Subject: permaculture
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- From: N* <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Annual Polyculture Design
- Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 17:51:14 +0000
Weeds not an issue.
All volunteers welcome.
Will attempt to fill all niches and those that are volunteered into are
The key questions as I see it are:
Combination of species.
and, planting pattern/distribution (that is if you wish to "design" the
The first is the most important.
What species and in what proportions and planted when, how.
Though in this case I wish to refine the ethos/method somewhat further and
stipulate "no-work" methods only.
Therefore all establishment will be done with seed balls.
Full (working) title for a question:
No-work Self-Fertile Annual Polycultures a Design Methodology.
Particular attention to living mulch and slash/mulch systems.
But for now just a couple of good examples should be enough.
Further to this if the polyculture is seasonal:
How to continue production after the season?
How to distribute/integrate mulch provider species: in-row/bed and
hedgebreak? (depends heavily on planting patterns eg strip/alley cropping or
"distributed intercropping")
Loads more to say on this one.
Have read just about all there is in-print, I think, Mollison, Whitefield,
Hemenway, Agroforestry texts. But am certainly well open to further reading,
in-print or online.
Further to this there are really no restrictions to this one, that is partly
it's attraction and why it's so challenging as a field: massive
possibilities, all good though.........
One additional caveat I am focussing here on annual polycultures just
because there is little detailed advice on them, I am definitely not
excluding any other combinations of perennial or mixed annual/perennial,
forest gardening and the such like.
what do you reckon.
On 17/12/05, Lawrence F. London, Jr. <> wrote:
> N* wrote:
> > Anyone fancy chatting about Polyculture design?
> > Or related topics?
> How do you incorporate weeds and their seed bank
> into your polyculture designs and what value do you place on them?
> 1) to be eliminated
> 2) to be integrated
> a) into permaculture systems
> b) into food gardens or cropland
> 3) to be eliminated from crop (mono, multi) areas and confined to wild
> areas or Fukuoka-style
> gardens
> _______________________________________________
> permaculture mailing list
[permaculture] Annual Polyculture Design,
N*, 12/16/2005
- Re: [permaculture] Annual Polyculture Design, Martin Naylor, 12/16/2005
Re: [permaculture] Annual Polyculture Design,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 12/17/2005
- Re: [permaculture] Annual Polyculture Design, N*, 12/17/2005
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