Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....
- From:
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:35:08 -0700
Noctaire wrote:
It's less an outside issue than an INSIDE issue I'm fighting. :) I need a
way to convince the whole family to put the kitchen scraps somewhere OTHER
than in the garbage can so I'm thinking something like a separate waste
center with maybe biodegradable bags or something similar?
Put the collection container where the compostables are generated, so that the easiest and most convenient thing to do is to put them in that container, not in the trash. An uncovered bowl sitting on the counter, emptied daily, will not smell or attract insects (in my climate, anyway).
I use quart soy yogurt containers, emptied daily. If the containers are covered, they grow mold and start to smell really bad, so I keep them uncovered. I don't have a kitchen counter, so I keep them right in the sink. I have never seen insects, but I do empty them daily.
I even have a neighbor saving kitchen wastes for me, also in quart containers on the kitchen counter. The neighbor is in the habit of sending compostables down the garbage disposal, so sometimes I add whatever's in the sink when I pick up the containers every day. It does involve retraining old habits.
And I also pick up 1-2 grocery bags full of compostables (via someone on freecycle) once a week at a designated time. Each grocery bag contains 3-5 plastic bags of compostables, which have probably been kept in the refrigerator as they accumulate, because they have always been fresh-smelling and never moldy.
[permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
Noctaire, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
yarrow, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
Noctaire, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash...., Lisa Rollens, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash...., jedd, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
KNat, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash...., yarrow, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
Golden Love, 07/31/2006
- [permaculture] Red Rock TX: Free Class, Forest Garden, 07/31/2006
[permaculture] Pet wastes....,
Noctaire, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Pet wastes...., Lisa Rollens, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Pet wastes...., Lisa Rollens, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Pet wastes...., yarrow, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
Noctaire, 07/31/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash...., Jill, 07/31/2006
Re: [permaculture] Dealing with one's own trash....,
yarrow, 07/31/2006
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