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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] smgl wm guide

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  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] smgl wm guide
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 11:02:02 -0700

Quoting Pieter Lenaerts <e-type AT>:
hi all,

I've got a gap of 12 days between my last exams, so as of tomorrow I'll be
having a lot more time to spend :)

I'm about to start writing a guide to windowmanagers, i.e. a list of features
and looks and feels. Since this document will of course be as objective as
possible in it's biased nature, I'd like anyone that has anything to remark
about the wm's to spit it out, so that I can take it into account. Of course
this will become a wiki-page, so afterwards anything can be changed if the
original draft needs some work.

I'd like to point out that I'm drawing the line at xfce4, so only wm's that are
in the wm section will get included, the rest are considered desktop
environments. (I.e. xfce4 being at the wrong side of the line.)

hoping for yr objective opinions,

No e16/17 then? Will this be including screenshots? If so we may want to
store them at

afterstep: Old-fashioned modular window manager designed after NeXTSTEP.
Fast with a few special effects.
windowmaker: Similar to afterstep, but built on GNUStep
blackbox: fast, easy, and small memory footprint
fluxbox: as blackbox, but a few more features (so slower and more memory
xpde: Not very functional Windows XP "clone"


Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @
WSU #196285 |

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