Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 129, Issue 6
- From: Steve Hart <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 129, Issue 6
- Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 06:57:11 +1300
Capitalism and all the diverse subjects that float around this within the
topic of "Invisible Structures" throughout the Permaculture curriculum need
to be vigourously explored as we are beginning to do here in this
discussion. However IMO we need to advance this thinking within our PDCs
and advanced courses to focus on all the societal structures that have
controlled us for centuries. Once we have recognised this we then need to
challenge the validity of them then construct the model to move out of
these shackles and treadmills. Some realisation will certainly help.
Realisation that most if not all societal systems and constructs have been
designed to lock us into an enslaved system where 98% of us are slaves to
the 2%. We need to recognise the myriad of devices that lock us into this.
We need to recognise that governments and all there troops are mere
gangsters that manipulate this machine. So, we need to set up structures
and practices that are outside of all governments and above them by law.
The law we could explore here is known as Common Law. I have mentioned this
a few times in the past. The challenge is to explore and find ways and
methodology to set these systems up rather than rely on what we have been
conditioned to for many generations. One simple example is the registering
of our entities into company structure, trusts, institutes, foundations,
societies etc etc ....these are all constructs that sit inside the
government regimes. We need to move outside these and search what Common
Law can offer us with different layers to protect us and the entities we
form. Mollison spoke of this subject area but it seems no one has yet
evolved this. But, resorted to what the governments lock us into......keep
exploring Rafter and lets see what we can evolve. Steve Hart
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 19:32:25 -0500
> From: rafter sass ferguson <>
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and
> Capitalism
> To: permaculture <>
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Thanks for all the resource lists, everybody!
> Steve, I totally agree. It's one thing to teach about the problems with the
> current systems, or a few alternative models, and it's another to
> teach it *like
> permaculture* - to do the grand synthesis of principles and design that
> marks permaculture so distinctively.
> I teach an evolving permaculture economics unit that I'm pretty psyched
> about... trying to move in the direction of that synthesis, at least! It's
> very influenced by my experience as an instructor (and student) at the
> Financial Permaculture course in Miami this past January.
> I would like to heartily recommend a book called *The Resilience
> Imperative*,
> by Michael Lewis and Pat Conaty. I'm still working my way through it, but
> more than anything I've seen it is provides a road map for the kinds of
> economic institutions we want to create in permaculture. Most of the models
> they talk about have both current successful examples *and* are grounded in
> several centuries of historical development. Despite being just a little
> bit dry in places - it is about economics, after all - it's blowing my
> mind. Check it out - it's worth the work.
> solidarity,
> rafter
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Steve Hart <
> >wrote:
> > Great topic...great debate that needs much more development input and
> > dispersal. IMO we have difficulty moving forward on many of the
> tremendous
> > variety of options available to us through our Permaculture wisdom until
> we
> > fully recognise the treadmill we are locked into by the existing systems.
> > These systems began their design and development in the 14th century by
> the
> > great money changers and usery agents. It has obviously evolved
> > considerably since then to the point of reality that 98% of the world are
> > designed slaves to their system. Our challenge therefore is to escape,
> > breakout and get off that treadmill. We also need to be teaching these
> > strategies in our PDCs and specialist one week follow up courses. Anyone
> > interested ? please let me at least continue the debate ?
> > Steve Hart
> >
> >
- Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 129, Issue 6, Steve Hart, 10/05/2013
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