UC SAREP Cover Crop Resource Page
UC SAREP Cover Crop Database
The UC SAREP Cover Crop Database includes over
5,000 items gleaned from more than 600 separate sources, including journal
articles, conference proceedings, standard textbooks, unpublished data,
and personal communications from researchers and farmers. The information
in the database concerns the management and effects of more than 32 species
of plants usable as cover crops. More than 400 different cover crop images
are also available for viewing online. The database was developed with
funding from USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program
(SARE), the State of California's Water Resources Control Board, and the
California Energy Commission.
The information presented here comes from diverse sources, which may vary
in reliability. Some data are based on greenhouse studies, which may give
different results than the field. Others are based on limited field
observations, sometimes only one year and one location. Still others are based
on personal observations, and are noted as such. For details, see
the original articles (cited in the data base) that discuss the cover crop
in which you are interested. We will update the database as more data
become available from ongoing research.
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crops that we have information on.
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Cover Crop Research and Education Summaries
The report includes more than 40 summaries of research projects relating
to cover cropping. The summaries were compiled by former SAREP perennial
cropping systems analyst Chuck Ingels, chair of the UC Cover Crops Workgroup.
The workgroup, which includes 80 University of California personnel and
several individuals from outside the university, was created bring together
UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors and specialists, DANR faculty and
others to share information on cover cropping, determine the highest priority
research and extension needs, and coordinate activities to fulfill these
1994-1996 University of California Cover
Crop Resources and Education Summaries Report
Cover Crop Papers and Publications
Other WWW Sites with Cover Cropping Information
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