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permaculture - RE: [permaculture] Review; The Earth Care Manual by Patrick Whitefield

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  • From: "Leunam" <>
  • To: "'permaculture'" <>
  • Subject: RE: [permaculture] Review; The Earth Care Manual by Patrick Whitefield
  • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:12:27 +0200

Hello all, I'm starting in permaculture, and not sure witch book would suit
me better, the designer's manual by Bill Mollison or The Earth Care Manual
by Patrick Whitefield.
The former I think is the clasical one, and the latter is suposed to be up
tp date.

I live in Madrid (Spain) would anyone kindly sugest witch one is more
appropriated for me?


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Graham Burnett
Enviado el: miércoles, 01 de septiembre de 2004 18:34
Asunto: [permaculture] Review; The Earth Care Manual by Patrick Whitefield

Here's my review of Patrick's new book, as submitted to 'Growing Green' (the
magazine of the Vegan Organic Network- hence the emphasis on the vegan or
otherwise aspects of this work..)

A Permaculture Handbook For Britain
& Other Temperate Countries

AUTHOR: Patrick Whitefield

PRICE: £34.95 + p&p
PUBLISHER: Permanent Publications, The Sustainability Centre, East Meon,
Hampshire GU32 1HR, UK
ISBN: 1 85623 021 X
PAGES: 480pp

ILLUSTRATIONS: 206 black and white photos, 43 colour photos, 145 line
diagrams & numerous tables.

Some critics have said that permaculture is all very well and good for
tropical or desert conditions, but isn't suitable for a cool temperate
country such as the UK. Indeed, many of the major permaculture texts
published up until now have been Australian in origin and thus contained
large sections that have been at best irrelevant to us Brits. At worse they
have led to disillusionment when advice intended for climates far more hot
or humid than ours has been slavishly followed and resulted in failure.
However, all that is set to change with the publication of The Earth Care
Manual, the first fully comprehensive permaculture designers handbook
specifically written for British conditions.

And what a phenomenal work it is… Seven years in the making, experienced
permaculturalist Patrick Whitefield has assembled a truly encyclopaedic work
covering virtually every aspect of the physical design of the world around
He leads in with two chapters defining permaculture and it's ethics
(earthcare, peoplecare, fairshares) and principles before looking in depth
at the elements of soil, water, microclimate, energy and materials. The
second part of the book focuses on application- how working with nature can
provide all of our food, shelter and comfort needs in order to live
abundantly and sustainably. In his very readable yet highly knowledgeable
style he covers gardens (everything from the window box and conservatory up
to allotments and community gardens), buildings, woodland, orchards, farms,
local food links (box schemes, food co-ops, CSA, farmers markets, etc) and
biodiversity. Using copious amounts of facts, figures, tables, diagrams,
photos and case studies Whitefield illustrates solutions for every situation
whether urban or rural, looking at mulching, rainwater harvesting,
windbreaks, perennial vegetables, pond construction, biotecture, forest
gardening, coppicing and wildlife gardening to name but a few examples. The
last section of the book is devoted to design skills, providing a step by
step guide to actually putting all this wonderful knowledge together in our
own homes, gardens and landscapes.

One chapter I found pertinent was that on farming and food links. Whitefield
isn't vegan himself, but respects the vegan point of view. He acknowledges
the inefficiency of the animal-based diet, pointing out that only around 10%
of the food consumed by farm animals is available as edible meat when they
are killed. He also highlights the untenability of the vegetarian stance,
ie, that it is OK to eat milk and eggs but not meat: "What happens to the
bull calf or male chick which cannot be used for milk or egg production, or
the cow or hen when they are too old to produce an economic yield? Of
course, they are fattened up, killed and eaten. It's impossible to eat
animal products without contributing to the death of animals"… He does go on
to look at the keeping of livestock such as pigs or poultry within
permaculture systems, but this is not a large part of the book and can
easily be skipped by the vegan-organic reader. Or you could actually read
it: I found it very interesting, and it clarified that animal husbandry
within a permaculture context is a million light years away from the
industrialised factory pharms that currently supply the sterile little
packages on the supermarket shelves. Whitefield's own position is "What
matters to me is how much the animal has suffered… Purely from an animal
welfare point of view I'd rather eat an organic steak than drink a pint of
conventional milk". He also looks at green manure based stockless systems,
acknowledging the work of Elm Farm (although unfortunately doesn't mention
VON), and explores the possibilities of leaf curd as a protein source for
vegans that avoids importing pulses.

Also of particular interest to Growing Green readers will be the section on
fruit and nuts. Along with vegan pioneer Kathleen Jannaway, Whitefield
recognises that although nuts are not widely grown in the UK at the present
time, they have enormous potential as a staple food crop; "…there's no
reason why tree crops should not replace annual field crops as our main food
source. That would revolutionise not just our agriculture but our landscape
too. Gone would be the open fields of cereals and grass replaced by orchards
and edible woodlands, with perhaps as many clearings as we now have woods.
Our landscape would cease to be an imitation of the prairie or steppe, and
become an imitation of what it was before we turned it upside down:
woodland". A vision for the future maybe, but one backed up here with
cutting edge research and practical details on pioneering crops such as
hazels, walnuts, chestnuts as well as acorns (Whitefield advocates selective
breeding for edibility), beech, pine and monkey nuts. For my money the book
is worth the admission price for this chapter alone.

Where the book is less strong is in the area of what in permaculture circles
are sometimes called the 'invisible structures'. In other words, the fabric
of social interactions and human connections that will need to be redesigned
if we are to create truly sustainable future societies. Whitefield does
acknowledge that economics (the 'fairshares' ethic of permaculture) is not
his forte, instead directing readers to Richard Douthwaite's excellent
'Short Circuit'. However, despite some valuable acknowledgement of the
importance of developing real 'listening skills' and touching on inclusive
community development techniques such as 'Planning For Real', I would also
liked to have seen a section going into some more depth regarding
'peoplecare'- or how we are to look after both ourselves and each other
properly. Producing sustainable food, water, medicines, buildings, forests
and landscapes is only half of the battle for survival in the new millenium.
To my mind the real challenge for the 21st century permaculture movement is
how to create the 'social glues' that are needed to effectively bind
together our communities. Not just the intentional communities of
eco-villages and progressive land share projects, but also retro-fitting the
towns, cities and rural settlements that most of us inhabit today either
through choice or circumstance. But I'm probably quibbling- the title of
this book is after all the 'Earth Care Manual', and maybe as time goes on we
will see equally mature works addressing these other aspects of permaculture
design. In fact I should be grateful, for if this were any bigger than it
already is it would only cause my bookshelf to collapse…

Graham Burnett August 2004

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