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Another good reason not to eat roundup-ready crops
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To:
- Subject: Another good reason not to eat roundup-ready crops
- Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 12:18:56 -0400 (EDT)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 09:16:35 -0400
From: Alex McGregor <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Glyphosates and NHL
To all those who wanted more references to studies linking glyphosate
exposure to non-Hodgkins lynphoma. This is from a recent Rachel's
One of the herbicides linked to NHL by the most recent Hardell
study is glyphosate, sold by Monsanto under the trade name
Roundup. A previous study of human subjects in 1998 had
implicated Roundup in hairy cell leukemia (cancer of the
blood-forming organs), a rare kind of NHL.[5] Several animal
studies have shown that Roundup can cause gene mutations and
chromosomal aberrations.[3]
[5] M. Nordstrom and others, "Occupational exposures, animal
exposure, and smoking as risk factors for hairy cell leukaemia
evaluated in a case-control study," BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER
Vol. 77 (1998), pgs. 2048-2052.
[3] Lennart Hardell and Mikael Eriksson, "A Case-Control Study
of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Exposure to Pesticides," CANCER Vol.
85, No. 6 (March 15, 1999), pgs. 1353-1360.
What's even more eye-opening is the studies listed which link atrazine
to NHL Check it out at:
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Another good reason not to eat roundup-ready crops,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Another good reason not to eat roundup-ready crops, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 07/23/1999
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