Subject: permaculture
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- From:
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: RE: Food for the body and the mind.
- Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 06:29:53 EDT
John S. wrote: <<How would standardization of methods maintain and enhance
Larry ? wrote: <<Water, soil fertility/tilth, shade, shelter, etc.
can be made more available to plants and animals
though swaling, berming, hilling, ditching, catchment
and impoundment (ponds, pools, ditches, catch crops),
Keyline plowing, Soil Saver tillage, rototilling and other methods..... >>
While I agree with that individual sites may vary widely I fully understand
and agree with Larry's position that there is much we can all benefit from in
PC like much of the above.
Yet I know time and again that many PC enthusiast's fail to communicate, or
respond since they feel that each site is so different that they can't
possibly offer help without visiting site etc. This of course often
frustrates the landowner who would like to incorporate PC practices
applicable to his area because of the expense involved.
I'd love to see regionalized PC agricultural/landscape/conservation
guidelines, and best practices put into effect.
As for me( mea culpa:) ) I'm much more interested in the kind of practical ag
related applications mentioned in Larry's post than the often philosophical
discussions on PC encountered.
It seems so wasteful to miss this chance to see PC principles disseminated to
as wide a body as possible for implementation.
Take water management on the farm...what are the best ways to deal with water
from forested hillsides for multi use purposes. How are keylines determined?
Ponds constructed, and a whole raft of related PC topics come to mind.
Wouldn't it be great to have a FAQ, and a summary of best thinking on such.
That would give many of us a great starting point to refine, and hopefully
add to the body of info available.
Just my two cents. Best to all.
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Food for the body and the mind.,
Larry London, 07/01/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Food for the body and the mind., Larry London, 07/01/1999
- Re: Food for the body and the mind., georg, 07/02/1999
Re: Food for the body and the mind.,
georg, 07/03/1999
- Re: Food for the body and the mind., Larry London, 07/04/1999
- RE: Food for the body and the mind., John Schinnerer, 07/07/1999
RE: Food for the body and the mind.,
John Schinnerer, 07/07/1999
- RE: Food for the body and the mind., Larry London, 07/07/1999
- RE: Food for the body and the mind., Larry London, 07/07/1999
- Re: RE: Food for the body and the mind., FranksFarm, 07/08/1999
- Re: RE: Food for the body and the mind., FranksFarm, 07/09/1999
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