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Subject: Discussion of Spells and Grimoire items
List archive
- From: "Sergey A. Lipnevich" <sergeyli AT>
- To: Eric Sandall <sandalle AT>
- Cc: Source Mage Grimoire <sm-grimoire AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs)
- Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 22:48:16 +0400 (MSD)
cast::cast_spell(822) calls subroutines::rm_source_dir
on line 836 which does the job quite nicely already.
Calling it from POST_INSTALL is wrong because this one
is only called on _successful_ installation.
Eric Sandall <sandalle AT>:
> One reason I like tmpfs is if a spell doesn't compile
correctly, I can
> just do a "df" and see what directories are still
lying around after an
> update/cast.
> I remember someone saying that spells should not
clean up after themselves
> so that we can see what went wrong. I agree with
this, but if the spell
> finishes successfully, then the spell should clean up
it's directory.
> Thus, only spells with directories left in /usr/src
(besides linux*) would
> be uncompleted spells.
> My Q: If the spell doesn't finish BUILD, will it
still execute
> POST_INSTALL? If not, then there could be a
default_postinstall() in
> /var/lib/sorcery/subroutines which removes
> POST_INSTALLs could run default_postinstall() before
their customizations,
> similar to BUILD and default_build(). If not, then
we'll have to think of
> another way to do this as I don't want the sources of
> compiled programs eating up my disk space nor do I
want to take the time
> to find out which directories I can delete by
checking if their spell
> successfully compiled or not. I want cast to do all
of this for me,
> automagically. :)
> Comments/questions/suggestions?
> -One of Three
> --
> Eric Sandall | Source Mage
GNU/Linux Developer
> sandalle AT |
> | SystAdmin @
Inst. Shock Physics @
> ICQ: 667348 |
> _______________________________________________
> SM-Grimoire mailing list
> SM-Grimoire AT
Sergey Lipnevich, MCSE, SCPJ,
Sr. Software Engineer,
New Age Network New York, Inc.,
[SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs),
Eric Sandall, 07/26/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs),
Sergey A. Lipnevich, 07/26/2002
- Re: [SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs), Eric Sandall, 07/26/2002
Re: [SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs),
Sergey A. Lipnevich, 07/26/2002
- Re: [SM-Grimoire]Cleanup (when no tmpfs), Eric Sandall, 07/26/2002
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