Subject: permaculture
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- Subject: Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest Duck Ponds
- Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 12:42:34 EDT
Good day,
Clint sounds like your pond is working fine!
I'd like to have some ducks and geese, but I'm concerned about coyotes. Can
anybody give me good ideas of how to prevent predation?
Also, right now my cattle have access to pond so it's got the brown look from
stirring the bottom up, and all the nutrients in it. There's blue heron that
visits often, and there are plenty of toads, and probably some small fish in
pond. I'd like to clean the pond out, and restore it to original blue green
Any suggestions? This pond is almost 3/4 acre, about 8 ft deep in center. If
I drain it I'd probably have to pump it out. However I'm concerned with the
what the discharge of so much water might do to the pasture where it would be
Appreciate your comments. Thanks. Frank
- Re: [permaculture] permaculture Digest Duck Ponds, FranksFarm, 07/03/2006
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