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permaculture - [permaculture] permaculture lifestyles

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Subject: permaculture

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  • From: "J. Kolenovsky" <>
  • To: <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] permaculture lifestyles
  • Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 18:27:44 -0500

Oh, yes, definitely. MOBOT. I'd love to go there.

Got to be one of the finest places in the world.

When I do referencing on horticulture, I use

Univ of Fla, NCSU amd MOBOT.

Girl, I AM envious.


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:52:20 -0500
From: "Kathy Evans" <>
Subject: [permaculture] permaculture lifestyles
To: "permaculture" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I have been amazed, watching this email list, at what people are
accomplishing. I get little glimpses through conversations about hops or
scythes or retaining water in ponds...I would love to see some thumbnail
sketches of what you all really DO...what kind of space do you have,
ecosystem, how much of your food/energy do you manage to produce for how
many people and how do you handle waste and is this how you make your living
or do you have a day job and do you have a community that you collaborate
with? what does your life look like? I know each of you could write a book
on this topic, but I'd be ever so grateful to anyone who is willing to give
a brief bird's eye view of your operation, how long you've been doing it,
whether you started from a design standpoint or more from a trial and error
method, how it's evolved; what you think works best or what your biggest
problems are, how you got into it, rural or urban or suburban, what your
dreams are, how living this life has changed you. Just please answer any of
these questions that interest you with as much or as little detail as you
wish...I find myself wishing I could visit you all or take some classes but
single parenting gig at the moment, and resources don't
permit. Thanks! Kathy in suburban St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Energy shortages prove its right.
Peak Oil changing is your lifestyle. - exhilirating - informative - interesting - practical - cool

  • [permaculture] permaculture lifestyles, J. Kolenovsky, 07/02/2006

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