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permaculture - [permaculture] Possible news coverage for the permaculture fascist raids

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  • From: "Nicholas Roberts" <>
  • To:, "permacultue discussion list" <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Possible news coverage for the permaculture fascist raids
  • Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 09:02:04 +1100


can I suggest that there are some possible news organisations that would
cover these anti-permaculture nazi-style food raids

I'd suggest that, someone *if need be, me* close to or knowledgable about
the series of events get together a story synopsis something like this,
write-up a few hundred words, put it on a free blog, and contact the news
agencies below... I'd also publish every single email or contact you have
with mainstream media, and if they ignore you, put that on the public

story ideas:
christian rural coops terrorised by state, corporate lobbyists suspected
threat of good example too much for agro business friendly government agents
anti-terrorism tyle raids on organic growers, suspected links to agrobuiness
friendly government agencies and politicans
will organic farming and local food be made illegal ?
third-world style state sponosred terrorism in rural Ohio (or wherever)
the violence of the Green Revolution, agrobusiness sponsored state terrorism

desiscription of story

organic, and permaculture farmers, including Christian and conservative
rural food cooperatiives, a Hamish *??* grower, have been terrorised by
heavy-handed raids, and entrapments over the last 6 months.

community members fear that this may be the beiggining of an escalation of a
larger wave of state-sponsored domestic terrorism against local organic and
community food growers.

the growers are using organic and permaculture techniques, which are widely
popular in Europe, and many scientifists belive organic farming to be one of
the solutions to food security and the problems of global warming.

a local activist, who? believes that large corporate agribuiness are behind
the raids, as the model of locally grown community supported organic
agriculture is directly opposite to the industrial agricultural model
promoted by agro-chemical giants... etc etc

I'd also link it to the idea of local resistance to corporate tyranny, say
the workers that recently occupied the factory... they

at a time when local, organic, community supported agriculture is most
needed due to the converging crisis of food security, peak oil, global
warming, financial and economic crisis... state agencies, with the probable
encouragement and facilitation from agro-business multinational
corporations, lobbyists and corrupted politicians are terrorising these
ecologically, economically and sociallly sustainable farmers

its like Nazi germany or the state-sponsored terrorism in the third world...
but in the rural, Christian hearltand of America


are there local experts in food security ?
local organic activists ?
outspoken critics ?
academics ?
politicians ?
corporate watch groups ?
Friends of the Earth or other Food Security anti-globalisation types ?

set-up a single, centralised blog, or find one and use it...

possible places where this story might be picked-up... xmas is a very slow
news time and they might run with something like this

Christian Science Monitor
The Real News
Democracy Now
The American News Project
Naomi Klein

allied organisations, potential advocates ?
Ralph Nader team

reach out to the anti-corporate, anti-Monanto activists

4-6 raids
phone number
paragraph describing event
agencies involved
several references

Nicholas Roberts
[im] skype:niccolor

  • [permaculture] Possible news coverage for the permaculture fascist raids, Nicholas Roberts, 12/20/2008

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