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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Sustainable Sanitation Workshop, Jan 28th Oakland CA

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Sustainable Sanitation Workshop, Jan 28th Oakland CA
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:13:37 -0500

On 1/23/2012 10:58 AM, Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network wrote:
The Natural Movement: Sustainable Sanitation Workshop with Hamish
Skermer and Nik Bertulis Jan 28

Please Join the PLACE for a day long immersion into the fascinating
world of sustainable sanitation. Renowned Australian environmental
chemist and poo pioneer Hamish Skermer is visiting the Bay for a short
trip and will be presenting his ground nurturing work composting
hundreds of thousands of human "movements" at music festivals and
Haitian refugee camps. Hamish's unique and successful approach to large
scale humanure composting skillfully integrates the relationship between
city hall law, ethical law, moral law and sustainable law.

Hamish will be co-presenting with fecophile and natural systems
innovator, Nik Bertulis. Some of Nik's projects you will learn about
include: urine integrated graywater fertigation, blackwater irrigated
food forests, peepeeponics, poopooponics, struvite reactors, zero
discharge evap wetlands and more.

Fascinating. Thanks for posting this announcement.

Are evaporative wetlands the same or different from constructed wetlands, which can include artificial environments?

I would be interested in hearing any differences between a constructed wetland that utilizes all discharge in impoundments as an endpoint in the process and others that attempts to absorb most of the water in gardens, orchards, cropped areas, edge zones, woodlands, fallow fields, earthworks such as berms and swales, hugelculture mounds, compost piles, shallow absorption fields while allowing evaporation to the atmosphere in transition between systems.

What is a stuvite reactor?

The blackwater irrigated food forest sounds interesting; I wonder how they accomplish that.

What about small farm and homestead-sized methane generators?

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