Edible Garden
Welcome to the Edible Garden,
the place for informative sites on edible plants. Take time out
to browse The Cabbage Patch magazine, a joint UK and US venture, or
brush up on your gardening skills by visiting the other sites
listed here.
Cabbage Patch Magazine
: vegetable gardening on the net, a bumper-packed quality publication aimed at both the organic
and non-organic gardener. Within its pages you'll find lots of
info, tips, views, news, and much more - all wrapped up in an
entertaining package.
Veggie Web Pages
: brilliant vegetable gardening site packed with useful information
on many plants, and cultivation techniques. With a comprehensive
links listing you're bound to spend many an hour browsing this
wonderful site.
Organic Gardening
- Site for organic gardening interests. Wonderful site with numerous
pages of information and advice for the organic gardener, wrapped
up in a beautifully constructed site which is fast and easy to
access. If you're serious about organic gardening then don't
miss this one.
Herb Borders
: lots of ideas and tips for herb planting by an English gardener,
including borders for colour, scent, and texture - with a glossary
listing of plants for each scheme.
: great starting place to find out about herbs, both European
and Global. This is an extensive site, in fact just about the
most comprehensive on the web, with links to everything you could
possibly want to know about these wonderful plants.
The American Herb Society : beautiful site with lots and lots of information, put together in a user-friendly and fast loading environment.
Chile-heads Home Page:
wild n' wacky with lots of info this is a brilliant site for all
enthusiasts. Well put together, fast loading, and with a humorous
slant you just might discover a hidden gardening passion after
your first visit.
City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes
: for the information seekers amongst us this is a hard-core site
of information and facts. What it lacks in entertainment and humour
it more than compensates with sheer knowledge.
Guide to Poisonous and Toxic Plants :
very comprehensive site actually constructed by the US Military,
and therefore a trifle bland in appearance and structure. It does
however contain some very interesting and important information
about the toxicity of our beloved garden favourites.
the best NG on the web according to most gardeners, and rightly
so. This is the place to find quick answers and simple but effective
information. If you haven't already subscribed to this newsgroup
and you're serious about gardening then check it out.
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