Original location of this page:
NB. Horticultural Societies are listed
on a separate page, as also arboreta and botanical gardens,
and newsgroups related to garden plants.
- African Violets On-Line,
by Stephen Gaudin, Texas, USA. Dedicated to the members of the
Saintpaulia genus (Gesneriaceae) and those people who love them.
- African Violet World
by Richard Trout, USA. African Violet World discusses the
world's favourite house plant (Saintpaulia, Gesneriaceae),
including the African Violet FAQ, archives of the gesneriphiles
e-mail mailing list and on-line newsletters from African Violet
societies around the world.
- The American Begonia Society Pages, USA.
The American Begonia Society pages provide current information
on the growing culture of Begonias and on the American Begonia
Society. Several linked pages covering a wide range of topics
and information concerning the growing, conservation, and types
of begonias and all aspects of the American Begonia Society.
- The American Cottage Gardener,
USA. A horticultural quarterly exploring the panglobal cottage
gardening style from the perspective of North American climate
conditions, cultivars and adaptavars.
- Annual Flower Garden of Seppo Vesterinen, Finland.
Garden encyclopedia of annual flowers, bedding plants and tender
perennials grown as half hardy annuals in the north. Species descriptions,
varieties, history, sources, flower name dictionary.
- Atlanta Garden Connection Inc.,
- Australian Correspondence Schools: Gardening and Horticulture.
This site contains descriptions of 232 (in May 1996) different
distance learning courses, including many courses in horticulture
and agriculture.
- Bamboo Resources on the Internet
- Bloemenhoek - A Specialised Nursery, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Bloemenhoek is a Dutch nursery specializing in unusual perennials
and alpine plants.
- Bonsai Clubs International
- The Bonsai Primer, UK.
A guide to the creation and care of bonsai.
- Bonsai - puu ruukussa,
Sami Poikonen, Jyväskylä, Finland. Bonsai information
in Finnish.
- Bonsai Web, USA
- Books: Profits from your Herb & Flower Garden.
Friday Harbor, Washington-based publisher San Juan Naturals presents
three titles and a newsletter by Lee Sturdivant.
- Botanique. Links to
botanical gardens and gardening sites in Canada and the USA
- British Native Flora
by Helen Watford, Askham Bryan College, North Yorkshire, UK. About
10 (March 1996) British native plants with descriptions, histories
and photographs.
- The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall,
UK. An Internet resource for all growers of cacti and succulent
plants. It will be regularly updated with information on cactus
and succulent societies and suppliers of plants, seeds and literature
on cacti and succulents.
- California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.,
USA. Founded in 1968, California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG) is
the largest amateur fruit-growing organization in the world, with
members in 48 states and U.S. territories, and 30 countries. The
membership of CRFG includes many nationally recognized botanical
gardens, international rare fruit enthusiasts, commercial fruit
growers, and internationally recognized horticultural researchers.
- Canberra Organic Growers' Society,
Australia. The Canberra Organic Growers Society Inc. is a non-profit
organisation which was started in 1977 with the broad aim of providing
a forum for organic growers to exchange information and encourage
the broader public to adopt organic growing methods.
- The Chase-Cross Garden,
a private garden in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Clupper's Organic Gardens, Kingman, Arizona, USA
- Come Into My Garden
by Tom H. Robb, Texas, USA; dedicated to the Master Gardener Program,
contains links to worldwide gardening, horticultural and botanical
- The Complete Guide to Garden Stuff
by Books That Work, USA.
- The Cyber Plantsman
by Barry Glick, at Sunshine Farm & Gardens,
Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA.
- Daylily (Hemerocallis) sites:
- The American Hemerocallis Society,
- Chattanooga Daylily Gardens,
- Chaparral Gardens.
Chaparral Gardens specializes in modern hybrid daylilies. It is
located atop a small ridge in the Sierra Foothills, California,
- Cultivations' Daylily Corner,
USA. Specializing in Daylily Catalogs full of 50+ Pictures; Daylily
Software for invoicing, customers, and inventory; easy to read
Plant Labels; Web Pages, Layout Printed Catalogs etc.
- The Daylily Exchange,
USA. The purpose of this page is to provide a convenient and easy
way of accessing the commercial daylily resources available on
the internet.
- Daylilies Growing Along the Information Highway (USA).
Daylilies Growing Along the Information Highway is brought to
you by a supporter of Friends of the Daylilies--a group of American
Hemerocallis Society (AHS) members.
- Daylilies Online,
USA. An extensive collection of high-resolution daylily photos
maintained by Nick Chase.
- The Daylily Place,
- Hemerocallis - The Daylily
by Bill Jarvis, USA. A variety of Daylily information including
culture, hybridizing, using daylilies in landscaping, and pictures
of named cultivars.
- Home Page for the Friends of the Daylilies,
USA. Hemerocallis information by Friends of the Daylilies
- a group of American Hemerocallis Society
- Ray Smith's Daylily Homepage
- Shields' Daylily Garden,
- Some Daylilies in Judi and Paul Aucoin's Garden,
- Dig Magazine - Home and Garden,
USA. A Home and Garden Diversions magazine, featuring nationally
known writers, the Dig Calendar, online Forums, and more.
- Dowdeswells Delphiniums, New Zealand.
Delphiniums grown and bred in New Zealand with cultural information
and details of common pests and diseases.
- Elk Mountain Nursery, Asheville, North Carolina, USA
- Excavations at Villa Bitricci,
N Italy by David Giese, University of Idaho, USA.
- FFF: FLORA-for-FAUNA homepage
- Fleurs, Plantes, Jardins - la revue francophone du jardinage, Quebec, Canada
- Florafest Orchids Australia.
One of Australia's oldest & largest commercial orchid nurseries,
with Australian native and exotic orchids. Here you can find hundreds
of images, numerous articles and culture notes on all orchid genera
including unique Australian species & the latest hybrids.
- Fruits and Vegetables Market Prices by Today's Market
- The Garden Gate on the Prairienet,
Karen Fletcher, USA. Garden Gate's World Wide Web pages offer
gardeners and nature lovers links to useful and interesting sites
around the world, as well as a growing collection of original
- The Gardening Archive
at the Lysator www site in Sweden has an emphasis on plants suitable
for a temperate or cold temperate climate.
- Gardening Unlimited!
- Gardening at Telpering Productions.
Especially Iris information and links.
- GardenNet, USA -
a resource center for garden enthusiasts. - Garden Net's The Ardent Gardener
- Garden Net's Guide to Internet Garden Resources
- Garden Pages,
Joyce Schillen, USA. This site provides gardening tips for the
home gardener along with links to additional gardening sites.
- Gardens and Landscapes, UK.
The site covers Gardens and Landscapes including plants, garden
design and landscaping. It is international in scope with a slight
bias towards the UK. This site is maintained by Aldex Sofware
on a non-commercial basis. The site includes various software
developed by Aldex Software, a software house specialising in
landscape and horticultural software and including : Plant Selector
Plant Selector Professional Garden Designer Professional LandCalc
(calculates areas/volumes/ etc by tracing maps or plans) LandMate
(Landscape estimating package) LandMan (Comprehensive Landscape
management) and various other horticulture related software.
- Garden Site Directory, USA
- The Garden Spider's Web,
Karen Fletcher, USA.
- The GardenWeb, USA
- Granite State Bonsai, a nursery in New Hamsphire, USA
- The GrowRoom, USA
- Hardy Fern Foundation, USA.
HDF is a non-profit, membership organization established to provide
a comprehensive collection of the world's hardy ferns for display,
testing, evaluation, public education and introduction to the
gardening and horticultural community.
- Hibiscus - Gods Own Flower,
Terry Cass, Australia.
- Homegrown Hydroponics.
"Information on everything you need to grow indoors."
- Horticulture and Molecular Biology
by Mick Partis, UK. This page and associated documents host the
newsletter of an EU research programme on onion quality, offers
links to suppliers of chemicals and scientific equipment, lists
numerous laboratory protocols, safety information and many useful
molecular biology and horticulture web sites.
- The Horticultural Web,
New Hampshire, USA.
- Horticulture in Virtual Perspective
by Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. - Plant Materials Database, Horticulture in Virtual Perspective (HVP), the Ohio State University, USA
- Horticulture Solutions,
USA. The Solutions Series is designed to provide information on
topics in Foods and Nutrition, Consumer and Family Economics,
and Horticulture. Sources of information include the University
of Illinois, United States Department of Agriculture and other
land grant universities.
- How to Prune Trees - A guide by USDA Forest Service,
Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry,
- Hydrangea Home Page
from Washington, USA. Source of botanical and horticultural information
on the genus Hydrangea. Sources (catalogs & nurseries), literature,
societies and photographs will be maintained and updated frequently.
- Hydroponics - Inter Urban Water Farms,
Riverside, California, USA.
- Hydrophonics Mailing List Homepage,
Stanford, USA. Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without
- ICanGarden - Canadian Internet Gardening Resource.
An extensive resource site for Canadian amateur or professional
gardeners, maintained by Donna Dawson St. Albert, Alberta, Canada.
- The Internet Bonsai Club, USA
- The Internet Garden, UK
- Irises by Jim Wilson, USA
- Ithaca Gardens,
Ithaca, New York, USA. A regional gardening server with global
- Japanese Bonsai Web by Hiroyuki Maekawa, Japan
- Japanese Irises - Ian Black's gardening pages, USA
- Joe & Mindy's WebGarden, USA
- Johnny's Selected Seeds Home Page,
Albion, Maine, USA. Johnny's Selected Seeds is a mail orders supplier
of vegetable, herb and flower seeds.
- Kelly Irvin's Page - The University of Arkansas, USA.
Commercial Horticulture & Agriculture, Home Gardening, Horticultural
- Kleines Büropflanzen Lexikon,
Dirk Schwarz, University of Essen, Germany.
- Leelanau Grower's Almanac, Michigan, USA.
Northern Climate Gardening. Master Gardener, Perennial Gardener
and Fruit Grower Chapters.
- Leonard Holmes' Hardy Palm Information
USA. Information on species of palms which are easily grown in
temperate areas. Includes cultural information, tips for winter
protection, sources for plants, links to other sites.
- Lepaan puutarhaoppilaitos / Lepaa Gardening School, Hattula, Finland
- Master Gardener Information.Texas
Agricultural Extension Service, USA - information on fruits and
nuts, flowering plants, annual and perennial ornamental trees
and shrubs, turf grasses, and vegetables.
- Mid Atlantic Bonsai Enthusiast, USA.
A collection of resources for the bonsai tree enthusiast. Includes:
classified page, events page, links page, local page, travel page
Find: clubs, botanical gardens, institutions, nurseries, maps,
pots, plants, tools.
- Museum of Garden History,
Lambeth Palace, London, UK The world's first Museum of Garden
History's WWW site is a first stop for garden enthusiasts to find
out about: plants and shrubs, their history, who introduced them
and where they can be obtained today, details of famous gardeners
and plant hunters, gardens of various styles; where to see them
and when, Garden History societies, horticultural and landscape
architects, bibliographies of garden-related materials, including
periodicals. Plus a Virtual Visit, the Knot Garden, details of
opening times, Exhibitions, Lectures.
- New, rare and unusual PLANTS, A Journal for Plant Enthusiasts.
New, rare and elusive PLANTS - mainly about hardy species and
varieties introduced into the UK
- The North American Plant Preservation Council,
USA. The purpose of NAPCC is to establish plant collections in
various places on the North American continent, so that NAPPC
collections will be established in as many areas and climate zones
as possible and be accessible to as many interested people as
possible. These collections will be used to preserve plants in
danger of disappearing forever, and for research, horticultural
study, education and dissemination to interested nurseries and
gardeners. Collections will be established at botanical gardens,
colleges and universities, and by specialist nurseries and interested
- Northern Gardening by Terry L. Yockey, USA.
Northern Gardening is a practical resource for all gardeners,
especially those in a northern climate.
- Northern Pond, Canada.
Canadian pond and watergardening site, with a journal concentrating,
and a large pond and garden links section.
- North Texas Water Garden Society, USA.
- Nursery Industry Association of Australia
- Organic Tree Care Web Site,
Keslick & Son, Modern Arboriculture & Landscape Maintenance,
USA. Also articles by Dr Alex L. Shigo on Tree Treatments based
on Tree Biology are now on line.
- The Ornamental Ginger and Aroid Webpage
by Timothy Chapman. Information and pictures of Zingiberales (gingers,
Heliconias, etc) and also some Araceae.
- The Ortho Encyclopedia of Roses
- Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture
- Pacific Northwest Gardening Home Page, USA
- Pacific Northwest Native Wildlife Gardening,
USA. This site is an attempt to gather information that is useful
for gardening with Pacific Northwest native plants, and for attracting
PNW native wildlife to your yard.
- Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,
USA. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, a not-for-profit
membership organization founded in 1827, encourages and advances
the art and science of horticulture. The Society provides a place
where all greening enthusiasts -- novice gardeners, experienced
horticulturists, and purely-for-pleasure observers -- can pursue
their own particular horticultural interests.
- Perennial Plant Association.
The Perennial Plant Association is dedicated to improving the
perennial plant industry by providing education to enhance the
production, promotion and utilization of perennial plants. Its
pages are maintained in the Penn State Horticultural Trial Garden,
- Peter's Carnivorous Plant Page
- The Plant Finder Home Page, UK.
These pages provide information about The RHS Plant Finder, the
recognised authority on plant nomenclature and Britain's leading
guide to over 65,000 plants and where to buy them. The printed
book, now in its tenth edition, has been joined in 1996 by The
Plant Finder Reference Library CD-ROM. The Plant Finder Reference
Library CD is supplied free. Many of the databases and programs
on it are free and can be accessed in full directly. The major
databases (The RHS Plant Finder, other plant finders and Heather
cultivars) are supplied 'locked' but with demonstration versions
available that you can try immediately.
- The Plant Tracker.
This database, compiled by Plants For A Future, a non-profit organization
located in Cornwall, U.K., lists, and allows you to search by,
the uses for a plant - whether it's edible, medicinal or used
for something else.
- The Plumeria Place,
John Murray, Texas, USA. Plumeria are a tropical flowering tree,
sometimes called frangipani, in the plant family Apocynaceae.
- Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust,
New Zealand.
- Plants for a future.
A Resource and Information Centre for Edible and other useful
plants. Plants for a Future is a project based in Cornwall,
UK, which seeks to gather together and disseminate information
on the many useful properties of plants, partularly those plants
which are less common in todays society. They also have a beautiful
patch of land which they are tending according to vegan-organic-permaculture
principles. and concentrating on perennial plants. They have produced
many leaflets as well as a catalogue of plants available from
them. One major project has been the construction of a database
of useful plants which contains over 7000 species.
- The Proven Winners Garden Site, USA.
Proven Winners® are hybrid forms of popular flowering plants,
created by cross-breeding exotic plants from all over the world
with gardeners' favorites like petunias or verbenas.
- Ralph Martin's Cacti and Succulents Page,
- The Rhododendron Page,
an on-line reference to the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae)
by Robert J. McKenzie, Tyler Arboretum.
- Seeds and Plants International (SEPI) - The Perennial Source, Canada
- Seeds of Hope...Harvest of Pride! Ohio State University, USA.
A resource for community vegetable gardeners by Ohio State University
Extension's Urban Gardening Program in Cuyahoga County.
- Serra Gardens Landscape Cacti and Succulents, California, USA
- Silver Bells & Cockle Shells: Answers to your gardening questions.
Gardening questions answered by a gardener with lifetime of experience.
Simply fill out a form and receive a personal reply. Free!
- South Cove Nursery,
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Stokes Tropicals, New Iberia, Louisiana, USA.
A company selling tropical plants: Bananas, Bromeliads, Gingers,
Heliconias, and Plumerias etc.
- Stekkenplek Zwingelspaan, West Brabant, the Netherlands (a garden).
A private garden, open for visitors; lots of roses and annual
- The Strawberry Facts Page
by Jenni A. Merrifield, Canada.
- The Succulent Plant Page
by Richard Hodgkiss, UK.
- Southern Business Express Seed Division -- Exotic, Tropical Plant Seed Catalog,
Massachusetts, USA.
- Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative, Auburn University,
Alabama, USA.
- Southern Garden Gate,
Florida, USA.
- Strictly Hibiscus Homepage (Shelley Lynn, USA)
- Sue's Gardenlink - The Amateur Gardener's Fun Resource,
- Sustainable Trees and Shrubs for Southern New England, USA
Plant materials list from the University of Rhode Island promoting
sustainable trees and shrubs for USDA hardiness zones 4 through
7. Disease and pest-free plants tolerant of a range of environmental
and human related stresses.
- Tillandsia International, USA .
Website of the North America's largest Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae)
grower, with cultural information and color pictures.
- Time Life Virtual Garden,
The Time Life Complete Gardener Encyclopedia Search Page, USA.
In March 1997 this searchable database contained more than 3,000
species selected for general use in North American horticultural
practice. - Time Life's House Plant Pavillion, USA.
- Traditional Gardening:
A Journal of Practical Information on Creating and Restoring Classic
Gardens. This is the Internet version of a US gardening journal
that concentrates on traditional gardening techniques of interest
to historical preservationists, as well as the average gardener
who would like to approach their garden with an eye toward classical
- The Tropical Hibiscus: Queen of the Tropics.
Many color photos of the latest hybrids. Also, information on
thegrowth and care of tropical hibiscus.
- UKEXNET Horticultural Index
- University of Missouri Horticulture Guides,
- Unofficial World Class Giant Pumpkin Homepage,
USA. Information on growing giant pumpkins.
- Yahoo - Gardening.
- Yesterday's Rose
by S. Andrew Schulman, USA. This site contains illustrations and
descriptions of numerous old and old-fashioned rose varieties,
including details of scent, flower, growth and culture.
- Zone 10 - The Source for Tropicals on the Internet.
A commercial Web site for advertising tropical plants.
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This page was last updated May 30, 1997 by
Raino.Lampinen@Helsinki.Fi, Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History (H)