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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Swedish Dragonflies
  • Date: Sun, 07 Sep 1997 21:26:23 -0400
Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens -

Title: Swedish Dragonflies

This page in Swedish

Key to the Swedish Damelflies

This is a translation of Tobias Ivarsson's amasing "Trollsländor i Ulricehamnsbygden". It's a great honor for me to have the possibillity to show this key here at "Swedish dragonflies". This key covers all the common damselflies in Sweden except for Calopteryx splendens and Calopteryx virgo. I have some ideas about expanding this key to cover all Swedish damselflies, but I don't know when I will get the time to do this.

1. Male (with accessory copulatory organs) 2
 Female (with egg-laying apparatus) 13
2.The damselfly looks metallic green Lestes 3
 The colors are matt (red, blue, white, green, black, brown) or dark bronze 4
3. The upper anal appendages points straight backwards (fig 1) Lestes sponsa
 The upper anal appendages are curved towards eachother (fig 2) Lestes dryas

fig.1. Lestes sponsa, male, anal appendages
fig.2. Lestes dryas, male, anal appendages
fig.3. Platycnemis pennipes, tibia

4.The tibias are broad and flat, the color of the damselfly is white-pale blue Platycnemis pennipes
 The tibias are not broad and flat, color of the damselfly is blue, green, black, red or brownish white 5
5.The head is dark on the upper part, at least the eyes are red (at the mature ones) 6
 The head have light parts on the upper side, no red color at all 7
6.The abdomen is red with black marks Pyrrhosoma nymphula
 The abdomen is colored black or dark bronze and blue Erytromma najas
7.The upper side of the second segment of the abdomen totally black  Ischnura elegans
 The upper side of the second segment of the abdomen blue, green or brown with black marks 8
8.Very broad shoulder line, the mark at the second abdomen segment looks like a mushrom (fig 4) the damselfly differs from deep blue to tan Enallagma cyahigerum
 The shoulder line is thin, the damselfly is colored blue, green or brown Coenagrion 9
9.The lower anal appendages are very large (fig 5), the damselfly mostly colored green Coengrion armatum
 The lower anal appendages are small, the damselfly mostly colored blue 10
10.The mark at the third abdomen segment are tapering or blunted (fig 6 and 7) 11
 The mark at the third abdomen segment are U-shaped (fig 8 and 9) 12
11.The mark at the third abdomen segment are tapering(fig 6), chech even the mark at the second segment Coenagrion hastulatum
 The mark at the third abdomen segment are blunted (fig 7), chech even the mark at the second segment Coenagrion lunulatum
12.The tubercle at prothorax is distingtive(fig 10), even check the mark at the second abdomen segment(fig 8) Coenagrion pulchellum
 The tubercle at prothorax is indistingtive(fig 11), even check the mark at the second abdomen segment(fig 9) Coenagrion puella

fig.4. Enallagma cyanthigerum, male, second segment of abdomen
fig.5. Coenagrion armatum, male, anal appendages
fig.6. Coengarion hastulatum, male, second and third segment of abdomen
fig.7. Coenagrion lunulatum, male, second and third segment of abdomen
fig.8. Coenagrion pulchellum, male, second and third segment of abdomen
fig.9. Coenagrion puella, male, second and third segment of abdomen
fig.10 Coenagrion pulchellum, male, prothorax (sideview)
fig.11 Coenagrion puella, male, prothorax (sideview)

13.The damselfly looks metallic green Lestes 14
 The colors are matt (red, blue, white, green, black 15
14.The prothorax with only a dark spot at the back (fig 12) Lestes sponsa
 The prothorax with dark spot at the back and a dark stripe at the side (fig 13) Lestes dryas
15.The tibias are broad and flat, the color of the damselfly is geenish yellow, white or rust Platycnemis pennipes
 The tibias are not broad and flat, color of the damselfly is not white 16
16.The head is dark on the upper part, at least the eyes are redish (at the mature ones) 17
 The head have light parts on the upper side, no red color at all 18
17.The abdomen is red with black marks Pyrrhosoma nymphula
 The abdomen is colored black and yellowish Erytromma najas
18.The eight segment of the lower part of the abdomen is pricle-like and points backwards 19
 The eight segment of the lower part of the abdomen is not pricle-like 20
19.There's no shoulder line or a very thin one, the spots at back the head are circular Ischnura elegans
 The shoulder line are very broad, the spots at the back of the head are triangular Enallagma cyahtigerum

fig.12. Lestes sponsa, female, prothorax (sideview)
fig.13. Lestes dryas, female, prothorax (sideview)
fig.14. Enallagma cyathigerum, female, segment 7-10 of abdomen
fig.15. Ischnura elegans, female, segment 7-10 of abdomen

20.The marks at the second segment of abdomen looks like (fig 16) Coenagrion armatum
 The marks at the second segment of the abdomen mostly reaches the edge of the fist segment 21
21.The upper part of prothorax back edge is straight (fig 17) Coengarion hastulatum
 The upper part of prothorax back edge is not straight 22
22.The tubercle at prothorax is indistingtive(fig 18) Coenagrion puella
 The tubercle at prothorax is large and distingtive(fig 19 and 20) 23
23.The most upper tubercle at prothorax with a "corner" (fig 19), the whole upper part of the abdomen is dark, exept for the eight segment Coenagrion lunulatum
 The most upper tubercle at prothorax without a "corner" (fig 20), the upper part of the abdomen mostly with blue marks Coenagrion pulchellum

fig. 16. Coenagrion armatum, female, second segment of abdomen
fig. 17. Coenagrion hastulatum, female, prothorax (top view)
fig. 18. Coenagrion puella, female, prothorax (side view)
fig. 19. Coenagrion lunulatum, female, prothorax (side view)
fig. 20. Coenagrion pulchellum, female, prothorax (side view)


© 1997 by Tobias Ivarsson and Martin Peterson.

Last updated April 15 1997 by Martin Peterson (


  • Swedish Dragonflies, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/07/1997

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