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[permaculture] more chemtrail "BS" (flame away folks)
- From: Keith Johnson <>
- To: Permaculture ibiblio <>
- Subject: [permaculture] more chemtrail "BS" (flame away folks)
- Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 23:08:26 -0500
When I woke up this morning the sky was clear except for about 12 planes making stripes and crisscrosses in the sky. They were clearly not headed to the local airport. There were too fricking many!. These tracks gradually ballooned out until the ENTIRE sky was filled. Photovoltaic input plummeted and the sky remained full of artificial "clouds" ALL DAY. Friends across the country have reported and photographed this phenomenon again and again and again. Airports have been called and they say, "They're not ours."
I don't think it's my vivid imagination.
From Chapter 1:
It was nearly noon when S.T. Brendt awoke and entered the kitchen of her country home in Parsonsfield, Maine. As she poured her first cup of coffee, the late night reporter for WMWV radio could not guess that her life was minutes away from drastic change.
Her partner Lou Aubuchont was already up, puzzling over what he had seen in the sky a half hour before. The fat puffy plumes arching up over the horizon were unlike any contrail he had ever seen, even during his hitch in the Navy.
Like breath exhaled on a winter day, the contrails he was used to seeing flare briefly in the stratosphere as hot moist engine exhaust flash-freezes into a stream of ice-crystals. These pencil-thin condensation trails are pretty to watch but short-lived, subliming into invisibility as exhaust gases cool quickly to the surrounding air temperature.
But in late 1997 Aubuchont started observing thicker 'trails extending from horizon to horizon. Hanging in the sky long after their creators had flown from view, these
expanding white ribbons would be invariably interwoven by more thick lines left by unmarked jets, air force white or silver in color...
What kind of clouds run exactly side-by-side in a straight line? he wondered. It's just too perfect to happen naturally. When he said he wasn't sure, S.T. stopped smiling and went outside.
...A second jet was laying billowing white banners to the north. Both aircraft appeared to be over 30,000 ft. Turning her gaze due west, Brendt saw two more lines extending over the horizon. She called Lou. Within 45 minutes the couple counted 30 jets.
This isn't right, S.T. thought. We just don't have that kind of air traffic here. While Lou kept counting, she went inside and started calling airports. One official she reached was guarded but friendly. He had relatives in West Pond.
The Air Traffic Control manager told Brendt her sighting was "unusual". His radars showed nine commercial jets during the same 45-minute span. From her location, he said, she should have been able to see one plane.
And the other 29? The FAA official confided off the record that he had been ordered "by higher civil authority" to re-route inbound European airliners away from a "military exercise" in the area...
Never in the dozen years they'd lived in rural Maine, had they seen so much aerial activity. As a former U.S. Navy intelligence courier, Aubuchont was used to large-scale military exercises. But he told S.T. he had never seen anything this big.
"It looked like an invasion," he later recounted. Another driver almost went off the road as he leaned over his dashboard trying to look up. As they passed, he acknowledged them with a nod.
As far as they could see stretched line after line. Two giant grids were especially blatant. Instead of dissipating like normal contrails, these sky trails grew wider and wider and
began to merge. Looking towards the sun, Aubuchont saw what looked like "an oil and water mixture" reflecting a prismatic band of colors.
He couldn't call it a rainbow. Rainbows aren't sinister...
Richard Dean called back. After receiving S.T.'s message, the assistant WMWV news director had gone outside with other news staff and counted 370 lines in skies usually devoid of aerial activity.
Brendt put in another call to the FAA official. He had never heard of chemtrails. But similar military activities were ongoing in other regions. His radars showed the aircraft - which he identified as U.S. Air Force tankers - flying north into Canada.
From Chapter 1:
-- "I've lived here for 26 years never seeing this number of contrails at once."
-- "They look like they're playing tic-tac-toe up there. You know darn well it's not passenger planes."
-- "I watched a clear blue sky become criss-crossed with the white trails from many jets. The sky then became overcast, in spite of the forecast calling for sunny weather. I felt stunned as I witnessed this event."
-- "I remember sitting on my porch and telling my husband that the trails from jets were different now days, they stayed longer in the sky and looked different. He laughed at me."
-- "One morning I saw so many I almost had a car accident. They were X'ing, probably 50, 100 of them, as far as I could see. Lots of X's and parallel lines. Definitely not normal air traffic."
-- "These contrails do indeed behave differently from the usual contrails made by jets. They don't dissipate right away. They like linger, hang there. But they were so heavily concentrated that I just about fell over."
-- "I am under the understanding that we have regular flight patterns. This however, broke all the rules, as these patterns criss-crossed one another over a dozen times."
-- "About the contrails in Montana. The first time I noticed the different types of contrails was about five years ago. I was in the Air Force. So I know the difference."
-- "I was southbound on Interstate 65 from Indianapolis toward Camp Atterbury. I had just heard of chemtrails on Coast to Coast earlier in the week and thought it was a bit of a kooky theory. I noticed the sky in front of me had 27 separate contrails. I then noticed a large jet at altitude, also southbound parallel to the highway, was not leaving any contrails...That was when I knew it is being done on purpose."
-- "Everywhere from horizon to horizon, as far as I could see above the trees and buildings, perfectly parallel streaks or stripes of clouds."
-- "I am a private pilot and have a penchant for watching everything that moves in the skies above me. On Thursday, beginning around mid-morning, high altitude jets began 'painting' the sky with non-dissipating contrails. I am familiar with the physics involved in the production of 'normal' contrails. The fact that these contrails do not dissipate leads me to suspect that something of a chemical nature was being emitted."
-- "I am a veteran of eight years active duty in the Navy and still serve in the reserves. I was a qualified lookout while stationed aboard ship and was trained to observe the sea and sky and identify targets. I am also an aviation buff and also interested in weather. I have therefore spent a lot of time flying and also observing the sky from the ground. I jog every morning at a park near my apartment in the DFW metroplex."
-- "I am a police officer and have been one for 15 years. I was driving to a doctor's appointment in Beachwood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. My attention was drawn to an unusually thick contrail traveling from the southeast to the northwest. I saw a large four-engine jet, silver in color. There was not a cloud in the sky and no other contrails. Unusual for Cleveland weather in February - basically a beautiful day. The plane was unusual because it was so big and lower than most jets that leave a contrail. Also it seemed to take a very long time to travel its path. I got a good look at it at a stoplight and from what I could make out it was silver and was reflecting the sunlight. It had four engines, two on each side and was making two large contrails that did not dissipate."
-- "On the morning of 10 March, 1999, as I looked to the sky I saw something I have never seen before. The sky was covered as far I could see with a criss-cross pattern of evenly spaced thick contrails. I counted at most three aircraft still spraying trails. This day had begun sunny with a brilliant blue sky just as forecast by weather channel and local forecasters, but they did not seem bothered by this unexpected 'haze.'"
-- "Our skies [in Australia] are being sprayed almost daily since April. Planes with red tanks underneath, spraying from 7 am till 8 pm at night. People getting sick everywhere, and no one gets answers. Why?"
-- "I am under the understanding that we have regular flight patterns. This however, broke all the rules, as these patterns criss-crossed one another over a dozen times."
From Chapter 1:
Contrails are formed when hot, moist engine exhausts momentarily condense stratospheric ice crystals into wispy trails, like breath exhaled on a cold day.
But contrails are anything but harmless.
Cloud cover has increased by 5% nationwide - and as much as 20% in some U.S. air corridors - since the jet age took off just three decades ago. If contrails are the culprit, "normal" jet contrails comprised mostly of "harmless" water vapor could in fact have already added during those 30 years of jet plane metastasis one-third to two-thirds as more warming than we would have gotten from pigging out on gas, coal and oil during the past century...
Computer models show that using aircraft to lay down microscopic sunlight-scattering particles of very high reflectivity can make natural clouds even more sunlight-reflective. In clear blue skies, these same chemicals added to the fuel and sprayed through the exhaust of many jet engines can create "made-to-order" overcasts over entire regions for days and weeks at a time...The purpose of my five year investigation was to discover and document who was giving those orders. And why.
Contrails cannot form behind aircraft unless the atmosphere is very cold. As NASA explains, "Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 km) where the air is extremely cold (less than -40°C / -70°F).
NASA, NOAA and other scientific cloud-gazers also agree that a relative humidity of 70% or higher is necessary for cloud and contrail formation. If the air is very dry, contrails do not form behind airplanes," states the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Taking NASA's expertise as contrail catechism, chemtrail investigator Clifford Carnicom correlating atmospheric readings by NASA's Climate Diagnostics Center of with 21 days of heavy "chemtrail" gridding over Santa Fe from Jan. 1999 to Aug. 1999. At altitudes where persistent white plumes criss-crossed the usually cloudless New Mexico sky.
Carnicom found 30% humidity or less...
... clouds form when water vapor accretes around particles of grit acting as attracting nuclei. Recent NOAA and NASA atmospheric studies such as TARFOX, ACE-Asia, ACE-I and II, INDOEX and Project SUCCESS have confirmed that the only way to form artificial clouds under conditions of low humidity and less than ideal temperatures is by dispensing additional particles from aircraft...
The smaller the size of each additional nuclei, the greater the rate of cirrus cloud formation.
North American officials insist that nothing unusual is going on - that precisely spaced grid patterns and perfectly intersected X's are "normal flight operations". But when confronted with their own data showing the impossibility of normal contrail formation during heavy "spray days" they grow silent.
Meanwhile, a growing number of pilots, police officers, former military personnel, air traffic controllers and thousands of other observers report that they have never seen so many jet trails at once - often at altitudes below which commercial jetliners are simultaneously seen leaving no contrails at all.
As this eyewitness explains:
Sunday between the hours of 12:30 and 1:30 in Mesa, AZ while standing outside Borders bookstore at Alma School Road and Southern conversing in the parking lot, I looked up and saw broad low hanging contrails running at angles mainly east-west across the sky and spreading apart north and south. High above were normal contrails coming from commercial flights, which dissipated within minutes behind the aircraft. I counted five or six low broad contrails slowly spreading out but not dissipating like the ones high above. Being involved with science it was very strange that these were above and not below the contrail.
Aviation authorities have also failed to explain the sudden appearance of formations of grid-weaving jets over communities unused to seeing any air traffic at all. Why are so many people who have lived near airbases and airports for most of their lives - and who would not normally give a contrail a second glance - stopping their cars or hauling family members and neighbors outside their homes to point cameras and camcorders at unprecedented concentrations of jet spoor they instinctively recognize are not normal contrails?
From Chapter 6:
David Jones, a well-known Meteorologist for Environment Canada, wrote to me from Vancouver TV with questions for those suffering chemtrail hallucinations:
How much time do you spend watching the sky? Have you logged your observations? Have you studied patterns of wind and moisture in the upper atmosphere and linked them to formation or persistence of contrails? Why are trained weather observers who take observations of the sky condition 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and who are intimately familiar with the multitude of natural cloud formations (and contrails), not reporting these so-called weird and unnatural clouds and contrails?
If you think someone is trying to poison us then why would they be so dumb as to attempt it from the level of the jetstream? You would waste a lot of poison dropping it from so high in the sky. Do farmers spray their fields from 25,000 feet?
Do I sound cynical?
" The track of large ships is sometimes visualized by a trail of shallow stratus clouds. These clouds, known as 'ship tracks', form in the wake of ships and are remarkably long-lived. They typically are between 0.5 - 5 km wide - that is, wide enough to be seen in visible satellite imagery. Ship tracks are due to cloud condensation nuclei in the ship's exhaust The nature and climatic effect of ship tracks was investigated in a field campaign labeled MAST conducted during June 1994 off the central California coast." - Effects of contrails and ship tracks on climate by B. Geerts and E. Linacre Feb. 2002
from Chapter 6:
All chemtrail questions to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are directed to Jana Goldman who told reporters that she "can't comment" on chemtrails...
A Nov. 2001 public information paper released by the USAF calls chemtrails a "hoax" perpetrated by people confused over contrails. "The 'Chemtrail' hoax has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications," the statement claims.
from Chapter 7:
1st Session
HR 2977
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
October 2, 2001
(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.
(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
From Chapter 10:
Environmental consultant Mike Castle discovered the primary purpose behind chemtrails when he came across a practical patent for "Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming".
Filed by aerospace giant, Hughes aircraft company in 1991, the patent points out that in addition to reflecting incoming sunlight, Welsbach materials are oxides of metals capable of converting heat trapped by greenhouse gases near the Earth's surface into far-infrared wavelengths, which then radiate into space.
Cautioning that the resulting white skies may be unpopular, the Hughes patent nevertheless suggests that these very tiny metal flakes could be "added to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude."
Dave Dickie's World Landscapes company performs contract landscape work for the City of Edmonton. "Some contracts require us to utilize the services of environmental labs for soil tests," says Dickie. "Recent soils analysis have come back with a high EC
rating 4-7 (toxic) and we've had some soil sources rejected of course because they did not meet specifications."
In an interview with me on Nov. 23, 2002, Dickie explained that his city landscape crews were finding widespread nutrient deficiency in soils could cause severe problems for plant life - including trees...
City specifications call for a reading no higher than 1. Dickie's crews are now finding readings from 4.6 as high as 7...
Presuming that unusual metal content in the soil could be causing the high readings, Dickie obtained samples of a fresh snowfall in sterile containers and took them to NorWest Labs in Edmonton. As he explained, "Our most recent snowfall was tested for aluminum and barium and we were not surprised with the results. You've said it all along and this just substantiates some of your claims."
In Nov. 2002, lab tests of snow samples collected by the city of Edmonton, Alberta between Nov. 8 - 12, confirmed elevated levels of aluminum and barium. Norwest Labs lab report #336566 dated Nov. 14. 2002 found:
q aluminum levels: 0.148 milligrams/litre
q barium levels: 0.006 milligrams/litre
... Though it must be emphasized that neither Dickie nor NorWest labs are making any claims regarding these early test results, the correlation of known chemtrail chemistry with Edmonton's soil samples is compelling.
This was hot. But imagine my shock when Dickie told me that he regularly visits Air Traffic Control at the Edmonton municipal airport and watches the chemplanes making repeated passes over the city!
...Blessed with good friends at work in the tower, he has watched radar-identified KC-135s "on many occasions." Last Father's Day (2002), Dickie and an excited group of 12 year-olds watched two sorties by two KC-135s. Petro 011 and Petro 012 were tracked by radar as HA (High Altitude) targets flying at 34,000 and 36,000 feet - "one to the south, and one to the north of the city."
Both USAF tankers had flown south out of Alaska. As Dickie, the kids and the controllers watched, the big jets began making patterns over Edmonton - "circuits" the controllers called it. The Stratotankers were working alone in "commanded airspace" from which all other aircraft were excluded.
And they were leaving chemtrails.
"The signature is significant," commented one radar operator, referring to a trail clearly visible on the scope extending for miles behind the KC-135. In contrast, a JAL flight on the display left no contrail.
Going outside, Dickie and several controllers scanned clear blue skies. They easily located the KC-135 leaving its characteristic white-plume "signature". Visibility was outstanding. They also clearly saw the JAL airliner at a similar flight level. It left no contrail at all...
"We see these guys up here a lot," Dickie says radar techs told him. The tanker flights originate in Alaska, grid the Edmonton area, and continue on into the States...
There was no doubt about the particulates left behind the tankers. On radar, these reflective particles showed up as "birdie feet" - triangles in the radar-tracked plume. They also appeared "as a concentration of dots" in the radar-visible 'trail. Focusing in and out on each plane with the click of cursor, "we could see different contrails," Dickie added. Some were short, and quickly vanished from the scopes. Other trails were thick, long and lingering - not contrails at all.
From Chapter 14:
A LANL scientist working on advanced experiments at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base told Columbus Alive that two separate secret "chemtrails" projects are being conducted by the air force. One centers on creating cloud cover to reduce global warming. The other project reflects radiation off artificial chemclouds in order to enhance the effectiveness of military radars and HAARP.
The scientist also revealed that HAARP is used to guide low-pressure systems. These systems are often "picked up" over Canada, and guided south over the Midwestern United States.
But Fitrakis told me that the weather modification "specialists" couldn't accurately forecast the results of such extreme atmospheric meddling. The HAARP-shifted low-pressure systems can bring severe storms in their wake.
As the Columbus, Ohio newspaper learned: ...
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© Copyright 2004 |
Keith Johnson
Permaculture Activist Magazine
PO Box 1209
Black Mountain, NC 28711
also Patterns for Abundance Design & Consulting
Culture's Edge at Earthaven Ecovillage
- [permaculture] more chemtrail "BS" (flame away folks), Keith Johnson, 12/12/2004
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