Replying to everything that has been said so far (quite a long one):
1. First of all, Jeremy (emrys) is correct. There is no escaping the fact that this is how MoinMoin works. It's the deal we got when we switched to using it. Granted, we can escape links with !WikiName, but the default behavior is still to make CamelCase words into links. This is the same for "link diarrhea". Again, there are exceptions and you can explicitly escape links (which is a bit more work). But this is how wikis work and are meant to work. These (admittedly inconsistent, specially across wikis) automatic behaviors is what makes a wiki a wiki. And the CamelCasing is one of the things that make MoinMoin uniquely MoinMoin.
2. I don't really think there is an issue with how pages are to be named. Unless the grand circle of mages (or my boss Elisamuel) decides to impose some style guidelines, I'd say that let common sense be our guide. And he who writes, decides. If the author decides to use XmlUsage instead of XMLUsage, then let him have that freedom. If the page is about PRE_BUILD, it doesn't make sense to name it PreBuild. This goes specially for pages under specific teams/components, which would be under the direct supervision of their respective leads and members. IMHO, the duty of the Tome team (but actually everyone should also be involved) is to make sure that pages are under the right sections or to fix broken links. Now, broken links are a mess, which is where automatic linking, camel case or otherwise, is an advantage. Now, if the author of the page decides to use a non-camel case title, which would not automatically be linked to, I would dare say that he/she should at least make sure that links to his page are not broken.
3. Converting/transferring pages now, however, is a bit of a tough one, because the one doing the conversion (Donald mostly), would have to make that decision, whether the wiki name is acceptable or not. That said, I don't think anyone should be afraid to make mistakes because of commit spam. AFAIK, only the admins or maybe only Jeremy are spammed by commit emails. I get spam from my RSS feeds though since I'm subscribe. Nonetheless, that is simply not an issue. (Personally, I prefer keeping acronyms as acronyms and retain their case, even if it doesn't camel case: FAQ, XML, instead of FaqFoo, or XmlFoo). So Donald, go wild. :P
4. As for i18n, I have absolutely no idea. In KDE UserBase [1], we use a Page_Mame_(es) (or PageName_(es)) notation. However, this is actually automated in a way. We have a template which we can just plug at the top of any wiki page which automatically lists links to internationalized pages, whether those pages have content or not. The list of languages is editable through that template. So all users need to do is add to that template and the option for that language appears in all pages that include that template. Not sure how that can be done with MoinMoin.
Having said that, I'm not really sure I like MoinMoin that much, though I haven't really had much time to work with it fully. In some ways, there are features that I'm missing in MoinMoin: non-automatic creation of links based on case (Remko would be happy), templates (great for that i81n I meantioned), and a Discuss page (per page). If anyone knows if those last 2 features are possible in MoinMoin, that would be great!
Juan Carlos G. Torres
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