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permaculture - seminar series (fwd)

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  • From: Victor Guest <>
  • To: Permaculture WA <>
  • Subject: seminar series (fwd)
  • Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 11:37:53 WST

From: Richard Olson <>
>Subject: seminar series
>12 May 98
>The Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems and the Department of
>Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln are sponsoring a two-part semin=
>series to be held on the UNL campus:
>I. Alternative Farming Systems for the Midwest: Countering the Trend tow=
>Fewer, Larger Farms =97 Fall Semester 1998
>II. Re-forming the Foodshed: Localizing Agriculture and Community =97 Sp=
>Semester 1999
>We are soliciting recommendations for speakers/topics. Funding is avail=
>to cover the speakers' travel expenses and a small honorarium. Abstract=
s of
>each talk will be available on the net, and a volume of papers from each
>series will be published.
>Background: U.S. agriculture is undergoing major structural changes:
> Since 1950, the number of farms has decreased by 64% (to less than 2
>million), average farm size has increased 127% (to 491 acres), and farm
>population has declined to less than 2% of the U.S. total. The largest =
>of U.S. farms control two-thirds of the land in farms and almost 50% of
>cropland. Ninety percent of U.S. agricultural output is produced by onl=
>522,000 farms. =20
> The farmer's share of total agricultural economic activity is now less
>than 5%. The input and marketing sectors that dominate agriculture are
>controlled by a decreasing number of large companies. Half of all U.S.
>retail food purchases go to six multinational corporations, and similar
>economic concentration is seen in the input sector.
>In light of these trends, the USDA National Commission on Small Farms (1=
>has reiterated the benefits of small farms, particularly to local econom=
>and has recommended policy changes to strengthen their position in U.S.
>agriculture. Among the recommendations is the implementation of "an
>interagency Beginning Farmer Initiative dedicated to researching,
>developing, and disseminating farm management models that emphasize
>low-capital investment, optimal use of skilled labor and management
>potential of beginning farmers, and high-value crop and livestock produc=
>and marketing methods."
>Seminar series: =20
>Part I of the series explores alternative farming systems for the Midwes=
>that are able to remain economically viable without becoming very large.
>Presentations will describe and evaluate whole systems rather than speci=
>practices. Systems addressed during this 10-seminar series may include:
> small-scale alternatives to large-scale confinement livestock
> producti=
> Amish farming systems
> intensive vegetable production
> specialty crop production and marketing
> organic farming systems
> agroforestry systems
> =09
>Part II explores approaches to providing a more supportive environment f=
>small farms through the relocalization of agriculture and the developmen=
t of
>stronger ties between agriculture and the community. Ways to improve lo=
>food security in a global economy are presented. Strategies and issues
>discussed may include:
> community supported agriculture
> farmland preservation
> co-operatives
> legal issues for farm marketers
> adding value through community processing
> extension requirements for small farms
> urban agriculture
> =09
>Each seminar series will consist of 10 presentations. A list serve will=
>established for each series to provide an on-line forum for ongoing
>discussion. Abstracts of each presentation will be disseminated prior t=
>the seminar, along with references for background reading. Each speaker
>will prepare an article, and the full set from each series will be publi=
>either as a volume in the CSAS Extension and Education series or as a
>special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.
>Please send suggestions for speakers and topics to:
>Richard Olson
>225 Keim
>University of Nebraska
>Lincoln, NE 68583-0949
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Heidi Carter E-Mail:
Education Coordinator Phone: 402-472-0917
Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • seminar series (fwd), Victor Guest, 05/15/1998

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