Subject: permaculture
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- From:
- To: roxann <>, permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Keyline system
- Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:59:22 +0300
Whoa?!! Now I get it... this forest on hills around me has at least 250 year
trees and has never been clearcut so the age of the forest is just a man
illusion... ok. if 25 years is fairly old growth, I'm amazed. We have that
almost everywhere... Even on the clearcuts... but mushrooms start to yield
about 40 years after the clearcut. Even though, extremely sad ...
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 09:04:08PM +0000, roxann wrote:
> Hi Lisa,
> Will you or one of the others give me a briefing on what this topic is all
> about? I've never heard of some of these terms, and your mention it being
> helpful in the Ozarks has my interest piqued. Fortunately, my hills are
> very tree covered, some in fairly old growth forests, though not original
>- but of at least 25 years - which is something rare around here, so water
> runoff is not such a problem.
> Roxann, NW AR
> > -------Original Message-------
> > From: Lisa Rollens <>
> > Subject: Re: [permaculture] Keyline system
> > Sent: 28 Jul '06 20:59
> >
> > Hi Toby,
> >
> > Do you know of any of these Keyline plows in the Ozark area of the US? I
> > have 154 acres and could really use one, as could most other folks around
> > here, even thought they don't know it! After 100 plus years of cutting
> > trees off these hills, the water just runs down them unrestricted, taking
> > all the topsoil with it and filling in the creeks with gravel. After
> > reading (most of) the Keyline book, I am starting to understand the
> > concept
> > and would like to try it on my land. Being an example is one way to
> > affect
> > change, or so I am hoping....!
> >
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> permaculture mailing list
Re: [permaculture] Keyline system,
roxann, 07/28/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Keyline system, von-fi, 07/28/2006
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