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Re: [permaculture] Better Woodstove Heat Distribution
- From: "Ossi Kakko" <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Better Woodstove Heat Distribution
- Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:19:19 +0200 (EET)
Hi -
I've been documenting some of these issues in Finland and a man called Leo
Järvenpää constructed his single floor house with wood burning fireplace
distributing heat more uniformly into bedrooms through 7 cm tall holes in
top of the wall, near ceiling - from which the warm air can penetrate into
the bedrooms and as it gets cooler there it can circulate back to main
room from 5 cm empty space below the bedroom doors - to be heated up again
by the fireplace. Leo, who built that house (it's straw and
clay-insulated) said that only during the most freezing winter days he
needs additional heating in the bedrooms (and with that he meant -20
celsius degrees or something).
You can see that at: if you wish - it will be
removed soon, but I have more than 4 edited hours of such stuff under work
now and plan to publish that as a videodatabase asap (but currently
without budget), so if you now people with similar projects I would be
happy to contact them as well as I think that would be practical way to
share practices through different climatic conditions.
So that's one suggestion, hope it helps !
Ossi Kakko,
Katajamaki community /
Signs of Life co-operative
> Hi -
> I've got a newfangled high-efficiency wood burning fireplace insert,
> which heats our main living area nicely, but the back bedrooms and
> other extremities of the house remain pretty frigid most of the winter.
> I'd like to rig up some kind of ducting system to distribute heat more
> uniformly, but I'm not quite sure where to start. I'm familiar with
> thermo-siphon systems used to assist hot water heaters in winter. My
> challenge is that it's a single level home, so I don't have the
> benefit of much elevation gain to assist a convection cycle. If I
> ducted the heat off of the back of the flue, would I be able to place
> vents on the floor of the back rooms? Would the vents need to be
> higher than the heat source? Say if I put them midway up the wall,
> higher than the heat source, would they vent heat properly even if the
> ducts have to dive under the floor after getting their heat at the flue?
> Does anyone have any experience with this? I guess I could use a
> blower, if necessary, but I'd like it to be passive.
> Thanks for your suggestions,
> Zack
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[permaculture] Better Woodstove Heat Distribution,
zack, 02/15/2008
- Re: [permaculture] Better Woodstove Heat Distribution, Robyn Francis, 02/16/2008
- Re: [permaculture] Better Woodstove Heat Distribution, Ossi Kakko, 02/16/2008
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