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sm-discuss - [SM-Discuss] Stage Root Update

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  • From: "David Brown" <dmlb2000 AT>
  • To: "SM Discuss" <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: [SM-Discuss] Stage Root Update
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 18:19:37 -0700

Okay I've done several updates to stage root sorcery since the last
set of emails
please update by cd'ing to the root of the sorcery tree (you should
see the install script as ./install) and run the command `git-pull devel-stage-root`

Some extra features to be included with stage root bugs;
installwatch debug log
located next to compile logs it will be named $SPELL-$VERSION.iwdbglog

NOTE: cleanse --logs removes these files, all of them, including the
current ones... *shrug* if you don't want them gone move them

- David Brown

  • [SM-Discuss] Stage Root Update, David Brown, 06/15/2006

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