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Re: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9)
- From: Juuso Alasuutari <iuso AT>
- To: sm-commit AT
- Cc: Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9)
- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 16:34:43 +0300
Vlad Glagolev wrote:
-persistent_add _EXTRAS_TARG &&
+persistent_add _EXTRAS_TARG &&
-if spell_ok hotplug
- message "You seem to have hotplug installed. Hotplug has been" \
- "officially\ndeprecated in favor of udev, and it is" \
- "highly recommended that\nhotplug is removed after" \
- "udev has been installed." &&
+if spell_ok hotplug; then
+ message "You seem to have hotplug installed. Hotplug has been" \
+ "officially\ndeprecated in favor of udev, and it is" \
+ "highly recommended that\nhotplug is removed after" \
+ "udev has been installed." &&
This seems to be a recurring theme in your commits, and the quote above is just one example of the many formatting changes in this commit.
I apologise to the list for my strict tone, but I'll say it again: FOR FSCK'S SAKE STOP CHANGING INDENTATION AND ALIGNMENT FOR NO GOOD REASON. If you don't need to change a query or similar block of text for _technical_ reasons, stop making your commit messages unnecessary difficult to read.
I know there's no consensus on spell code formatting, but this issue has been addressed before. Do not go changing stuff simply because you feel that it's "nicer".
[Disclaimer: I am guilty of having done unnecessary formatting changes in the past myself, and I promise to never do it again unless it's by mutual agreement. I never realized how frustrating this practice is before I had a taste of my own medicine.]
--- a/disk/udev/HISTORY
+++ b/disk/udev/HISTORY
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2008-07-22 Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>
+ * DETAILS: updated spell to 125, fixed long desc
+ * PRE_BUILD: makefile patch's no longer needed, cleaned up
+ * CONFIGURE: removed persistent rules configuration (installed by
+ cleaned up
+ * BUILD: use correct DESTDIR instead of prefix
+ * INSTALL: use `install -d' instead of `mkdir -p', SPELL > SCRIPT,
+ use correct DESTDIR, removed perstitent rules installation like in
+ BUILD (they're installed by def), cleaned up
+ * udev.conf: udev rules are located now in two dirs: /etc/udev/rules.d
+ for the user-defined rules and /lib/udev/rules.d for the system ones
+ * rules/50-default.rules: removed links for non-existent input devices
+ (noted in 2.6.26, they're just /dev/pty*)
Just to let you know that I still appreciate the effort: Thank you for giving udev some love. The history entry shows that you've gone through the spell with a tight comb, and that's always positive.
I guess from your point of view all those formatting changes are also a form of love-giving (umm, that sounded weird). I know it's a nice feeling you get from making code "look good". The only problem with it is that good looks are subjective, and actively pursuing one's own idea of beauty tends to affect the readability of commits is a bad way.
[SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9),
Vlad Glagolev, 07/22/2008
- Re: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9), flux, 07/22/2008
- [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9), Vlad Glagolev, 07/22/2008
- Re: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master grimoire by Vlad Glagolev (884c8215be4ff91733bce939ca5ae7e6c15c31c9), Juuso Alasuutari, 07/22/2008
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