The Teaching Garden
Finding Answers -
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Databases -
FAQs and homepages -
Glossaries -
Finding Answers
- The Gardener's Guide to Finding Answers on the Internet
- The Garden Gate's useful pointers on how to zero in on answers to
specific gardening questions.
Algy's Herb Page
- The place of all things herby. Revamped and worth another visit.
- Cooperative Extensions by State
- Find out what your state's Cooperative Extension has to offer. Can be
an excellent source of regional horticulture information. Don't forget to
check neighboring states, too, for information relevant to your USDA Zone
and climate. From
WWW Virtual Library: Gardening
The Gardening Launching Pad
- A large collection of gardening links organized into categories.
- A Resource Center for Gardening Enthusiasts
brings us an online source for information on gardens and
gardening in the real world. GardenNet's
Guide to Internet Resources offers a alphabetical topic index of
resources on the Internet. Maintained by Cheryl Trine.
Internet Directory for Botany - Gardening
- An extensive alphabetical list of gardening links from the excellent
Internet Directory for
TAEX Clipart Collection
- Excellent searchable clipart collection from the
Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Highly recommended for all
things vegetable.
The WebGarden at OSU
- A bumper crop of fact sheets and Internet gardening resources. Home of the
Factsheet Database. Maintained at Ohio State University
by Dr. Tim Rhodus.
- The Virtual Garden
- The completely revamped Time-Life Virtual Garden is worth another
visit if you haven't checked it out in a while. The new layout is
is attractive, well-organized, and easier to navigate.
- World Wide Web Virtual Library: Gardening
- Part of the WWW Virtual Library,
maintained by Robert Stewart, editor and publisher of GardenWeb.
Carnivorous Plants Database
- This database includes over 3000 entries giving an exhaustive
nomenclatural synopsis of all Carnivorous Plants.
For some entries, pictures or other information is available,
by clicking on highlighted descriptions in the entry.
Herb Directory.
- From Penn State. Directory of over 60 commonly grown herbs. Excellent cultural facts sheets include information on harvesting and uses.
Herb Finder
- Search a database of over 400 herbs by various criteria. Results give only
very basic cultural information, i.e. light requirements, so this database is best
used in conjunction with other resources which can fill in the gaps.
Perennial Finder
- Search a database of over 1500 herbs by various criteria. Results do not always list
plants by their full botanical names and give the most basic cultural information,
i.e. light requirements, so this database is best
used in conjunction with other resources which can fill in the gaps.
HTGrover - Landscape Plant Selection Knowledgebase
- Search the knowledgebase by selecting by type, USDA Zone, size, and over
60 other criteria
(don't choose too many at once, or your search will come up empty; use Reload to
clear the form). Centre for Landscape Research, University of Toronto.
National PLANTS Database Access
- From the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. Replaces the National List
of Scientific Names (NLSN). The PLANTS Database provides a single source of standardized information about plants. PLANTS provides
standardized plant names, symbols and other plant attribute information.
Still under development. Not all database query features have been
fully implemented.
- Plant Encyclopedia
- Kudos to Books That Work for making the
database from their Plant
Encylcopedia searchable online. Search over 1000 plants
by color, flowering time, and light requirements.
- Plant Materials Database (OSU)
- Searchable database of 600 ornamental plants. With images.
USDA Zonefinder
- Another useful tool from the Toolshed at The Virtual Garden.
The Virtual Garden Electronic Encyclopedia
- Time Life Inc's Virtual Garden features a searchable database of over 3000 plants
based on their Gardener's Encyclopedia.
WebGarden Factsheet Database
- Dr. Tim Rhodus of OSU's
WebGarden offers us a searchable database of over 5000 factsheets
from dozens of University and Cooperative Extension sites
in the US, Canada and the Netherlands.
- Weed Images and Descriptions
- Know Your Enemy! From Rutgers.
Asclepiads - The Asclepiad Page
- Information about the family Asclepiadaceae - milkweeds and
carrion flowers.
Associations, Plant Societies
Cacti and Succulents
Community Gardens
- Tons of good information from the City Farmer at Canada's Office for Urban Agriculture.
- Rot Web. Lots of good information on home composting.
Cut Flowers
- Algy's Herb Page. Algy offers a large collection of links
for information on herb growing, medicinal uses, catalogs,
and discussion groups.
- Culinary Herb FAQ. Henriette Kress' Culinary Herb FAQ offers the distillation
of the cumulative gardening and cooking skills of
rec.gardens readers.
- Directory of Herbs. From Penn State.Directory of over 60 commonly grown herbs.
- GardenNet's
collection of links to Internet resources.
- Medicinal Herb FAQ. Henriette Kress' Medicinal Herb FAQ offers the distillation
of the cumulative knowledge alt.folklore.herbs readers.
- SunSITE Herb Archives. Maintained
by Larry London.
- The Iris Page
Jim Wilson's Iris Page offers cultural tips, answers to frequently
asked questions, as well as lists of suppliers, organizations, reference
books and other useful information.
Japanese Gardens
- Japanese Garden Database. An excellent resource for anyone interested in the art of the Japanese Garden. By Robert Cheetham.
Mailing Lists
Mailorder - Plants by Mail
- Plants by Mail FAQ.
Frequently Asked Questions on ordering plants by mail. Complete with a
list of recommended (and NOT) catalogs as well
as a list of catalogs with evaluations. Maintained by Joe Robinson.
Native Plants and Wildflowers
- Pacific Northwest Native Wildlife
By Allyn Weaks. Also offers a mailing list, pnw-natives.
- The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois.
Learn about the Grand Prairie in an illustrated WWW article by Dr. Ken
Robertson of the Illinois Natural History Survey. Over 80 original
photographs of prairies and native prairie plants. Bibliography.
- Wildflowers in Bloom
Images and growing information on wildflower gardens and meadows taken from the Wildseed Farm catalog.
These mostly annual wildflowers come from all over the world and even
include favorite 'garden escapes'. Includes pictures of seedlings.
- Linda's Orchid Page. Don't let the humble title mislead, Linda offers up a well-organized collection
of information, illustrations and photos as well as links for the orchid-lover.
- The
Orchid House
An collection of original information for the orchid grower, everything from
a lists of journals and growers to information on showing and judging orchids.
Ornamental Grasses
- Ornamental Grasses.
An excellent collection of information on ornamental grasses with over 80 photos.
In English and Dutch by Rudi Van Overloop.
- The Hardy Palms FAQ
If you long to add a touch of the tropics to your garden, don't
despair. The Hardy Palms FAQ is here to help.
Plant Propagation
- Archives and FAQs
Larry London at SunSite has put together these WWW pages for easier access to
the rec.gardens archives and FAQs at SunSITE.
- Strawberry Facts. Everything about strawberries from strawberry songs to strawberry jam.
Urban Agriculture
- Tons of good information from the City Farmer at Canada's Office for Urban Agriculture.
Water Gardening
- Pete's Pond Page
Pete tells all about his experience constructing his pond, provides
a list of suppliers, and throws in some very nice pictures of his pond
for good measure.
- International Waterlily Society offers
information about the Society as well as a good collection of water gardening
Wildflowers. See under Native Plants, above.
BOTRTS: Roots of Botanical Names
- Over 1000 roots from a- to zyg-. Did you know that 'Lavender'
(Lavandula) comes from the Latin word 'to wash'?
Ever wonder why the daylily is called Hemerocallis?
Or what angustifolia means? Look it up in the BOTRTS
glossary. Originally compiled by Bob Riffle.
Glossary of Horticultural Terms
- C stands for Circus Animal Manure. Extended glossary of
over 140 horticultural terms and phrases from Activated
Charcoal to Zinc Deficiency. From the Illinois Cooperative
Extension Service's
Horticulture Solutions.
Pesticide Glossary
- By the folks at Ortho, who should know.
Additional Glossaries.
Black Walnut - underplanting
- An extensive list of plants which will co-exist peacably with the black walnut.
Source: American Horticultural Society.
Butterfly Garden Plant List
- A butterfly garden's list of plants for Zone 5. Includes many
tallgrass prairie natives.
Deer-resistant Plants
- Landscape Designer Jeff Chorba offers this very helpful list along with his
article Designing for Deer
Resistance: Combining Flora with Fauna.
Dictionary of Plants
- From Ohio State's Horticulture in Virtual Perspective,
illustrated lists of annuals, bulbs, ferns, grasses, groundcovers,
perennials, shrubs, trees, and vines.
Selected Plants for Special Situations
- Looking for slope stabilizers? Lawn alternatives?
Plants for heavy shade? Check out this useful list
from the Virginia Cooperative Extension.
To The Garden Gate Homepage.
Copyright © 1997 Karen Fletcher. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated on May 25, 1997.
Karen Fletcher,