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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] /usr/share/info/dir

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  • From: Andrew <afrayedknot AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] /usr/share/info/dir
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:02:34 -0700

The file is for info pages, most spells that have info pages touch this
file, and until rescently it wasnt excluded from install logs.

cleanse --fix was re-written, it now checks more md5sums than it should,
it used to check binaries, now it checks everything, and I havent worked
out a way to make it ignore some files in a scalable way.

Turn off md5sum checking if you're using devel sorcery (which you are
if you're getting those errors). Or use alter to alter the file, then
do an md5 mend.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 10:53:20AM -0500, Geoffrey Derber wrote:
> What is this file? And where did it come from?
> I noticed the last time that I ran a 'cleanse --fix' that a lot of
> spells were listed as broken because this file had been modified.
> Doing a 'gaze from /usr/share/info/dir' returned the following spells:
> automake-1.8.3:/usr/share/info/dir
> binutils-
> cvs-1.12.3:/usr/share/info/dir
> gimp-print-4.2.6:/usr/share/info/dir
> gimp-print-4.2.7-pre1:/usr/share/info/dir
> glibc-2.3.3:/usr/share/info/dir
> gpgme-0.3.16:/usr/share/info/dir
> libIDL-0.8.2:/usr/share/info/dir
> libcdio-0.66:/usr/share/info/dir
> libcdio-0.67:/usr/share/info/dir
> libcdio-0.68:/usr/share/info/dir
> libgcrypt-1.1.92:/usr/share/info/dir
> libgtop2-2.0.8:/usr/share/info/dir
> libtool-1.5.2:/usr/share/info/dir
> m4-1.4:/usr/share/info/dir
> nano-1.2.3:/usr/share/info/dir
> parted-1.6.11:/usr/share/info/dir
> sed-4.0.9:/usr/share/info/dir
> texinfo-4.6:/usr/share/info/dir
> xboard-4.2.6:/usr/share/info/dir
> xboard-4.2.7:/usr/share/info/dir
> Is there a way to clean that mess up? What spell actually installs that
> file? Why are all the other spells claiming it as their own?
> Geoff
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