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[permaculture] June 3 & 4/Legal Landscape for Social Enterprise and Sharing Economy/Lecture/Workshop Santa Brbara
- From: Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] June 3 & 4/Legal Landscape for Social Enterprise and Sharing Economy/Lecture/Workshop Santa Brbara
- Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 07:34:45 -0700
NOTE: Lecture Location Fri. June 3 is changed see below
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
The Legal Landscape of Social Enterprise & the Sharing Economy
with Janelle Orsi & Jenny Kassan
Evening Talk, Friday, June 3, 7-9pm 2011
Fe Bland Forum auditorium, SBCC West Campus, 721 Cliff Drive S.B. CA. 93109
Admission $10/$5 students & seniors
"What do you call a lawyer who helps people share, cooperate, barter, foster local economies, and build sustainable communities? That sounds like the beginning of a lawyer joke, but actually, it's the beginning of new field of law practice..." Janelle Orsi
W e all want a more sustainable society, but what are the legal implications and changes needed to move society beyond the ongoing legal/illegal dance of sustainability and the challenges of emerging local economies?
Please join Jenny Kassan & Janelle Orsi from the Sustainable Law Center (SELC) for a stimulating discussion of sharing economies, collaborative consumption, social enterprise, and other intriguing and promising trends affecting our local economies and livelihoods.
Urban agriculture, community-owned enterprises with locally raised capital, local currencies, barter economies, worker-owned cooperatives, intentional communities, car sharing, these are many of the key ingredients in the transition to more sustainable local economies. What are the possibilities, the challenges, and the practical and legal barriers? How might these trends transform our communities and what steps can we all take to catalyze change?
The evening talk takes place on Friday, June 3, 7-9:30pm, at the Fe Bland Forum auditorium, Santa Barbara City College West Campus, 721 Cliff Drive CA. 93109 , Santa Barbara. Donation $10 general/$5 students & seniors; no reservations/pay at the door.
Available at the event, Nolo Press book "The Sharing Solution", co-authored by Janelle Orsi
~Sponsored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Non-Profit~
More information, visit,, (805) 962-2571.
"Legal Strategies for Social Enterprise and Sustainable Economies"
with Jenny Kassan & Janelle Orsi
from the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC)
Workshop, Saturday, June 4, 9am-Noon, 2011
Santa Barbara Recreation Center, 100 E. Carrillo St, Santa Barbara
Admission Limited to 45 attendees
Lawyer 3 MCLE Credits, $125 (early bird $100 by May 27)
General Public $70 (early bird $50 by May 27)
To sign up for the workshop, please go to EventBrite for payment & reservations:
Jenny Kassan and Janelle Orsi, pioneers in the new field of Sustainability Law, invite entrepreneurs, attorneys, and community-members to learn about the possibilities and challenges presented by an economy built around unique enterprise models, including:
social enterprise
cooperative enterprise
community-owned enterprise
community-supported enterprise
enterprise in "private club" contexts
nonprofit/for-profit hybrids
micro-enterprise and "nano-enterprise"
barter/gift economy enterprise
Presenters will showcase innovative organizations and enterprises, and discuss their place in the movement to build sustainable and localized economies. Participants will learn about the new organizational structures designed for social enterprise, and the interactions of social enterprise and nonprofit tax exemption. In addition, the workshop will address the unique legal barriers and grey areas that arise in efforts to build more sustainable economies, including those relating to securities laws, employment laws, tax laws, zoning laws, and consumer protection laws.
Jenny Kassan and Janelle Orsi are co-directors of the <>Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC), which facilitates the growth of more sustainable and localized economies through education, research, and advocacy to support practices such as barter, sharing, cooperatives, urban agriculture, shared housing, local currencies, community-supported enterprises, and local investing. Janelle and Jenny are co-authors of the American Bar Association's forthcoming book, "Sharing Law: Understanding the Legal Landscape of the Sharing Economy".
Jenny Kassan is an attorney and community development consultant, specializing in creative capital raising and socially responsible ventures. She is the Managing Director of <>Katovich <>Law Group, and CEO of <>Cutting Edge Capital. Her legal practice areas include small business start-up and financing, securities regulation, nonprofit law, business agreements, real estate development, franchising, cooperatives, and assessment districts. Jenny earned a masters degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of California at Berkeley and earned her J.D. from Yale Law School.
Janelle Orsi is a "sharing lawyer" in private practice, specializing in helping communities share housing and cars, form cooperatives, launch urban farming initiatives, and form social enterprises. She is co-author of "The Sharing Solution: How to Save Money, Simplify Your Life & Build Community" (Nolo Press 2009). Janelle earned her J.D. from the UC Berkeley School of Law.
The workshop takes place on Saturday, June 4, 9am-Noon, at the Santa Barbara Recreation Center,100 East Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA. Reservations are required, sign up and pay (including by check)on EventBrite:
~Sponsored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Non-Profit~
More information, visit,, (805) 962-2571.
Event Supporters: SB Independent, SBCC Center for Sustainability, SBCC Scheinfeld Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Permaculture Credit Union, Loa Tree, Slow Money Santa Barbara Chapter, Island Seed & Feed, Permaculture Guild of Santa Barbara, Nutiva, Green2Gold, Johnny Sacko, UCSB Sustainability Program, Oasis Design, The Sustainability Project, Owen Dell & Associates,IV Coop, SolFest & the Fund for Santa Barbara.
More Info/Resources:
Sustainable Economies Law Center
Janelle Oris, Lawyer <>
Jenny Kassan, Lawyer
President Cutting Edge Capital
Katovich Law Group
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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Subject: Re: [permaculture] Bio digester percieved dangers
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Hi there guys I have used a biogas digester off and on for years. They use them on poor farms built by undereducated farmers in India and they make there biogas plants out of brick. I had kids and so I dug a pit and placed the tank I used in there. Even with five kids and a neighbor hood full of vandals I never had a problem. Bio gas is very forgiving, but even when the kids fooled with my system I never had any problems. Those kids heard form my kids that I was cooking and heating my water with farts. They opened valves and fooled with every valve they could they ripped off the hoses and pipes to smell the "farts"! and no explosions!They drained my gas tank several times to the air. Finally I called all the kids and parents in the neighbor hood and we had a "class" on the biogas system I had and finally the little turkeys quit screwing around with my biogas tanks I also fenced it off to limit access.
Bio gas is explosive but not as bad as I have heard it was, and if any system should have exploded mine should have ,but it didn't Don't worry about it. Place the storage tank in a pit and fence it off, with chain link. If it does explode the explosion is directed upward .
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Subject: [permaculture] Spanish Translation of a Keyline Classic
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Some of my Spanish Keyline=AE students have produced a translation of
Professor J. MacDonald Holmes classic, 'The Geographic Basis of Keyline' an=
its able to be viewed/downloaded
Darren J. Doherty
2011 RegenAG <http://goog_1946592595>=AE <> Workshop
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Autumn 2011 EU RegenAG=AE Tour with Darren Doherty - Spain, UK, Germany, EU
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- [permaculture] June 3 & 4/Legal Landscape for Social Enterprise and Sharing Economy/Lecture/Workshop Santa Brbara, Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, 05/25/2011
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