About FoodplantDB
FoodplantDB--Native American food plants
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ACEDB version: 4.0
Data version: July 1994
- Curators:
- Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg /
- James A. Duke / jimduke@cpcug.org
- To cite this database:
- Beckstrom-Sternberg, Stephen M., and James A. Duke. "The Foodplant
Database." http://probe.nalusda.gov:8300/cgi-bin/browse/foodplantdb. (ACEDB
version 4.0 - data version July 1994).
Original publication:
Yanovsky, Elias. 1936. Food Plants of the North American Indians. USDA
Miscellaneous Publication Number 237.
This publication reviewed approximately 80 years of literature, back
to around 1850, listing 1,112 species in 444 genera of plants among 120
families, used for food by the North American Indians.
Database History
This manuscript was transformed into preliminary database
format in May 1993 by Judith duCellier, working in conjunction with
James A. Duke of the National Germplasm Resources Lab (NGRL),
Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA. It was subsequently put
into ORACLE, a structured query language (SQL) database by Stephen
Beckstrom-Sternberg, also of NGRL, in September 1993. The latest ACEDB
version was constructed in May 1995 by Stephen Beckstrom-Sternberg,
liberating it from the confines of SQL to a free-form web-browsable
An Apropos Review Article
Duke, James A. 1986. Foraging Items the Amerindians Did Not Eat. Coltsfoot 7(6):4-6.
- Resources at the National Agricultural Library:
- Gopher server
- WWW server
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Genome Informatics Group / 10 April 1997