Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2
- From: Frances and David Nokes <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2
- Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 09:37:35 -0700
If you scroll down to the second message or use find function: aquaponics
really interesting message about a conference coming up in northern
just picked up on it after mentioning the topic to you.
On 2011-05-02, at 9:01 AM, wrote:
> Send permaculture mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of permaculture digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fwd: [SANET-MG] The Failure of the Genome (Soil Doctor)
> 2. Re: BBC News - New EU regulations on herbal medicines come
> into force (?artin M)
> 3. Aquaponics + Biogas + Green Business = Food & Energy
> Independence (Living Mandala)
> 4. Re: Aquaponics + Biogas + Green Business = Food & Energy
> Independence (
> 5. Re: BBC News - New EU regulations on herbal medicines come
> into force (georg parlow)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 12:45:38 -0500
> From: Soil Doctor <>
> Subject: [permaculture] Fwd: [SANET-MG] The Failure of the Genome
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> The current scientific inventory of genetic material in the human body puts
> the amount of human genetic material at a mere 0.7%. 99.3% is microbial
> and non-human. Metagenomics and metabolomics are popping the top off of
> the interactions between a human host and microbes and showing that in most
> human diseases and processes there is a microbial connection. A couple of
> months ago researchers published a paper showing guy microbes regulated
> human liver function, for one small example. Studying ONLY the human
> genetic material is like looking only at how a door handle is built in
> order to understand how a full house was constructed. I've made a few
> recent posts about the paradigm change occurring in medical sciences
> because there is greater understanding (through metagenomics and
> metabolomics) of human-microbial symbiosis and mutualism. Generally, the
> edge medical science is changing its treatment paradigm from "antibiotic"
> to "probiotic." I wrote about this on my soil blog
> because it mirrors what a lot of us are doing in regenerative
> microbiological agriculture. In case you're interested to hear from the
> researchers here's a couple of posts:
> Doug Weatherbee
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:38:22 -0600
>> From: Toby Hemenway <>
>> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: [SANET-MG] The Failure of the Genome
>> To: permaculture <>
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> This article takes the typical journalist "gotta get a controversial
>> angle" stance and gets a lot of it wrong. For example,
>> "The human genome sequencing project was based on a huge, but calculated,
>> gamble. The then leaders-to-be of the project believed that faulty genes
>> inherited from our parents were probably the cause of most disease."
>> But then they quote the leader of the federal genome project who agrees
>> that there have been no significant cures. And the leader of the private
>> project, Craig Venter, always said it was more for the sake of doing it,
>> to see the patterns that reside in the genome, rather than to find cures.
>> Every geneticist I worked with for years understood that the correlation
>> between any single gene and a disease was going to be very murky. But the
>> power of DNA sequencing tools is immense, and is rewriting botanical
>> taxonomy and evolutionary relationships, among many other things, even if
>> the practical payoff, in terms of products and cures, is never going to
>> amount to much. What we're learning about the patterns of inheritance and
>> evolution is enormous.
>> Toby
>> On Apr 28, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: [SANET-MG] The Failure of the Genome
>>> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 12:40:55 -0400
>>> From: jonathan latham <jrlatham@BIOSCIENCERESOURCE.ORG>
>>> This may look like it's not relevant to you but sustainable farmers,
>>> processors, supporters and researchers need to know about this and
>>> they need their customers, their funders, their friends and their
>>> neighbours to know about it too.
>>> As one of the comments notes, medical genetics got its start from the
>>> tobacco industry, and its second wind from the food and
>>> pharmaceutical industries. They know how to tilt the playing field.
>>> Sustainable farmers now have a chance to tilt it back. Send this to
>>> everyone you know (and every listserv you know).
>>> genetics-twin-studies
>>> sincerely
>>> Jonathan Latham (PhD)
>>> Executive Director
>>> The Bioscience Resource Project
>>> 001-607-319-0290
>>> PO Box 6869
>>> Suite 132, 215 N. Cayuga St.
>>> Ithaca 14851 NY
>>> USA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 15:58:27 -0700 (PDT)
> From: ?artin M <>
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] BBC News - New EU regulations on herbal
> medicines come into force
> To:
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> This is just one of the many ridiculous decisiions of the EU
> administrators, who apparently are living in some strange unearthy
> world. Lets take the case of Bulgaria trying to implement these
> regulations - it is so obvious that this is impossible - just take a
> walk through a market in rural Bulgaria and some could get a better
> idea about Brussels being out of sync with the reality , or maybe they
> want us to live in theyr artificial reality or even worst - they want
> to design the setting for total imprisonment of all of us who want to
> live a real self- reliant, healthy and peaceful life. On the weekly
> markets in rural Bulgaria ( part of the EU since 2007) farmers are
> selling milk and home made cheese, vegetable plants for gardening,
> dairy products ( goat , shep and cows cheese ) herbs and life animals
> ( chicken and pigs are regulars at the semi-legal market places) the
> local govermment officers are tolerant to this practise and have
> understanding. How the EU will try to kill this lively poor people's
> options to feed and heal themselfs? they tryied to made us stop
> smoking - didnt work , they tryied to make us stop making (moonshine)
> liquour and it didnt work. now they try to kill the habit of having
> herbal teas ??? law should follow the logic of life , not the logic of
> anonymous interests!
> I think that such discrepancies would lower the popularity of the
> project , called European Union.
> And then we will see a fast movemnt towards self- reliant existance
> with no respect to any Brussels born order.
> Martin M
> On Apr 30, 7:19?am, "Lawrence F. London, Jr."
> <> wrote:
>> What many have feared appears to be happening. Now, what kind of pitiful
>> lamer politico/corporate sycophant weenie does it take to ban echinacea?
>> TCM and Ayurveda too? Really pitiful creepy jerks. I hope they don't try
>> this in the USA.
>> Do not wait, the time is now to prepare for a self sufficient,
>> independent and self reliant lifestyle. Grow your own medicinal herbs
>> and food crops. Have at least a year's supply of homegrown foods on hand
>> at all times.
>> <>
>> BBC News - New EU regulations on herbal medicines come into
>> force
>> 29 April 2011 Last updated at 19:44 ET
>> By Dominic Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News
>> New European Union rules come into force today banning hundreds of
>> traditional herbal remedies.
>> The EU law aims to protect consumers from possible damaging side-effects
>> of over-the-counter herbal medicines.
>> For the first time, new regulations will allow only long-established and
>> quality-controlled medicines to be sold.
>> But both herbal remedy practitioners and manufacturers fear they could
>> be forced out of business.
>> To date, the industry has been covered by the 1968 Medicines Act, drawn
>> up when only a handful of herbal remedies were available and the number
>> of herbal practitioners was very small.
>> But surveys show that around a quarter of all adults in the UK have used
>> a herbal medicine in the past two years, mostly bought over the counter
>> in health food shops and pharmacies.
>> The regulations will cover widely used products such as echinacea, St
>> John's Wort and valerian, as well as traditional Chinese and Indian
>> medicines.
>> Traditional Herbal Remedy logo Herbal remedies that have been approved
>> for sale under the new regulations will come with this logo
>> But safety concerns have focused on the powerful effects of some herbal
>> remedies, as well as the way they interact with conventional drugs.
>> For example, St John's Wort can interfere with the contraceptive pill,
>> while ginkgo and ginseng are known to have a similar effect to the
>> blood-thinning drug warfarin.
>> ?From now on only products that have been assessed by the Medicine and
>> Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) will be allowed to go on sale.
>> Manufacturers will have to prove that their products have been made to
>> strict standards and contain a consistent and clearly marked dose.
>> And to count as a traditional medicine, products must have been in use
>> for the past 30 years, including 15 years within the EU.
>> They will also only be approved for minor ailments like coughs and
>> colds, muscular aches and pains, or sleep problems.
>> Remedies already on sale will be allowed to stay on the shelves until
>> they reach their expiry date.
>> Free from contamination
>> Richard Woodfield, head of herbal medicine policy at the MHRA, says so
>> far there have been 211 applications, of which 105 have been granted
>> registration.
>> Continue reading the main story
>> ?Start Quote
>> ? ? ?We're very concerned that patients appreciate they must be very
>> careful when they take these medicines and ideally should talk to their
>> doctor or pharmacist?
>> Prof Jayne Lawrence Royal Pharmaceutical Society
>> "Crucially, this EU directive and the registration scheme puts consumers
>> in the driving seat so they can identify that a product meets assured
>> standards on safety, quality and information about safe use.
>> "Safety speaks for itself, but quality means, are they using the right
>> part of the plant? Is it free from contamination? Is the claimed shelf
>> life suitable?
>> "Product information will include possible side effects and interactions
>> with other drugs, but above all it must make very clear that it is based
>> on traditional use."
>> And that is a key point for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, which
>> believes the new regime is a step forward in improving safety and quality.
>> But Prof Jayne Lawrence, chief science adviser to the society, says
>> there are still some concerns about herbal products.
>> "They certainly haven't been tested on the same basis as a conventional
>> medicine and some of these compounds are very potent.
>> "Patients might not realise that in some cases they should not take
>> other medicines with them, or if they're going for surgery they should
>> tell their doctors they are taking these particular medicines because
>> there may be complications.
>> "So we're very concerned that patients appreciate they must be very
>> careful when they take these medicines and, ideally, should talk to
>> their doctor or pharmacist."
>> The manufacturers of herbal remedies have had seven years to prepare for
>> the new rules after the European Directive on Traditional Herbal
>> Medicinal Products was introduced in 2004.
>> Too onerous?
>> These regulations apply to over-the-counter sales, which form the bulk
>> of herbal remedies sold in the UK.
>> But some manufacturers and herbal practitioners have expressed concern,
>> arguing the new rules are too onerous for many small producers.
>> Michael McIntyre, chairman of the European Herbal and Traditional
>> Medicines Practitioners Association, says there will be a significant
>> impact on herbal medicine practitioners and their suppliers, but admits
>> the rules do need bringing up to date.
>> "Products that go on the market now will definitely do what it says on
>> the bottle, while we didn't know how good they were in the past.
>> "But registration is expensive so perhaps there may be fewer products on
>> the market and a smaller range.
>> "It's difficult to argue that the market should stay as it is, without
>> any regulation, but how many businesses will pack up and walk away? I
>> can't say."
>> _______________________________________________
>> permaculture mailing list
>> Subscribe, unsubscribe, change your user configuration or find out more
>> about this list here:
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>> and
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:56:14 -0700
> From: Living Mandala <>
> Subject: [permaculture] Aquaponics + Biogas + Green Business = Food &
> Energy Independence
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed;
> delsp=yes
> Dear Friend,
> Living Mandala and NorCal Aquaponics are excited for their second
> training on cutting-edge solutions for food and energy independence
> amidst shifting climates and environment stress.
> May 21-22, 2011
> Ukiah, California
> Aquaponics combines Aquaculture with Hydroponics creating one of the
> most sustainable and productive food systems on the planet.
> This training is one of a few Commercial Aquaponics Courses available.
> What makes this training especially unique as it will also include
> business coaching as well as permaculture practices focused on closing
> loops & creating an even more sustainable, dynamic, & regenerative
> system.
> And this time we are adding the additional component of Biogas!
> At a time of global climate change, depletion of resources, pollution
> of water, huge losses of top soil worldwide, and other threats to the
> future of our food supply, there has never been a more important time
> to learn about Aquaponics & Biogas.
> The green market potential for Aquaponics & Biogas are huge and
> growing fast! Get in on the solutionary action early by attending this
> course.
> We are offering special discounts to this unique training to the
> permaculture community, affiliate organizations, and PDC grads.
> More info below.
> -The Living Mandala Team
> May 21-22, 2011
> Ukiah, California
> For More Information Click Here
> Aquaponics Facts
> Aquaponics uses up to 90% less water than conventional farming does
> Aquaponics is energy efficient: It requires up to 1/3 of the energy
> other farming systems use.
> Aquaponics can have up to 8 to 10 times more vegetable production in
> the same amount of time and area than conventional gardens or farms.
> Labor can be reduced as much as 40%, while useful byproducts are
> created that can be used to farm other crops, trees, soil, water, and
> energy.
> A permaculture inspired system produces all of the systems needs
> (water, energy, fish feed, heat, etc.) on-site
> Products of the system include: solar electricity, heat, fish, prawns,
> vegetables, aquatic plants, algae, snails, worms, fertilizer, even
> methane gas.
> Course Description
> Aquaponics is one of the most sustainable and productive farming
> systems in the world. It combines Aquaculture and Hydroponics to
> create a truly self-sufficient closed loop system that uses only a
> fraction of the water, labor, energy, etc. that other methods use.
> Combining Permaculture Design with Aquaponics creates an even more
> sustainable, dynamic, productive & regenerative system. In this
> intensive training you will learn some of the most cutting edge
> pioneering aquaponics systems and gain a solid foundation from which
> to create your own Aquaponics System, Farm & thriving Green Business.
> Permaculture & Aquaponics
> Permaculture and Aquaponics focuses truly sustainable closed-loop
> systems are created that provide all the needs for the system with in
> the system itself. Max Meyer's focus is on aquapionics systems that
> that produce virtually all of the system?s needs (water, energy, fish,
> feed, heat, gas, etc.) onsite! Products of the Meyers systems include;
> Solar electricity, Solar heated air, Solar heated water, fish, prawns,
> vegetables, fruit, aquatic plants, algae, minnows, snails, worms, dry
> and liquid fertilizers, even methane gas!
> Biogas Digester Workshop
> Biogas is a naturally produced fuel, capable of powering stoves,
> lights, refrigerators, and anything that natural gas or propane can
> power.
> In this workshop you will get complete information about how to
> understand, successfully make and properly use biogas (Day 1), as well
> as how to make simple, effective, low?cost digesters. You will learn a
> good deal about the tools and techniques required to build fairly
> large as well as smaller digesters (Day 2). Everyone who attends the
> first day of class will get a copy of The Complete Biogas Handbook
> (which offers a much-praised view of everything concerning biogas).
> Those who attend the second day will get a CD with a heap of wonderful
> information, including more than 2 megabytes of information about how
> to build all kinds of biogas digesters.
> The first twenty who attend both days will leave with their own small
> Biogas Digester!
> Instructors:
> Max Meyers, David William House, Chris Byrne, and Special Guests
> Tuition: Special Discounts for Affiliates & Permaculture Design Course
> Grads
> Regular tuition for the Commercial Aquaponics Course course is $1250.
> We are offering a special discount of $800 to permaculture design
> course graduates and affiliated organizations.
> To Register for the PDC Grad Discount Click Here.
> Cross-Pollinator Affiliate Program
> We invite you to help us spread the word about this important course
> and green business opportunity; and in turn, we will help to support
> your work in the world by offering 10% commissions on referrals (or
> credit towards a future course) for each person who signs up and pays
> for a class through your customized affiliate link. To participate,
> click the link below.
> CLICK HERE - Commercial Aquaponics Course
> $10% per referral
> For questions & more information about the Cross-Pollinator Affiliate
> Ambassador Program email:
> Thank you for helping to strengthen our network and further empower
> regenerative educational initiatives on the planet.
> More Information
> e-mail:
> phone: (707) 634-1461
> website:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 11:07:40 +0100 (BST)
> From: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Aquaponics + Biogas + Green Business =
> Food & Energy Independence
> To: permaculture <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> --- On Sat, 4/30/11, Living Mandala <> wrote:
>> Aquaponics combines Aquaculture with Hydroponics creating
>> one of the?
>> most sustainable and productive food systems on the
>> planet.
> Just out of interest, if aquaponics is one of the most sustainable and
> productive food systems on the planet (which I certainly cannot disagree
> with), what are the other contenders?
> Chris
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 12:12:08 +0200
> From: georg parlow <>
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] BBC News - New EU regulations on herbal
> medicines come into force
> To: permaculture <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes
>> law should follow the logic of life , not the logic of
>> anonymous interests!
>> I think that such discrepancies would lower the popularity of the
>> project , called European Union.
> YES! I am looking forward to the unravelling of this artifical
> monstrosity ever since they stuffed it down our throats.
> Mit freundlichen Gr??en,
> Georg Parlow
> ************
> 1230 Wien, Wohnpark Alterlaa B1/013
> +43-650-8899345
> ------------------------------
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> permaculture mailing list
> Subscribe, unsubscribe, change your user configuration or find out more
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> End of permaculture Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2
> ********************************************
- Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2, Frances and David Nokes, 05/02/2011
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