Subject: permaculture
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- From: Rain Tenaqiya <>
- To:
- Subject: [permaculture] clay liner for pond
- Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:00:50 -0800 (PST)
Hello pond builders,
I'm thinking about building a pond around 150 ft long and 60 ft wide here in
northern California mainly for irrigation water storage. There is a lot of
protruding metamorphic and sandstone rock on the perimeter of the site, but
the site itself has a high clay content. I've dug about 2.5 ft down and
found only a few, very small remnants of sandstone. Assuming that the
bedrock is sandstone, how much clay do I need to leave above the sandstone in
order to seal the pond? How deep does the pond need to be in order to have a
reasonable amount of storage (the Summers are very hot in Ukiah)?
Thanks for any ideas,
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- [permaculture] clay liner for pond, Rain Tenaqiya, 11/07/2004
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