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Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements
- From: "Bob Waldrop" <>
- To: <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements
- Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 20:02:21 -0500
This is an interesting list and article at the link. The main thing I would add is more attention to the invisible structures. The way most cities and suburbs are constituted these days, a lot on that list would be illegal. Cities and their suburbs are full of traps like the one our Oklahoma City code enforcement just sprang on me which caused me to have to cut down five mature fruit trees, two of which were in full bloom when felled.
One of the biggest invisible structure issues with the suburbs is the mandated single family occupancy neighborhood. In such places, duplexes/triplexes, four-plexes are illegal, as are garage, attic, backyard and basement apartments. In general it is also illegal to operate a business in a suburban neighborhood.
I think that suburbs have a lot of potential, because of the lowered density of the settlement. So there's lots of green space with food production potential, and also room to increase the population density without overpowering the food production capability -- IF the single family occupancy zoning designation is relegated to the dust bin of history. One of the best apartments I ever had was in an old house which had been carved into five small apartments. It was perfect for me at the time, one room with a bath and kitchen attached, complete with a murphy bed that disappeared into the wall during the day.
I've always felt that as we reverse-engineer large cities and their suburbs to be more sustainable, what we end up with is a pattern of regional centers connected with transit options, each regional hub the center of several smaller village hubs, each in turn surrounded by neighborhoods of mixed use and varying density. Overall, the effect is a greater complexification and diversification of a territory.
Bob Waldrop, Oklahoma City
-----Original Message----- From: harry byrne wykman
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 7:32 PM
Subject: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements
Hello Folks,
A while ago I posted here some ideas for suburban permaculture
elements. There were a few suggestions which I added to my list which
I have made available as a link from the link below. In addition to
that file (which is now kind of relegated to 'draft' status) I have
been thinking about how to develop a richer framework for suburban
economy. I would really appreciate people's thoughts.
Suburban Permaculture: towards a pattern language | Perennial Ideas
I would really appreciate people comments, ideas suggestions. I am
also looking for someone to give me some advice on how to actually
depict some of the relationships involved in linking these elements.
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[permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
harry byrne wykman, 05/30/2011
Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
Bob Waldrop, 05/30/2011
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- Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements, Bob Waldrop, 05/31/2011
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Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
Bob Waldrop, 05/30/2011
Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 05/30/2011
Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
harry byrne wykman, 05/31/2011
- Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 05/31/2011
Re: [permaculture] (Sub)urban Permaculture Elements,
harry byrne wykman, 05/31/2011
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