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permaculture - [permaculture] - Food giant bows to hedgehog - Aug 31, 2006

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] - Food giant bows to hedgehog - Aug 31, 2006
  • Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 02:59:25 -0400

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Food giant bows to hedgehog
POSTED: 8:33 p.m. EDT, August 31, 2006
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LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Hedgehogs have finally humbled burger giant McDonald's after years of campaigning, forcing the company to redesign its killer McFlurry ice-cream containers.

Up to now the opening in the container has been large enough for hedgehogs to get their heads into for a lick of the left-over dessert -- a trap they have then been unable to withdraw from, so dying of starvation in untold numbers.

But from September 1, the wide-mouthed opening in the lid of the McFlurry containers will be reduced in size, making them too small for the sugar-loving animals to get their heads into.

"This is excellent, it is long overdue news," said Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. "We have been in touch with McDonald's about this problem for over five years and are delighted that they have at last solved the problem."

McDonald's said in a statement the design change had resulted from pressure from the society, which prompted "significant research and design testing" to develop new packaging.

"The smaller aperture of the lid has been designed to prevent hedgehogs from entering the McFlurry container in the unfortunate incidence that a lid is littered and is then accessible to wildlife," it added.

Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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