Subject: permaculture
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- From: (Santoyo&Associates)
- To:
- Subject: PC Design Course -California
- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:05:06 -0800
Big Sur Coast, California - June 13-26, 1999
"The new moon to the full with a solstice celebration in between!.."
This course will be presented in 3 parts. As a class project, we will be
working on the design of an actual healing arts retreat & conference
* Session 1: June 13th-16th
"FIRE, WATER, EARTH & AIR...New Ecology and Sacred Geometry"
The first session will cover: an in-depth introduction to Permaculture
Design & Ethics of Earth Care, a special presentation on "primitive
skills," also reading the patterns of the landscape and a simple foundation
for understanding principles of sustainability and other patterns of the
natural world.
* Session 2: June 18th-21st
"FOOD, WATER, SHELTER...Earth-Friendly Techniques & Technologies"
The second session will focus on: techniques for designing & building a
complete home ecosytem, restorative agriculture and natural building, as
well as learning ancient technologies for earth stewardship and land
* Session 3: June 23nd-26th
"CREATING COMMUNITY...Self-Reliance for Beyond 2K"
The third session will feature: "community building & creating a sense of
place," patterns of human dynamics, intentional communities & eco-villages.
We will also learn strategies for creating community-wide sustainability
and methods for finding our own right-livelihoods.
Location: California's Big Sur Coast
The site is within 3 hours drive of San Francisco Bay Area airports. Big
Sur's unforgettable natural beauty is the ideal backdrop for this course.
The site is secluded yet only 30 minutes from the world-renowned vistas of
Pt. Lobos, Pebble Beach, Esalen Institute and the quaint historic town of
The 55 acre site's unique convergence of Coastal Redwood Forests, Oak
Woodlands & Chaparral ecosystems are complemented by nearby geo-thermal
pools, waterfalls and spectacular coastline. The site is complete with
organic gardens & custom built, "off the grid" facilities featuring a
natural swimming pool w/ privacy sun-deck, sauna and a tranquil creek-side
campground all in a "village festival" setting.
The Teaching Team will be led by Larry Santoyo
Larry Santoyo is a Land Use Planner and Business Consultant. Since 1989, he
has designed ecological systems for home owners, land managers,
corporations and industry. Larry's wide range of professional experience
includes homestead and community planning, comprehensive farm, ranch and
retreat operations, collaborative housing, landscape contracting,
ecovillage design and habitat restoration projects. As a veteran instructor
of more than 20 design courses and 150 workshops, he is among today's most
experienced Permaculture designers and teachers. He has also taught
Environmental Design Programs at UC Berkeley and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Guest instructors (TBA) include other experts in sustainable living skills
and natural building.
$295.00 per session
$795.00 for all sessions (including certification)
Fees include meals, campsite and full use of facilities.
10% Discount for: registration before May 13, couples, groups, returning
students and Permaculture Design Course Graduates.
All proposals for trades and payment plans will be considered.
To register or for more information:
Santoyo & Associates
1-800-469-5857 or <>
SANTOYO & ASSOCIATES environmental design works ...since 1989
ecology * community * education
- PC Design Course -California, Santoyo&Associates, 02/10/1999
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