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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Keyline system

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Subject: permaculture

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Keyline system
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 18:11:34 -0400

Lisa Rollens wrote:
Hi Toby,

Do you know of any of these Keyline plows in the Ozark area of the US? I have 154 acres and could really use one, as could most other folks around here, even thought they don't know it!

You can buy one from:

Market Farm Implement
Market Farm Implement
257 Fawn Hollow Road
Friedens, Pa. 15541
Phone: (814)-443-1931

And a toolbar to mount them on from:

6' two-4" bar three point hitch frame Cat 1 or 2 will accomodate a 1, 2 or 3
Yeomans plow shanks

We're open weekdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST and
Saturdays from 8:00 AM to Noon CST!
Phone: (806) 668-4722
Fax: (806) 668-4725
Mail: 7655 Roll-A-Cone Road, Tulia, TX 79088

See my next post for pictures of the Roll-A-Cone toolbar, sans Yeomans plows,
still in box
and my 8' Roll-A-Cone 26" disc hiller-bedder plus raised beds it made & other
farm pics
showing basic permaculture systems at work (water impoundment, erosion
control, nutrient catchment,
management of raised beds on long slopes.


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