Subject: permaculture
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- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Gardening for Maximum Nutrition
- Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:16:54 -0400
Gardening for Maximum Nutrition
Home <>
Gardening for Maximum Nutrition
Updated 04/13/2015 Organic Gardening
Eco-Farming <>
*Building great soil is the key to having a great garden!*
*** <>
- Why
- How - Brix Testing
- What is needed
- Basic Info
- Soil Mineral Balancing
- Carbon
- Energy factors
- Fine-tuning
- Maintenance
- Minerals
- Benefits
- Compost Tea
- Consultants
- Fertilizing Guidelines
- Deficiency Signs
- Fertilizer Sources
- Foliars & Drenches
- Helps
- Microorganism Sources
- EM
- Mineral Balance
- Tank Gardens
- Raising Sprouts
- Other factors
- Companion Planting
- Resources - books
- - websites
- Refractometer Sources
- Seed Companies
- Soil Micro-organisms
- Soil Remineralization
- Soil Testing
- Success Stories
*Why are we concerned about nutritional quality? *
1. The nutritional content of fruits & veggies has trended downward over
the last century
Commercial considerations make "yield" (profit) the primary consideration
in breeding and fertilizing rather than best nutrient content, which is
harder to measure
But breeding & fertilizing for "yield" brings reduced nutrition (See
Albrecht Principles
2. Commercial agriculture, using chemical NPK fertilizers
<> in excess, leads to:
- Loss of organic matter
- Loss of soil microorganisms
- Loss of top soil
- Water pollution
- Depletion of soil minerals brings reduced nutrition
- Increased vulnerability to pest attack - *Truly healthy plants do not
attract pests!*
3. There are large variations in the nutritional quality of 'organic'
fruits & veggies
4. Animals living on these nutrient poor foods are not as healthy
5. Traditional societies living on local, whole, nutrient-dense foods
were healthy and lived long lives. Our modern diet makes us subjects of a
giant food experiment, and we are not faring so well, as we suffer from
more degenerative diseases at an ever younger age.
6. Varietal differences are important. - the highest nutrition will be
more likely found in heirloom varieties.
- Varietal differences in * flavor* indicate differences in nutritional
content - More nutritious food tastes better.
- Over history humans unintentionally bred their food crops for higher
nutrition, as the families who selected tastier and healthier foods had
healthier children. Every family had its own varieties, selected according
to the likes of that family. But the children in some families lived to
survive the gauntlet of childhood disease while the children in some
families died out. The families with higher survival rates had their
varieties survive. Thus our food crops were improved.
- Then about 150 years ago plant breeders began selecting our food crops
for profit. Modern hybrids are bred to yield well on depleted soils given
modern chemical fertilizers that do not provide the full range of needed
minerals. Hybrids grow big but do not build essential nutrients as well
because of mineral shortages.
7. *But biggest difference in nutrition comes from the quality of the
soil. * William Albrecht
<> was at
the forefront of highlighting this connection between soil and health.
*So how do we tell if we have more nutritious food? BRIX TESTING Brix
(pronounced 'bricks') testing reflects nutritional quality*
Brix as used here refers to the total dissolved solids in the juice
squeezed out of a plant's leaves or fruit. Distilled water is 0 brix.
About the richest brix you will see is 30-35. Although you will hear that
brix measures "sugar," brix actually reflects the total solids - the sum of
the sugars, minerals, hormones, oils, amino acids, proteins, flavors, and
whatever else. For instance, 100 pounds of 24 brix grape juice would yield
24 pounds of solids. Brix is measured with an ordinary hand refractometer,
which many people call a brixmeter. See High Brix Gardening
<> More info on brix
High Brix Gardens is a new Website devoted to high brix gardening:
What is Brix? <>
(See Food
Quality Issues
The Path to High Brix - Mineral Descriptions
also (product supplier).
The Quest for Nutrient-Dense Food--High-Brix Farming and Gardening
An Interview with Rex Harrill by Suze Fisher
Important points to remember:
1. The taste of any fruit, vegetable, or grass gets better and better as
the brix increases. Taste reflects nutrition, as the plant has
it needs to produce maximum nutrition (phytonutrients) as well as sugar.
2. The highest brix fruits, vegetables, and grasses keep better -
they will dehydrate while their low brix counterparts rot.
3. Sucking insects seem to find higher brix plants less tasteful even
as higher order animals, like man, find them exceedingly tasty.
4. Animals on high brix pasture are much healthier
*Refractometer Sources*: Brix chart
Pike Agri-Lab Supplies
call them for a catalogue - 1- 866-745-3247
Or inquire of Charlie at, and he'll email more
info. He has Chinese Westovers with quite good optics, a two year
guarantee, and at rock bottom prices. This is his company:
National Industrial Supply
2767 Maricopa Street
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: 310.748.6858
Fax: 310.833.7306
See also
Refractometer sources are listed at the end.
More info on refractometers
*What is needed for growing topnotch produce* - "High Brix levels result
when all plant nutrients are available, in an efficient form, to the soil
microbes which are responsible for rendering nutrients into a form that the
plant can readily use. That translates into a non-labile form of organic
nutrient that is at about 6.2 pH and that efficiently feeds a healthy
colony of the right type of microbes in the soil." John Marler See High
Brix Gardening <>
*To reach their full potential to produce high brix results plants need:*
1. *All essential nutrients
(minerals) - Although trace minerals are needed in very small amounts, they
may be missing from your soil
2. *In a proper balance
- Too much nitrogen or potassium boosts production, but lowers nutritional
3. *With adequate carbon
- to hold water, feed SMO (soil microorganisms) and provide backbone of
organic compounds
4. *And adequate water of good quality*
<> to keep
the SMO and plants happy
5. *In an available form
- SMO & humus hold nutrients in an available form
6. *Throughout the season
- (side dressings, nutrient drenches, and foliars) Soluble fertilizers
applied in the spring may have leached away or been bound up by summer
Guidelines for Fertilizing Organically/Ecologically
- *Basic Info*
- *Carbon* - adequate Carbon sources
are essential - organic matter, compost, organic mulch, humates, etc., and
even broken up clean charcoal (biochar
Humates are produced by the action of soil microbes
on organic matter. Minerals chelated to humic acids are most readily
utilized by plants.
- Cover crops <> -
Excellent way to add carbon and make SMO's happy. Keep bare
soil in cover
crops. Cornell Gardening Resource on cover crops
- Building a compost pile
- Biodynamic Farming & Compost Preparation
<>, by Steve Diver
- Building <>humic
and fulvic acids in your soil
- More on Fulvic acid <>
- Here's an example of some high powered compost plus
- *Proper balance * * of macronutrients* is needed - guided by * soil
tests <>*.
Some organic farmers claim to get good results without relying on soil
tests, but they are most likely blessed with good foundational rock to
start out with. Others will never get high brix results because of
imbalances that are not readily corrected by compost, cover crops, etc.
It's best to start out with a soil test to get a better idea of what is
needed for good mineral balance. Here is a good illustration
<> of why soil
testing & amending is useful (note the difference between the newer plot
and the older, depleted plot). See: Soil Mineral Balancing Using
Standard Soil Test Results
<> adapted from
information from Logan Labs (an Ohio company) - 937-842-6100,
for details on planning appropriate soil amendments
[More Information on Soil Testing
[Sample Soil Test
A complete list of the mineral content of common and uncommon fertilizer
materials <>
compiled by the North Carolina State U Ag. Dept.
- *Calcium* - the major mineral in the soil, essential for proper plant
growth - Calcium Sources
- Calcium/Magnesium balance - should be 7:1
- The C-P-Ca System <>
- pH is reflection of good soil balance and a healthy soil
microorganism (SMO) population
- *Phosphorus (P)* - Phosphates are the carriers that bring other
nutrients from the roots into the plants - P Sources
- Availability of phosphorus is dependant on SMO
- Phosphorus/potassium balance should be 2:1
- Carey Reams on applying phosphate and lime
- *Potassium (K)* is essential for good growth. In excess, with
nitrogen, can produce lush low brix growth, so use caution in applying
Aim for a good P:K balance
- *Nitrogen (N)* -
- Organic sources & SMO's
- Why amino acids are the best source
- *Trace Minerals* - adequate micronutrients are essential, but
needed in small amounts
- More on minerals - Logan Labs on Reading Standard Soil Tests
- Soil Remineralization
(High Brix Gardens <>) More
on remineralization
- Info on trace minerals from
- has much info on trace minerals
- Sources: Rock dusts
fish hydrolysate
sea minerals
- *Soil pH* affects mineral availability. SMO working on soil organic
materials move pH toward the desired 6.1 to 6.2 range for maximum
- Organic fertilizer sources
- *Soil Microorganisms's (SMO's)
<>* -
A healthy complement of soil microorganisms are needed to turn organic
matter into humus
and chelate minerals
into their most available form.
- Role of SMO in nourishing plants
<> - SMO's make
the nutrients in the soil available to the plant as chelated
minerals, and
in return the plants supply energy (sugars) to the SMO's.
- Soil Foodweb Approach <>
see also Soil Foodweb
- Benefits of Compost Tea
- Compost teas
inoculate soil and plants with beneficial SMO's.
- Compost Tea - Promises & Practicalities
- A compost tea maker
<> from
Peaceful Valley
- and from Organic Bountea
- 'Microbe' tea - - a low cost
system for making compost tea.
- A simple home brew
by dowser Harvey Lisle
- Other microorganism sources
- Bug Juice for
encouraging soil/compost microorganisms.
- *Feeding the SMO's*
- Adequate carbon needed for microorganisms - from CO2, compost,
organic matter, root exudates, humus - see The Path to High Brix
Sugar and molasses are also used as quick carbon energy sources for
- Adequate nitrogen needed for microorganisms:
- Fresh manures (in excess may burn plants), worm castings, oil
seed meals, blood meal, feather meal
- Nitrogen is fixed by microbes once they are happily fed
- SMO's need adequate water - mulching with organic matter helps to
conserve soil moisture while providing carbon to SMO's
- SMO's need air/oxygen
- loosen the soil, cultivate if needed, but excessive cultivation is
on the worms and mycorrhizal fungi.
- Mycorrhiza Matter! <>
(Rodale Institute) on how to encourage mycorrhiza in your garden
- SMO's produce good soil structure when minerals and organic matter
are adequate.
- Plant cover crops to add organic matter and nourish the SMO's. When
they start to bloom, chop them up and work them into the soil.
- *Energy factors*
<> involved in
healthy plant growth - from sun, radio waves, paramagnetism, Ormus
<>, terra preta
<> -
new areas to study and consider in raising brix.
*Maintaining growth throughout the season* is important for obtaining high
brix results. It can be done in three ways:
- *Side dressings* are by definition fertilizers that contain a full
complement of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium (See Making Your Own Soil
<> by A.F Beddoe) and
other minerals (such as COF
<>). Side
dressings are scattered lightly around growing plants every three or four
weeks to boost nutrition.
- *Nutrient drenches
<>* are, in
effect, soluble side dressings dissolved in water and used to fertilize
plants throughout the season to support growth. See also Foliar Spray info
- *Foliar Sprays* - Fine-tuning with foliar sprays and nutrient drenches
<> to supply
nutrients in short supply - use Brix testing to evaluate what you are
doing. (See Brix Testing
For insect resistance, maintain a Brix of 12 or higher in the juice of the
leaves of most plants. Test before spraying, and then two hours after
spraying. An increase of 2 points indicates you gave something the plant
needed. (See Andersen
and AgriEnergy Resources
Benefits of Foliar Feeding
Liquid & Foliar products used in raising brix:
- Fish emulsion
or hydrolyzed fish
- Kelp extract - such as Maxicrop
- A good phosphate source, such as fish hydrolysate
The fellow who told me he had such good results with Coca-Cola suggested
pouring 2 each two-liter bottles into a backpack sprayer. He then said to
add a cup of fish emulsion (the kind with seaweed) and fill it to the 3
gallon mark. This gives you sugar (to feed the microbes), phosphoric acid,
fish solids, and seaweed.
- Chelated minerals, such as calcium
with sugar added as an energy source for the soil organisms.
recommends spraying calcium in the evening and other liquid
fertilizers the
next morning.
- Carbohydrate source - sugar, molasses
- Spreader-sticker such as yucca extract
- Additional tools to make fine tuning more precise:
- Conductivity meter
- pH meter
- Explanation of their use
- Commercial sources of foliar sprays for raising brix
- Beddoe
has some interesting formulas for foliar sprays, page 220 in 2004
- See also Liquid Fertilizers
- Other considerations:
- Companion Planting
*Benefits of growing superior crops*
1. Superior nutritional quality of produce
2. Improved health of plants, land, water, producers, consumers
3. Excellent keeping qualities of produce
4. Minimal pest problems
*More on Organic Gardening
<> and
Eco-Farming <>*
The Quest for Nutrient-Dense Food - High-Brix Farming and Gardening
An Interview with Rex Harrill by Suze Fisher
*Help with questions* - Join the BrixTalk Yahoo Group at
*Books* that cover this topic well are hard to find, but these may be
(Another useful list
***Nourishment Home Grown
<>*, by A.F. Beddoe,
DDS, 2004 Edition, Advanced Ideals Institute
This excellent book covers the 'Biological Theory of Ionization,' a phrase
coined by Dr. Carey Reams, and the use of the refractometer to measure
quality of produce (brix). This book will give you much food for thought,
as well as practical gardening info. Includes some helpful tips on growing
fruit trees. This book explains how small, carefully applied chemical
nutrients can enhance the results in an otherwise 'organic' garden.
***The Ideal Soil: A Handbook for the New Agriculture
<>* (an ebook
also hard cover) by Michael Astera - "Discover the
Secrets of Soil Mineral Balance!" See his blog here
***the intelligent gardener
<>, growing
nutrient-dense foods,* by Steve Solomon with Erica Reinheimer. A simplified
way of figuring out soil remineralization to get high brix results. More
info here <>
*Permaculture Media Blog*
- online ebooks on agriculture, including some papers from William A.
Albrecht, the father of soil mineral balancing - see Albrecht Principles
*Super Nutrition Gardening*
by Dr. William S. Peavy & Warren Peary, 1993, covers much basic information
in an easy to understand format, but does not cover compost teas or use of
refractometer. Too much reliance on pH for guidance.
*Secrets to Great Soil*, * A Grower's Guide to Composting, Mulching, and
creating Healthy, Fertile Soil for Your Garden and Lawn*, by Elizabeth
Stell, 1998. Good source of basic information, but beware of chemical
fertilizers mentioned. Does not cover use of refractometer. Minimal info
about compost teas. Beware of instructions for sterilizing soil. Never
sterilize good compost, as the microorganisms in good compost are the best
defense against soil pathogens. I have had little trouble with "damping
off" of young seedlings when my homemade seed starting soil includes good
*The Vegetable Gardener's Bible*, by Edward C. Smith, 2004 This is a lovely
book with decent basic information about gardening, heavy emphasis on
compost and misguided emphasis on correcting pH, rather than supplying the
minerals plants need for good growth. You can create problems if you follow
the directions for correcting pH. The book has an extensive section on
combating pests, which shouldn't be an issue if you have well balanced soil
with plenty of trace minerals, humus, and biological activity. I would not
rely on this book for fertility recommendations. It does have a nice
section on individual vegetables and their requirements, including
companion plantings and rotation considerations.
*Gardening for Maximum Nutrition*, by Jerry Minnich, 1983, inspired the
title of this workshop, but has little information about building excellent
soil, much less the use of a refractometer. There is much information about
the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, but it also contains
misinformation, such as promoting soybeans (which contain many
anti-nutrients and should generally be avoided) and low fat eating (with no
appreciation for the importance of fats in the diet or the excellent
qualities of pasture raised animal products), while equating carotene from
plants with the vitamin A from eggs and butter (the conversion is always
very inefficient, often inadequate, and many people don't make the
conversion at all).
*Four-Season Harvest*, by Elliot Coleman, 1992, has valuable info about
making compost and extending the season of harvest, cold frames, etc, but
little about building excellent soil, much less the use of refractometer.
*Square Foot Gardening*, by Mel Bartholomew, 1981, has useful info about
increasing production in a limited space, and quite a bit about improving
soil quality, but I am wary of his recommendations to use things like
vermiculite, peat moss (compost, leaves, etc. are better), and wood ashes
(easy to apply too much potassium and throw off soil).
*Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
has lots of valuable basic information, but my 1992 edition has nothing
about Brix. X <>
*The Organic Method Primer, Update
by Bargyla & Gylver Rateaver, 1993, a large & expensive resource by the
outspoken professor who taught the "first-in-the-world" course on organic
method in any tax-supported, public institution back in the 1960's,
starting the organic movement in California. This very useful volume does
include the use of brix to evaluate quality.
*Books Aimed at Farmers:*
These books have more in-depth info aimed at farmers. They spend a lot of
time convincing the skeptic, but less time on practical techniques, leaving
the beginner confused and full of questions. Perhaps that is because high
quality soil fertility is a complex subject, which requires a fair amount
of study.
*Science in Agriculture
<>*, by
Dr. Arden B. Andersen, 2000, explains much of the science behind soil
fertility. Chapter 16, Foliar Spray Programming, explains the use of the
refractometer in field trials of foliar sprays. See also Dr. Andersen's blog
<> and Interview of Dr. Andersen
*The Biological Farmer
- A Complete Guide to the Sustainable & Profitable Biological System of
Farming*, by Gary Zimmer, 2000. Aimed at farmers, but well laid out and
easy to understand. Brief coverage of brix testing.
*The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook
by Phil Wheeler has chapters on use of refractometer and foliar sprays, but
the book is aimed at farmers, and the information still left questions in
my mind.
Also The Ideal Soil: A Handbook for the New Agriculture
*Gardening Tips for Organic Vegetable Gardening*
Richard Wiswall's book "The *Organic Farmer's Business Handbook*
- haven't read it but others have recommended it.
*Farms with a Future: Creating and Growing a Sustainable Farm Business
<>*, by
Rebecca Thistlethwaite
Bionutrient Food Association recommended reading list
*Quality Seed Companies - *High quality, organic seeds germinate better and
give better growth.
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
High Mowing Seeds
Territorial Seed Company
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Another list <>
More organic and heirloom seed companies
<> (printable file)
Find the seeds you have been looking for with this search engine:
*Organic Fertilizer Products & Sources *(See "Organic Fertilizers
Another helpful list
- AdzumPlus
- Aerify
(soil conditioner)
- AgriBoost
- Agricola
- AgriEnergy Resources
- Agri-Gro
(Bountiful Harvest)
- Agriculture Solutions
- Amaze
- Azomite
(rock dust)
- *Basic Info
- Bio-Control Network
- Biosol
- Biovam
- Biozome
(archaea inoculant)
- B.L.O.O.M. mixes
- *Calcium Sources
- Calcium-25
(organic calcium source)
- *Carbon Sources*
- Dexter Mill
Ann Arbor)
- Dirt Works
- Downtown Home & Garden
(Ann Arbor)
- EM America
- Fertrell
- Flora-Stim
(rock dust)
- Fungi Perfecti
- Furtilizer
(from rabbit manure)
- *Foliar fertilizers
- *Garden Stores
- Gardens Alive
- Garden IQ
- Global Repair
- High Brix Home
- source of IAL products
- JHBiotech
- International Ag Labs - High Brix Gardens
- Jubilate
- JungleFlora
(liquid COF)
- *Liquid Fertilizers*
- Malcomb Beck
- Maxicrop
(soluble seaweed)
- *Microbe & Mycorrhiza Sources*
- Microbial Infusion
- Neptune's Harvest
(fish/seaweed liquid)
- Nitro/max
- Nitron A-35
enzyme formula
- Nutrapathic
- innoculants
- *Nutrient Drenches*
- OceanSolution
and other sea water fertilizers
- Ohio Earth Food
- Peaceful Valley
- Planter's II
(rock dust)
- *Phosphate Sources*
- Prefect Blend
- Proactive Agriculture
- Progress Earth
(hydroponics, biodynamic, compost tea)
- Progressive Gardens
(hydroponics, organics)
- *Rock dusts
- *Sea Minerals
- *Soil Conditioners
- Soil Secrets
- SumaGrow
- Sustainable Growth Texas
- Tainio Technology
- T & J Enterprises
(microbe tea)
- Titgemeier's
Garden Store (Toledo, Ohio)
- *Trace Minerals*
- UAS of America
*Basic Info*
- Mineralized Soil
- Soil Mineral Balancing
- Some basics at Bionutrient Food Association
- Basics of Soil Analysis <>
(list of reference links)
- Sustainable Soil Management
<> (ATTRA)
- High Brix gardening <>
(Perfect Blend)
- Mineral balancing for the serious gardener
<> -
Steve's Complete Organic Fertilizer
<> -
basic homemade fertilizer to complement compost
More from Steve Solomon
on COF - Steve Solomon's page
Steve Solomon's new book, The Intelligent Gardener
Some basic well-balanced fertilizers
<> (the
simpler way!)
- An old but good article from Mother Earth News Grow Powder
(includes some amendment sources)
*Malcolm Beck*
- Malcolm Beck on Organic Gardening
<> -
The Garden-Ville Method
- Visual signs of nutrient deficiencies
- How To Grow Your Own Mineralized Organic Super Foods In Tanks
- Raising sprouts
- Grow Biointensive <> - John
Jeavon's method Teach Yourself the Basics
- *Progessive Gardens <>* - Organics,
Lots of basic soil and growing info, but it's difficult to get high brix
with pure hydroponics.
- Some ideas on organic hydroponic garden
*Helpful websites*
- Smiling Gardener
- The Invisible Gardener
- High Brix Gardens
- High Nutrition Food - website of Jamil
- Bionutrient Food Association <>
(aimed at growers)
- More at Soil Testing
*Garden Stores*
** **Ohio Earth Foods*, 5488 Swamp St., N.E., Hartville, OH 44632,
** * *Titgemeier's Feed & Garden Store*
701 Western
Toledo, Ohio
** Dexter Mill* (garden fertilizers, supplies)
3515 Central Ave
Dexter MI
(734) 426-4621
** * * Dirt Works * - Earth Friendly Products
** * *Downtown Home and Garden *(has Azomite)
210 South Ashley Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-8122
** *
*AgriEnergy Resources
<> *
*** *Black Lake Organic Optimum Mixes (B.L.O.O.M.TM)
<>** - includes useful info on
numerous organic amendments. Interesting concept - their BLO Membership
** Agricola's 4-8-4* - for nutrient dense crops -
Complete mineral balanced fertilizer
** Fertrell *- organic fertilizers
** **Gardens Alive* from Indiana One of the largest
organic pest control and fertilizer suppliers, with an excellent reputation
for customer service.
** **Garden IQ* (Nitron Industries
** **Peaceful Valley Farm Supply*
** * International Ag Lab - HighBrixGardens
<> - Source of excellent products for
raising brix. Use the "Contact Us" form to find out more. See The Path to
High Brix
IAL Products
See also High Brix Home - retail source
Fertilizer Brokerage <> - Service of IAG
for organic and biological farmers
** Perfect Blend* * Organic Fertilizers*
Perfect Blend is a complete organic fertilizer made from manure
supplemented with essential minerals by a new patented procedure that
preserves all its nutrients. Further Info
Available at Lowe's
** T & J Enterprises* - Affordable Organic Gardening Products
** **Biosol - All-Organic Natural Fertilizer *
** JHBiotech -Biotechnologies for a Safer Future *
** UAS of America, Inc.*
Used and highly recommended by Rex Harrill
** **Proactive Agriculture* <>* - *we
believe that the importance of balance reflects the outcome in agriculture
and in life.
*Calcium Sources* Click here for more sources of calcium
Standard dry sources that are widely available (see phosphate sources
*High calcium lime (~5% magnesium)
Special from IAL - carbonized limestone (TRIO)
- for quicker availability
*Dolomitic lime (too high in magnesium for most gardens - contributes to
sticky soils)
(calcium sulfate) used for soils too high in pH, magnesium, or sodium and
needing sulfur.
*Liquid calcium sources*: Click here for more sources of liquid calcium
** Calcium-25*
*Calcium-25* is a unique crop yield-enhancing product, and is composed of
only naturally-occurring ingredients: calcium and certain amounts of plant
waxes that occur on the leaf surface... (May contain calcium chloride, so
use properly, sparingly)
** * *GSR Calcium*
An Ohio source
**** Baicor Calcium* (chelated) - recommended by Mike Kraidy
See also Bountiful Harvest
*Phosphorus (phosphate) Sources *(high P:K ratio) Phosphate guidelines
Soft rock phosphate
(aka CalPhos <>)
available from Ohio Earth Foods
<>. More info here
Also called colloidal phosphate. The best natural source of phosphorus and
calcium. It is comprised of the bony structures of prehistoric marine
creatures mined in Florida from the best deposit in the country. Not the
same as the hard rock phosphate, sold by most nurseries and farm suppliers,
which is not nutritionally as readily available. Both an immediately
available and a long-term source of phosphorus.
<> is a
potential source for larger quantities of lime and CalPhos - see their Pallet
Program <>
Peruvian Seabird Guano
<> (10-10-2), also
(10-10-2.5) from Ohio Earth Foods
<>, may be available from local
hydroponics supplier
See also Amaze
Fish hydrolysate
*Rock dusts/Trace Minerals *- find local sources:
Remineralize the Earth: Rock Dust Primer
More at (includes link to list of commercial sources
of rock dust) See also Rock Dusts
** * *Minerals and fertilizers* from
** FloraStim *products have their base in naturally occurring marcasite
clay which is mined from a source in Sylverna, Mississippi. This is an
ancient marine deposit that is rich in nutrients and contains billions of
microorganisms per lb of material that can live in a very large PH range.
The products for soil are Flora-Stim, and Vita-Stim (liquid). We suggest a
soil test on the soil that tests for trace minerals. If no test is done
general rule is 300 pounds per acre the first year, 200 pounds the second
year per acre and 100 thereafter per acre. This should be applied on top
(not worked in) of the soil allowing the rain to take it in. If you have a
garden a 50 pound bag will do 5,000 square feet. This is just hand
broadcasted on top. It works down to 28 degrees in temperature. Price on
Flora-Stim $18/50# bag plus shipping. For more info email
Supplier in northwest Pennsylvania:
Richard & Sylvia Darrow
Pure Earth Products
Restora-Life Minerals for soil and animals
19144 Rt. 89
Corry, PA 16407 - 9554
** **Planters II Trace Mineral Fertilizer* or
** **Azomite* <> - a natural source
of minerals and trace elements.
Ann Arbor source
** AdzumPlus* Here's an interesting old
post about AdzumPlus 'How to Improve Top Soil
** Global Repair*
A variety of amendments, including Blacksand, Greenrock & Compost Rock
** Trace Minerals from Peaceful Valley
*Sea Minerals * - How to Improve Topsoil
** ** OceanSolution**TM* ( or is a
concentrated liquid solution that provides essential nutrients from the
deep ocean for healthy seed and plant growth – perfect for farms, orchards,
pastures, hydroponics and home gardens. Two other formulations designed for
foliar sprays and soil remediation are available. Instructions
<> X
** * *Sea-90* , from SeaAgri, Inc ( <>)
, is a full-spectrum mineral fertilizer that delivers 90 plus elements
present in the sea's natural and ideal ratios. Directions
*** *Ocean Trace
Organic Sea Minerals are a dense and powerful liquid nutrient derived 100%
from ocean water and is a great nutrient for crops and farm animals.
** C-Gro* ( ) is an all natural soil amendment extracted
from seawater that contains critical nutrients, presently absent in soils.
A balance of elements in the soil will reduce plant disease, accelerate
plant maturation and increase production.
** Sea-Crop* ( <> - recommended
by Vinny Pinto as the best.
** Sea Water *
Our mission is to restore balance to the plant and animal kingdom by
developing sustainable technologies for food production that maximize the
nutritional content of crops, and thus improve the human condition. *Sea
Water* is dedicated to providing growers with the inputs and methodology
necessary to produce high quality food and juices at affordable prices to
the consumer.
Growing your own wheat grass
<> (and other sprouts), by
Sea Water distributor, Grow Greens (
** **Earth Tonic* -
biodynamically enhanced sea mineral concentrate.
*Liquid Fertilizers *
* (Detailed list of foliar fertilizers
** * *Agriculture Solutions <> - *a
fertilizer company dedicated to helping people raise the mineral density of
their crops through foliar sprays and liquid fertilizers.
*** *Advancing Eco-Agriculture, *4551 Parks West Rd., Middlefield, OH
** **JungleFlora <>* - plant
growth accelerator/soil conditioner - available on Amazon
A good organic product - living, thick, brown liquid that can develop
pressure in bottle, so keep it cool, with cover slightly loose to allow
release of pressure.
** AMAZE - *This is a 5-16-4-5Ca clear liquid foliar fertilizer. The
unique thing about this product is the mixture of Calcium & Phosphorous in
a clear solution.
>From International Ag Labs
** Furtilizer* from Big Ears Rabbit Farm
A source: - click on 'Free Gifts/I am not a scientist'
The Amazing Furtilizer <>TM Story
A bit unusual because the P to K ratio is a desirable 3 to 1
*Maxicrop* Kelp Liquid/powder
** * *Neptune's Harvest Fish Hydrolysate/Seaweed Extract*
Neptune's Harvest -
Neptune's Harvest fish hydrolysate is an all organic, highly nutritional
protein fertilizer, made utilizing naturally occurring enzymes present in
fresh North Atlantic fish. We produce this using a cold process employing
enzymes (natural biological catalysts) which break down fish, or fish
frames (the part left after the fillet is removed for human consumption) to
simpler protein complexes. This process is called Hydrolysis.
No synthetic materials are mixed into the fish hydrolysate, and the only
manipulation the product undergoes is grinding and hydrolysis. This
process yields a stable, non-odorous, liquid fertilizer that is an easy to
use, safe product. The nitrogen in Neptune's Harvest fish fertilizer is
derived from fish protein in the form of amino acids which when added to
the soil, slowly break down into basic nitrogen compounds.
Fish emulsion is made from heated fish waste after protein and oils are
removed. It is an inferior product to fish hydrolysate.
** *Other hydrolysate sources:
** * *Peaceful Valley* <> has a long list of
liquid fertilizers www.groworganic.con - including "Brix Mix"
*Microorganism Sources (Inoculants) - *There are three basic types of soil
microorganisms - bacteria, fungi (mycorrhiza
<>) and archaea
<>. All
three are needed for a healthy soil. Some inoculants contain one type of
microbe, some contain several types of fungi and bacteria. Few contain the
archaea. EM
are tough microbes that thrive in anaerobic situations - good as a primer
in tight soils.
** Micorrhizal Online*
*** *Raw Milk* can be an effective inoculant, as explained in this article
** Bio Organics Mycorrhizal Inoculants *
Especially *MycoMinerals*
<>*TM* * Garden
Fertilizer* <>
also at
Lots of info & products at their Website Bio-Control
Network - Bio-Rational Solutions for an Ever Shrinking Planet.
** Correct Planting Routine(R)* Mycorrhizal inoculant plus aerobic
biologicals, vitamins, minerals, herbs and more - Click on 'Catalogue of Products' - aimed at
lawn and tree care care - professional products include a liquid calcium
and an organic wetting agent that can be helpful. The "Technical Overview"
is on target. "H*ealthy soil is dictated by four dimensions which are
the* *following:
Magnetic Balance, Mineral Balance, Oxygen Circulation and Biological
A Cleveland source
** BioVam*
BioVam website <>
*** * Soil Secrets* - In New Mexico - mycorrhizal inoculants with humic
acids Includes some good basic info on humus.
*** *SumaGrow* <> is an economical,
environmentally-friendly consortium of beneficial soil microbes carried by
liquid humates. Recommended by someone in Texas.
*** *Fungi Perfecti *-
mycorrhizal inoculants, and also edible mushroom kits
** Bountiful Harvest *
Source of liquid Biostimulant, Plant Food, and Super-Cal (liquid calcium).
Info about commercial Bio-Stimulant (Agri-Gro) at
** Microbial Infusion
from Agriculture Solutions <>
*** *Nitro/Max* - liquid designed to increase
natural nitrogen cycle in soil, living dormant culture
** **Nutrapathic Soil Restore <>* - mycorrhizal
*** *Crescendo* <> from IAL
** Progress Earth* - Growing Healthy People, Plants, & Planet! - biodynamic products and hydroponic products
** * *SP-1 *
AgriEnergy Resources
<> - A
blend of microbial products formulated to supply the greatest diversity of
bacteria, fungi, algae, enzymes, carbon substrates, vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients to help support the growth of soil microbial life.
*** *Sustainable Growth Texas *
<> -
Formulated by Steve Diver
who works independently now, their products include biodynamic products.
** Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc*
"We are dedicated to providing you premium agricultural products that are
safe to our environment."
** * *EM America, *now* TeraGanix* - source of *Effective Microorganisms*
Also *SCD Probiotics -* - originally *Efficient
Microbes <> *
Used to make *bokashi* <>
** Biozome* - The Natural Plant Feeder - a source of *archaea
Further comments on Biozome
** **Jubilate *- from
<> - call or email them for more
information. Jubilate contains minerals in rock powders, bacterial and
mycorrhizal inoculants, carbons for biostimulation, and other ingredients
to help plants grow. Archaea are also included.
*Soil Conditioners & * *Carbon Sources (humates) X
Basic carbon sources are compost, organic mulches, etc. See Ramial Wood
Chips <>, also Ramial
Chipped Wood: the Clue to a Sustainable Fertile Soil
These specialized sources maybe helpful. Molasses and sugar are also used
as carbon sources that are quickly available to feed the microbes.
** **AgriBoost* - a combination of ground minerals
with high CEC & water holding capacity, a sandy consistency
** * *Soil Conditioners* (3 types) from Agriculture Solutions
Humic Soil Cleanser
Tillerman's Friend
& Microbial Infusion
** **Aerify* - Liquid Soil Aerator and Clay Loosener
** Nitron A-35 <>*, the "original enzyme
catalyst formula" (a soil conditioner) from GardensIQ
<> or Biocontrol Network:
<> Nitron's website is GardensIQ
Nitron A-35 "activates and releases soil nutrients. Nitron's Formula A-35
is the key to unlocking your soil. A-35 acts as a catalyst and compliments
soils natural enzymes. It activates and releases nutrients in the soil as
well as those added with fertilizer. Nitron's enzyme catalyst will aid in
the release of nutrients and trace elements to plants in any type of soil."
** * *International Ag Labs
**DroughtBuster* a multi-carbon liquid with added humectants
which work to help better manage soil moisture - a new product. See
**RL-37 <>* - Blend of humic acid, liquid
seaweed, & natural plant fatty acids, a detoxification product for soils
with nutrient imbalances, herbicide residues, and toxins produced by
anaerobic conditions. See also for
other foliar products from IAL. Check out their newsletters.
** ** Neptune's Harvest * - liquid humates
SP-85 appears to be an older version of humates from Neptune
** **NTS Fulvic 1400**TM** -* -
interesting info on product in Australia.
*** *Environmental Care & Share* - - ....Organic
Soil Conditioning <>
*** Also at Ohio Earth Foods <>
*** See also Terra Preta
Biochar <>,
NutriCarb <>,
Carbon Farmers of American
*Benefits of Compost Tea*
High quality compost tea provides the microorganisms that take the minerals
in the soil and put them in a form that the plant is best able to use, that
is, chelated with humic acids. The microbes, if properly nourished
turn organic matter into the humic acids
<> that chelate with
the minerals. A good balance of minerals needs to be in the soil for the
microbes and plants to thrive.
High quality compost tea can also provide the minerals needed by the plant
in the chelated form that is easily utilized by the plants. So using it as
a soil drench gets those nutrients to the roots, giving the plant a boost.
Using the compost tea as a foliar puts minerals on the leaves where they
can be utilized, and also protects the plant with a layer of good bacteria.
By using the high quality compost tea regularly you can give the plants a
boost to produce maximum quality (brix). Example of use of compost tea
As an alternative you can buy inoculants
to add the microbes to the soil - 3 basic kinds - archaea
bacteria, and myccorhizal fungi
but you have to be sure to feed the microbes
what they need - organic matter with adequate sugars, protein materials and
minerals, and adequate water. And then mix up drenches or foliars based on
recipes in a book like Beddoe's, Nourishment Home Grown
Or you can buy special formulas such as Jon Frank, at HighBrixGardens
uses - there's a list at - see the order form.
Michael Melendrez, of, has found that adding some
humates (presumably because of their available nutrients) along with the
mycorrhizae jumpstarts the formation of more humic acids from the organic
matter, which boosts fertility and improves tilth of the soil. Worm
castings from your worm bed can be a good source of these humates, as well
as lots of microbial action. (back to SMO's
*The Path to High Brix:*
High Brix crops results when crops have high levels of soil mineral
nutrition along with the transformation and chelating agents of soil acids.
Soil acids are the result of the natural deterioration of organic materials
into a tea. The tea is the material that is then transformed by soil
bacteria and fungi into fulvic and humic acids [*humus*].
The path to high Brix is actually a very simple formula. Build active humic
and fulvic acids in your soil. These are the acids that * chelate*
minerals, including N-P-K, secondary minerals such as CA, MG, S, as well as
trace minerals, and work to provide microbes and plants with the chelated
minerals. Fulvic acid is transcellular - it can feed plants by passing
through the cellular structure of the root system. As the plants accumulate
minerals and nutrition - from the fulvic / humic soil matrix - plants start
to build sugars. They also start reaching towards achieving their genetic
potential. As the plants build mineral content and sugar content, we are
able to read this change with a refractometer. The basis of sugar increase
in a plant is directly related to the nutritional values available to the
plant from the soil in which it grows. Synthetic forms of nutrients are
unable to stick around long enough to provide plants with the slow nutrient
feed that a plant requires to boost mineral and sugar content. Mineral rich
soils are useless to a plant if there is no transfer mechanism - the
transfer mechanism being the weak acids, in the form of fulvic and humic
acids, that chelate the minerals from the soil into a form that is useful
to the plant.
All organic material will, sooner or later, turn into fulvic and humic
acids [finished compost]. There are several factors, including pH and a
homogenous nature that can accelerate the transformation. Other factors,
such as the labile nature of manure, condemns most manure applications to
being very ineffective from an efficiency viewpoint in building fulvic and
humic acids. It takes, for example, 6 to 8 tons of manure per acre to equal
a single ton application of a high efficiency organic fertilizer. Some
folks work high cellulose content mixes into their soil. They are
disappointed that the benefit to their soil does not happen in the year of
application. This is due to bacterial action necessary to break the
cellulose down. [For further elaboration see Producing High Brix Plants
Best regards,
John Marler
Perfect Blend Organics
*Companion Planting*
** *The National Sustainable Ag Info Service
Companion Planting: Basic Concept and Resources
Includes a useful chart of companion plants
** * The Three Sisters
Improving the
Nutritional Quality of Produce
Join our Northwest Ohio High Brix Gardening group
- [permaculture] Gardening for Maximum Nutrition, Lawrence London, 05/19/2015
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