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permaculture - [permaculture] Friday, May 30 , Sustainable World Radio with Peter Bane Publisher Permaculture Activist Magazine KCSB 91.9FM PST, 9-10am streaming live

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network <>
  • To:,,, east Bay Permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Friday, May 30 , Sustainable World Radio with Peter Bane Publisher Permaculture Activist Magazine KCSB 91.9FM PST, 9-10am streaming live
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 00:48:10 -0700

Sustainable World Radio: Friday mornings at 9:00-10:00 am PST on KCSB 91.9 FM in Santa Barbara, California and streaming live on Also found on, or later in the week...

Join Jill Cloutier of Sustainable World Radio Fri. May 30 , 9am , interview with Peter Bane publisher of the Permaculture Activist Magazine, Permaculture Teacher, Writer and Designer.
He was awarded in 2005 the Diploma of Permaculture Design in Media and Communication, Teaching, Community Development, and Trusteeship at the 2005 7th International Permaculture Convergence in Croatia for 15 years of Permaculture Work and Design.
Also joining the interview will be Wesley Roe of Santa Barbara Permaculture Network


Peter Bane is the publisher of Permaculture Activist Magazine, the longest running journal in the permaculture world.(23 years). The PC Activist publishes a magazine 4 times a year , sells permaculture books and videos, shares articles on Pc and has an amazing World Permaculture Directory listing PC teachers, groups/guilds, associations and Institutes. for the PC community. (thanks to webmaster Keith Johnson)

In 1994 Peter Bane with a group of 12 founding members bought 320 acres of wet mountain valleys SE of Asheville in 1994 to create Earthhaven Ecovillage (Permaculture Designed) and saw its membership grow rapidly from 12 to 30, then more slowly toward the 65 or so members it has today.
In 1997 he created a non profit Cultural Edge to teach Permaculture and Natural Building Courses.
More than 40 buildings have been put up in 13 years, including a meeting hall, two barns, and a social club, cabins, co-housing blocks, and single-family homes. Most of these buildings are innovative in various aspects of natural building, and of course, the entire community is still off-grid. It continues to develop along lines of energy and material self-reliance. Agriculture has begun to develop over the past three years.

In 2004 Peter served on the site committee for 9th Continental Bioregional Congress , which was held at Earthaven to great acclaim in July of that year. Over 230 persons attended from all over the Hemisphere bringing together the North
American Bioregional movement with Ecovillage and Permaculture movements

In 2006 , Peter Bane and his partner Keith Johnson (Permaculture Teacher and Designer) left Earthaven Ecovillage and relocated to Bloomington, Indiana where they are creating a suburban mini-farm. Peter is a consultant to Indiana University and Vice-President of the Association for Regenerative Culture. .
Also working with the Community Solution in Yellow Springs, Ohio, Peter made significant connections to the national
community of Peak Oil activists with the result that he now find myself on the City of Bloomington Peak Oil Task Force advising municipal government on the issues of Energy Descent.


Teaching for Change
by Peter Bane

Following a trail of slightly mysterious clues, I found my way into a Permaculture Design Course some thirteen years ago, in January of 1990. Emerging on the other side a rainy fortnight later, I felt a bit like Alice after she disappeared down the rabbit hole: nothing was quite the same as it had been before. Or perhaps it was, only more so. Whatever words I put to it now, my life had changed: There was no going back.

That heady combination of camaraderie, intellectual stimulation, intimacy, and holistic learning provided a peak experience, one I can still summon vividly to mind.

But what had changed?

On the surface and in short order, everything: job, career, relationships, residence, studies, daily activities, associations, friendships. What had changed fundamentally was my view of the world and my relation to it. As my core values had at last been linked with a coherent means of expression, all the outer forms of my life underwent an upheaval. I had found a way to live responsibly on earth, learned to see through present problems toward future solutions, and I think most importantly, discovered that there was important work to be done and that I could do some of it. The power of making these discoveries in the company of others similarly “turned on” was profound and long-lasting. Why should any of this matter? Of course, the turmoil and transformation were exciting and full of personal meaning, but the changes I embraced in my own life have, I believe, made a positive impact on society.

Moreover­and this is why I write­this personal experience of change offers some insight about the process itself. And the process of personal empowerment and transformation, engendered as I suggest by taking the Permaculture Design Course, lends credence to the strategy of teaching as a vehicle for progressive social change.

It would be foolish to imagine that my calling is the only way good work can come about in the world. Certainly permaculture is not the only answer to the world’s woes. But it does have a role to play. And those of us who carry this gift need to remember the value of sharing it.

.... article continues at

  • [permaculture] Friday, May 30 , Sustainable World Radio with Peter Bane Publisher Permaculture Activist Magazine KCSB 91.9FM PST, 9-10am streaming live, Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, 05/29/2008

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