Subject: permaculture
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[permaculture] Stephen Barstow to give 8 days of walks and talks in Austria.
- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Stephen Barstow to give 8 days of walks and talks in Austria.
- Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 10:34:33 -0400
[Attn: Georg]
[about edible flowers, wild plants and vegetables, seed collecting and
saving and culturing rare, exotic and common edible plants]
Stephen Barstow <> shared a link
If you're in Austria, you may be interested to learn that I'm on my way
there now for 8 days of talks and walks, hosted by seed saver organisation
Arche Noah with events in Vienna, Schiltern and St. Koloman! Please share
with folks or groups who may be interested!
Stephen Barstow to give 8 days of walks and talks in Austria.
Stephen Barstow und seine Permaveggies
Stephen Barstow ist der Guru in Sachen Vielfalt für den Salat. Der
überzeugte Biogärtner experimentiert mit essbaren, mehrjährigen Pflanzen in
seinem Garten nahe dem nördlichen Polarkreis, in einer Gegend wo eigentlich
nur Karotten und Erdäpfel kultuviert werden.
Lawrence F. London, Jr.
- [permaculture] Stephen Barstow to give 8 days of walks and talks in Austria., Lawrence London, 06/10/2017
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