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permaculture - [permaculture] Third Annual Bug Fest

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  • From: Marjory <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Third Annual Bug Fest
  • Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 09:00:59 -0500

It is that time of year again! Yup, the third annual Bug Festival -

The JuneBugfest
Saturday June 12, 7:00pm at Marjorie + Dave's Barn (45 miles south east of Austin)

Bring the kids! Bring yourself!
But leave everything you've been taught about good table manners at home.
We're gonna eat bugs!
Entomophogy…The worldwide practice of eating insects (and spiders)
Big fat juicy ones, wee little skinny ones, we're all gonna eat bugs.

Why not do it in a fun and friendly environment - you never know when you might really need it....

Allen Davisson will be visiting us again to create another amazing evening that you and your kids will be remember for the rest of your lives. If you have a camera, bring it! We will be preparing tasty treats of grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, katydids, bees, wasps, wormy things and if we're lucky, a scorpion or two.

This will be a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bugs to share) party so start catching them early so we have lots! They can be stored in a bag in the freezer until the 12th but get an early start so we have a swarm.

This will also be a 'normal' potluck so bring a dish of ordinary food to share. Bring a dish large enough to feed 8 hungry people.

June Bugs are out now around the lights at night…. bag lots of them + freeze em.
Grasshoppers, crickets, katydids... keep them alive overnight so they get a chance to "purge" then freeze em.
Wasp nests… into a jar with the whole nest... NOTHING will be wasted.
Wolf Spiders… put on a headlamp and their eyes glow like green laser emeralds at night. They taste like chicken but they'll eat each other so keep em separate.
Grubs…new on our menu this year… not for the faint.
Mealworms…. Usually from the pet store but we wouldn’t want to miss em!
Scorpians - yum, yum, the best of the flavors - bring as many as you can. They show up yellow at night under a black light.

-$5 for big people
-Kids free.
-No adults.

Call Allen at 512 272 8700 or 512 968 0672 if you have any questions about your bugs. Call Marjory at 830 839 4077, or contact us through if you need directions.

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