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permaculture - [permaculture] Fwd: [SANET-MG] Awakening to Agroecology

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Lawrence London <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Fwd: [SANET-MG] Awakening to Agroecology
  • Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 15:50:38 -0500

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [SANET-MG] Awakening to Agroecology
To: <>

Hi Steven and All,

Steven, thank you for sharing the blog post.

I'm thrilled to see Agroecology starting to enter into a wider discussion
for and among the general public. I started a nonprofit educational
organization, The Earth Mother Renewal Project, back in the 1980's and
expanded it last year for the purpose of teaching Agroecology as an
integral component of Sustainable Agriculture. I'm working to develop a
brand new website (which can be viewed from the link below) which will
feature free or very low cost online courses. Our intended audience is the
public in general and as wide a range of producers - from home gardeners to
small-scale commercial agriculture - as we can reach. We are a really
small organization, just 2 of us; so, at least for now, we're having to
limit our ability to offer onsite courses to within Wyoming. Any
suggestions for improvement of and additions to our website will always be
welcome. Links to other relevant online courses available for free or at
extremely low cost would also be greatly appreciated.

As this group transitions over to sustagnet, I'd very much like to see an
expansion of the discussion on how we can best accomplish what Steven is
advocating by getting the knowledge into the hands and minds of those who
need it most - everyone.
Michael Rondot
Executive Director,
The Earth Mother Renewal Project
* <>*
* <>*

On 3/8/2019 11:17 AM, Steven McFadden wrote:

SANET Compatriots -

As with many others, I'm sad to see the SANET-MG list disappear. It has
been a valuable resource, and I'm happy to have been a list member since
sometime back in the early 1990s when it got started. My thanks to
administrators and participants for the many understandings and insights
you all have shared. Good luck.

Thanks also to Lawrence London for taking the initiative to start up an
alternative, sustagnet, which I've already joined.!forum/sustagnet
As perhaps my final posting to the list, here's my latest blog for the
venerable, wise, and eminently practical *Mother Earth News. - Steven*
Awakening to Agroecology

At first the word “agroecology” hits the human ear with the aloof thud of a
complex, intellectual abstraction. But in truth it’s a term describing an
approach to agriculture that is real, urgent, positive, earth-based,
science-informed, and altogether of the heart. We need agroecology now, and
we need it on neighborhood, heartland, and planetary scales.

In the universe of ideals for farms and food, agroecology has in recent
decades captured international attention. Now it’s becoming better
appreciated in North America. Now it stands out as a range of essential,
broad, and wise pathways forward for humanity…

*The rest of my blog post on agroecology (and soon **Deep Agroecology
<>**) is here at **Mother
Earth News.

Steven McFadden
*Chiron Communications* <>
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Lawrence F. London, Jr.

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