Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To:
- Subject: Don't Panic Eat Organic
- Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 23:49:09 -0400
Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: Don't Panic Eat Organic
You are the 57968th to visit this page . Counter installed April 28,1996 An organic farmers homepage! It is growing like everything else around here! If you have any tips or tricks that may help an organic farmer pass it on. This is a talk by Jan Dietrick
Notes from Farm Field Day #1Choosing Borders and Interplantings for Natural Control of Pests Plant them and they will come! This was a great event:Soil Ecology SeminarA big thank you to Dr. Elaine Ingham (Oregon State University) told me it was ok to post Scientific Basis for Biological Farming and Natural Control of Soil Insects and Disease PERMACULTUREPermaculture Websites, Mailing Lists and Newsgroupsn also for more Permaculture information I always check April at Permaculture Visions, There is good Permaculture reading also at Permaculture and Sustainable Living & Livelihood Remember the 1st Organic World Exhibition and 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference was held in Copenhagen! Read daily updates on web during the exhibition (10th to 13th August): and for as long and they keep the web page up IFOAM96Check out what I was able to glean from Ifoam 96 from press releases and email .Now IFOAM has a website atIFOAMThe INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE MOVEMENTS STOP
genetic engineering of our food Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) is a nonprofit citizen-based NGO that advocates adoption of ecologically sound practices in place of pesticide use. PANNA works with over 90 affiliated organizations in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., and more than 400 PAN partner groups around the world, to promote sustainable agriculture, food security and social justice, and demand that development agencies and governments redirect support from pesticides to safe alternatives. ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH BACKGROUND REPORTSO MANY PESTICIDES, SO LITTLE KNOWLEDGE Genetic Engineering and Its DangersESSAYS ON GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD-Thanks to the NATIONAL ORGANIC STANDARDS BOARD --- FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS -Organic farmers are not allowed to use Genetic Engineered stuff so look for the certified organic label and don't panic buy organic. Soil Quality First Direct Evidence Ethylene Biosynthesis Triggers Plant Defense Mechanisms Natural LifeNatural Life is a bimonthly newsmagazine founded in 1976 to provide information and inspiration about environmentally sustainable, self-reliant living Living Planet Earth DataEnviro Facts and Year 2000 countdown. Welcome to Noah's Ark! Press here and go to CCOFThe Califorina Certified Organic Farmers Homepage . CCOF now certifies processors and handlers nationwide. Cherimoya.avi My 1st. Cherimoya movie 1117 k long showing how easy it is to enjoy Organic Cherimoya! Cherimoya2.aviMy lastest Cherimoya movie 446 KBshowing how easy it is to enjoy Organic Cherimoya! Reviews:Sometime I am lucky enough to get sent books, tools, newsletters to review from people in the organic movement. Books:The book "Lets Get Growing"was
sent to me to review.Elizabeth and Crow Miller
the organic farmers author this How-To Gardening Book. If you are like me
and want to read more from Mr. and Mrs. Miller :
Artificial Perches for RaptorsPress if you want the plans and instructions to build perches SIGHTS & SOUNDS FROM THE RAPTOR CENTER where you will find pictures and calls of RaptorsThe Raptor Center Try to: Bats on the Web"Bats are not blind, they're not rodents, and they won't get tangled in your hair. The truth is that bats are among the most gentle, beneficial, and necessary animals on earth. "Check out BCI The Worm PageThe plow is one of the most ancient and most valuable of man's inventions; but long before he existed, the land was in fact regularly plowed and still continues to be thus plowed by earthworms. Organic Gardening Techniquesfrom the Department of Horticulture, University of Missouri-Columbia by Ray R. Rothenberger and K. Hildahl Natural LifeCanada's Alternative Newsmagazine Natural Life is a bimonthly newsmagazine founded in 1976 to provide information and inspiration about environmentally sustainable, self-reliant living. Companion Plantsby Sherry Kitchen ofDIG MAGAZINE Could you please
Let me know how you like it here or just say hi also if you have any
information that may be of help to an organic farmer or see any good web pages
the kind our readers would be interested in Rodale's Organic Gardening Online
Tom Clothier's Garden Walk and Talk Grow organicAdam Penenberg gives you a how-to guide. THE ORGANIC FARMERS MARKETING ASSOCIATION! this Website has been created to bring together organic farmers, consumers and supporters of organic agriculture. The Midwest Organic AllianceThe Alliance has a geographical focus of developing the supply of certified organic products in the five-state region of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The Alliance also has a focus of developing consumer demand for organic foods in the Minneapolis and St. Paul market. CAFF Community Alliance with Family Farmers WWW CERTIFIED ORGANIC FOODWorking Together to bring Organic Food to the WORLD This is an International Site all are welcome Pavich Family Farms.have been known as the leader and innovator in developing large-scale organic farming methods and as the worlds largest organic table grape grower. Organic is works for both large and small growers. Clupper's Organic Gardenspromotes the growing of healthful food throughout the world while conserving natural resources and protecting the environment by encouraging attitudes and activities necessary to understand, appreciate and change the interrelationships among humans, their culture and the environment. The European Network for Scientific Research Coordination in Organic Farming . Organic farmers realize that the soil is a living entity, therefore organic practices feed the soil which in turn feed the plant. Organic farming is a management intensive, not a material intensive, technology; materials are a supplementary tool in a balanced farm management program. Organic farmers attempt to understand and work in harmony with the natural biological systems on the farm, not override them with chemicals (even naturally derived ones). They strive to develop cultural and biological means of crop nutrition and protection that are balanced, sustainable, and resilient. NATIONAL ORGANIC STANDARDS BOARD --- FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS Adopted June 1-4, 1994, in Santa Fe, New Mexico - ORGANIC CROP PRODUCTION STANDARDS. Also this is a Cascadian Farm home page so while their check out the rest of this great link and find the healthfood store near you and more good organic information. Insects and Weeds This is where I store the good insect and weed links I have found on the World Wide WebThis is where I store the links to fruit sites on the net.The Plant TrackerIt is the only database I know of that actually lists, and allows you to search by, the uses for a plant - whether it's edible, medicinal or used for something else you probably never suspected - like cleanser, wax, or baby diapers. I made a good friend of Vactav Petrik Sr. writer of Soil Processes. We became friends about 10 yr. ago he was working in practical microbiology and I was an organic farmer. If you would like to see some quotes from his work press Understanding the SoilI have taken leaf samples and soil samples of my farm and farms around me and have proved to myself that organic farming works. I get my soil Microbes from Mr. Petrik.Sr.and for years have watched my soil get richer and richer. Institute of Organic Agriculture Informations about the Institute for Organic Agriculture (University Bonn, >Germany) can now be obtained via Internet: This home page at University of Bonn is in German , English Francais and Espanol. Organic Certifier's Database Printout People are always asking "How can I get certified organic well here is a good a list of a lot of Organic Certifiers from the homepage of agAccess! agAccess is an agricultural and horticultural publishing company dedicated to sustainable agriculture through the worldwide publication and distribution of high quality, practical information. NOFA-Vermont!!The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont [The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association] You will find some organic farmer at The HolliCom Farmer's Market Orbweaver,Jennifer says Welcome! The garden gate is open - please come inside.
An Italian Organic Co-op (text in English + Italian). http:/Co-op Heaven and Earth Plants For A Future A Resource and Information Centre for Edible and other useful plants The Seeds Of Change Web Page Seeds Of Change was founded in 1987 to foster plant life . bio-diversity. We do this by offering certified organic. open-pollinated seeds to the public. . Santa Barbara Heirloom Seedling Nursery.They offer you a wide variety of certified organically grown heirloom seedlings that are fresh and alive with the energies poured into them by Mother Nature and Santa Barbara Heirloom.. Algys' Herb Pageis where I go to learn more about growing organic
herbs.Herbs Keslick & Son, Modern Arboriculture & Landscape Maintenance Dr. Alex ShigoGuidelines for Correct Pruning "What's Happening in Permaculture". A web page dedicated to bringing you events in Australia associated with the Permaculture movement. Courses, workshops, festivals, gatherings, groups in your area, contacts and important web links. For more Permaculture info check out PERMACULTURE INFORMATION RESOURCES
- Don't Panic Eat Organic, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/08/1997
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