fall back for spells source url's?
  • Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:40:23 -0500

Hey guys,

This is pretty easy to do on the server side.

One thing that is important to consider is how to automate the pull. Some
spells do not have sourcefiles available or ok to pull down. (j2sdk, for
example) - How will a script be able to determine this? does this require a
chance to the spell format, or an addition of a NOMIRROR type flag, or is it
already in there?

I have written a script to pull them before. Dufflebunk has also. I think
towards the end we will just make a distro independant version of summon and
use that (since it uses fuzzy downloads just like a spell will on the client

Another thing I want to address is the length of time files are mirrored?
How do we handle this? Do will only mirror files for the current stable
release? Do we mirror files for current stable and previous stable? Do we
mirror testing/devel?

The way I think would be best is this:

Mirror them with a root of<version>/

Then find the spell based on <grimoire>/<section>/file.extension

The rules could be:

For Stable
Mirror stable for the current release, the previous release, and the final
release of all series (i.e. the last 1.x, the last 2.x, the last 3.x, etc) -
If multiple series are going at once (i.e. previous version minor updates,
and a new version ramping up in transition), then we mirror the current and
previous versions of all active series.

When a mirror is removed, the filetree will be dumped to a file called
"NOMIRROR" in the root of that mirror, and the files themselves will be
removed. This will allow us to reference what /was/ there in case we ever
need to try and rebuild one.

For Devel/Testing
Mirror the current version of the file, and the previous version for 1
month. This will require server side tracking and some scripting, but it can
be done. I have a friend who likes perl. Maybe I will recruit him to write
the server script for this, so we can focus on more important stuff.

Alternatively, we could gather tons of funds, send ibiblio a terrabyte raid
array (~15,000$?), and then just mirror every file for every version
forever. But that may be a 2.0 idea. ;P



----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Schabell" <eric AT>
To: <sm-sorcery AT>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Fall back for spells source url's?

> Howdy Sorcery Team,
> As we are going for a 1.0 release with tarballs on our server(s) for all
> spells I would like to propose that we add something to sorcery for the
> summoning of a spell:
> 1. try spell url's.
> 2. if fails, pull from our servers.
> It would be less work than asking to add some last url in every spell I
> Thanks for you time!
> --
> Regards,
> /*
> * Eric Schabell
> * web:
> * SourceMage:
> * (#sourcemage)
> * nick -> erics
> */
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> SM-Sorcery AT

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