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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] nvidia_driver

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  • From: Craig Dyke <grail AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] nvidia_driver
  • Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 18:29:30 +0800

I am using 1.0-6111 with test grimoire and devel sorcery.

This seemed to work ok in 2.6.9-rc2.

My card is a GeForce2MX as well.


Wolfgang Scheicher wrote:

Am Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2004 11:07 schrieb Craig Dyke:


Is anyone else having problems with the nvidia_driver and 2.6.10-rc3

I seem to get the following when I cast -c nvidia_driver:

nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
nvidia: Unknown symbol __VMALLOC_RESERVE
nvidia: Unknown symbol pci_find_class

Just curious if only me?

uh - which version of the driver?

would have to do some test builds, but if i remember correctly it is the same that you get with driver 1.0-6111 and kernel 2.6.9 unless you use the patch...
... but then nividia released 1.0-6629 which works fine with 2.6.9

However, i just noticed that one did roll back the driver in test because of issues with TNT cards...

Actually i remember the nvidia driver being way less stable on my old TNT1 and TNT2 cards than on my GForce2MX, but that is quite some time ago. Can anyone tell me how well the drivers did work on TNT cards in the last year?

The point is: i doubt that there will be a new driver soon, and i doubt that a new driver will work perfectly with that old cards. What shall we do?

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