Sesbania's Gardening Tips
In these articles, our own Sesbania Tripeti offers help for new gardeners on subjects like starting seeds indoors, preparing a new garden and proper watering techniques.
The Cyber-Plantsman
The Cyber-Plantsman is a magazine for serious gardeners who like to have fun. We'll let you in on some of the more interesting--though less heard from--plants, people, books, events and organizations.
GreenLeaves Bookstore
If you're interested in gardening, wildflowers or birding, you'll want to stop by our online bookstore, where all books are 25% off list price!
The Garden Spider's Web
Karen Fletcher's page, The Garden Spider's Web, offers a sampling of the rich variety of resources available to the gardener on the Internet. Karen is also the creator of The Garden Gate.
The Garden Exchange
The Garden Exchange is a place where gardeners can post requests for seeds and plants, as well as offers of items for trade.
The Merchant Directory
The GardenWeb merchants carry a range of products, from rare seeds and herbs, to books and pest control.
User Survey
When you take the user survey not only will you be helping us out, you'll be rewarded with a visit to the famed Official Flamingo Gallery.
GardenWeb Europe
Our European forums come in four languages: English, French, German and Italian.
Much of our other content is also available and may provide quicker access for those overseas.
The GardenWeb Forums
The forums allow you to tap the collective wisdom of our readers. You can post queries on plant care and sources, or perhaps initiate a discussion.
Calendar of Garden Events
Our calendar allows you to search for garden events by state, date or keyword. If your nonprofit group is planning an event related to gardening, horticulture or botany, please add it to the calendar.
Gardens of the World
Come with us as GardenWeb takes a look at some of the most interesting botanical gardens from around the world. Gardens form such exotic locales as Siberia, Scotland, New Zealand and Missouri are represented.
The Mystery Plant Contest
If you're the type of gardener who knows the difference between a geranium and a Geranium, this contest is for you. Test your botanical knowledge and you may be the winner of a most unusual plant.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
The Garden has graciously agreed to provide us a sampling of articles from their well-known publications. Find out why so many gardeners find their BBG membership indispensable.
The Association of Online Growers and Suppliers directory includes descriptions of each business, email links, links to Web sites when available and a simple means of requesting a catalog or price list.
GardenWeb Australia
We now have a site for our friends down under. Much of our content is available there as well as several forums specifically for gardeners in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.