Subject: permaculture
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- From: Keith Johnson <>
- To: Permaculture ibiblio <>, openpermaculture <>
- Subject: [permaculture] Indiana toxic bomb
- Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 00:39:38 -0400
The 700 ton bomb proposed to be detonated in Indiana will release "two tons of cyanide compounds, 25 tons of particulates, a ton of hexachloroethane, a ton each of tetrachloroethylene and tetrachloromethane, a ton and a half of phosgene, nearly a ton of sulfur dioxide, more than 31 tons of carbon monoxide, seven tons of nitrogen oxides, nearly two tons of chloroform, and many other noxious compounds."
Keith Johnson
Permaculture Activist Magazine
PO Box 5516
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 335-0383
also Patterns for Abundance Design & Consulting
- [permaculture] Indiana toxic bomb, Keith Johnson, 08/27/2006
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