Subject: permaculture
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- From: Keith Morris <>
- To:,, PC listserve <>
- Subject: [permaculture] No link! (Book Order)
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:31:52 -0800 (PST)
Hello everyone,
Apologies to anyone who wanted to follow the link!
Its a ridiculously long link, so I embedded it in text- I guess for some
reason this format doesn't come through the Ibiblio list serve.
Anyway, since you asked, here it is (for real- I hope!)
Enjoying the snow,
Keith Morris
Prospect Rock Permaculture
(802) 734.1129
PO Box 426
Jeffersonville, VT 05464
"If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable."
-Murray Bookchin (1921-2006)
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Subject: [permaculture] Global researchers say: Organic Farming May Be the
Best Route to Global Food Security
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SANET-MG Archives -- December 2008 (#28)
Subject: Global researchers say: Organic Farming May Be the Best Route to
Global Food Security
From: "Bowman, Greg" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group <[log in to
unmask]>, Bowman, Greg
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:07:02 -0500
New research review from Rodale Institute: Organic Farming May Be the
Best Route to Global Food Security
(details below)
Companion piece: "Feeding the World Organically," the featured story in
our most recent website story/news/research update at
Bonus: Image-rich slideshow of organic factoids generated for the recent
Ripe for Revolution event with The Organic Center
Good food for all,
Greg Bowman [log in to unmask]
Organic Farming May Be the Best Route to Global Food Security
Methods proven worldwide can sustain farmer profits,
address hunger and malnutrition and restore ecological health
KUTZTOWN, PA: To best feed the world, a growing number of researchers,
development experts, farming groups and environmentalists are calling
for new emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices that make a sharp
break from current policies.
A newly released Rodale Institute research paper reviewing replicated
research shows that the latest scientific approaches in organic
agriculture offer affordable, immediately usable and universally
accessible ways to improve yields and access to nutritional food in
developing countries. "The Organic Green Revolution" paper is available
online <> .
A recent report cited in the paper from the UN Environmental Programme
(UNEP) noted that not only can organic agriculture feed the world but it
may be the only way we can solve the growing problem of hunger in
developing countries. UNEP states that its extensive study "challenges
the popular myth that organic agriculture cannot increase agricultural
productivity." In an analysis of 114 farming projects in 24 African
countries, the UNEP reported that organic or near-organic practices
resulted in a yield increase of more than 100 percent.
An Organic Green Revolution, using integrated farming practices such as
cover crops, organic no-till and composting, not only substantially
improves yields but it also protects and restores soil and environmental
"Yield data just by itself makes the case for a focused and persistent
move to organic farming systems," explains Dr. Tim LaSalle, co-author of
the report and CEO of the Rodale Institute, a 60-year-old research and
education nonprofit. "When we also consider that organic systems are
building the health of the soil, sequestering CO2, cleaning up the
waterways, and returning more economic yield to the farmer, the argument
for an Organic Green Revolution becomes overwhelming. Since these
methods build the soil they also increase drought and flood resistance
as well as adaptability to climate change," LaSalle added.
The term "Green Revolution" took hold in the 1960s to describe the
combination of fertilizer, hybrid varieties and pesticides applied to
single-crop fields to achieve maximum yield. Yet "the so-called Green
Revolution was anything but green," says LaSalle. "Initial production
benefits have declined and societal costs increased. A paradigm shift,
rather than incremental change, is therefore needed in the way we grow,
buy and eat our food. The Organic Green Revolution provides that needed
A number of independent research studies shows that the
commodity-oriented Green Revolution has not, and cannot, feed the world
sustainably, the paper reports. Some 923 million people are seriously
undernourished, 25,000 people die each day from starvation.
The Rodale Institute paper cites a major 2008 study which assessed
results from 286 farms in 57 countries, finding that small farmers
increased their crop yields by an average of 79 percent by using
environmentally sustainable techniques, including organic farming and
crop rotation. Organically managed soils have more physical soil
structure, preventing erosion; more permeability, for healthier
microorganism growth; and more availability of nutrients, which are
vital for crop productivity.
Furthermore, these soils sequester carbon in soil from carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere, making organic farming the most available strategy to
fight global warming.
The data and analyses compiled in the "Organic Green Revolution" report
make a compelling case that organic agricultural practices are
established, commercially successful and applicable at any scale of
operation as shown by farmers across the United States - from family
market farms to commercial operations of thousands of acres.
Regenerative organic techniques can adapt to virtually any location,
make best use of local inputs, and creatively transform carbon-based
waste streams into valuable products.
Updating government agricultural policy that currently perpetuates
unsustainable practices to a strategy appropriate to these times by
providing incentives for ecological restoration could include paying
farmers and other land managers for the soil carbon they store rather
than the volume of commodities that they produce.
"The Organic Green Revolution" is online at
The Rodale Institute
Greg Bowman
Communications manager
611 Siegfriedale Road, Kutztown PA 19530
610.683.1470 fax 610.683.8548
[permaculture] No link! (Book Order),
Keith Morris, 12/10/2008
- Re: [permaculture] No link! (Book Order), nepal, 12/11/2008
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