These Internet sites may contain information useful to environmental journalists. None is maintained by SEJ, which does not vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the information at these sites.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Ag Fact Book '96
- Online version of a book with demographic, financial and environmental information about U.S. farms and USDA offices.
- Agricultural Research Service
- The main in-house research arm of USDA.
- Agricultural
Statistics and Reports
- From USDA's Economic Research Service and National Agricultural Statistics
Service. Data sets on trade, farm economics, soil and water conservation,
cropping patterns and other subjects.
- Agricultural Water Use, 1979-1986
- Data on agricultural use of federal irrigation water, including water supply, water deliveries, and acres irrigated.
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- Includes archived press releases and publications, directories, downloadable forms and other data. Go to the
index for basic fact sheets on animal and plant pests, from
brucellosis to the pink bollworm.
- Economic Research Service
- Economic analysis and other information on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America; includes online reports.
- Economics and Statistics System
- Nearly 300 reports and datasets on U.S. and international agriculture from USDA's economics agencies.
- Environmental Working Group: Farm Subsidies Page
- A collection of data-based studies on U.S. farm subsidies, from an environmental group.
- Integrated System for Information Services
- The National Agricultural Library's online catalog and journal citation service; searches Agricola and similar databases.
- National Agricultural Library
- Provides access to many of the library's resources and a gateway to catalogs of other resources. Includes instructions for online access to the Agricola
database of agricultural research abstracts and citations.
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Online datasets pertaining to most aspects of U.S. agriculture.
- National
Biological Control Institute
- Includes publications and technical
information on biological pest control, and copies of the institute's
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Formerly the Soil Conservation Service; contains datasets and information on such things as the farm bill's reserve programs. Includes descriptions of available datasets on global vegetation, hydrography, soils, land cover and use, erosion, farmland, wetlands and other subjects.
- U.S. Salinity Laboratory
- Conducts basic research on the chemistry, physics, and biology of salt-affected soil-plant-water systems.
- USDA's Home Page
- Searchable, with links to news and information about the department.
- Water
Management Research Laboratory:
- Contains a bibliography by topic on drip irrigation articles and books, a list of articles by WMRL staff (articles are available on request in the old-fashioned paper style), research descriptions from the lab's 1993 progress report, and a Frequently Asked Questions file on drip irrigation.
- AgriNet Trading Network
- A site for farm product buyers, manufacturers and trading companies; extensive links to food industry web sites.
- Ceres Corporation & Ceres Online
- A California research firm's site; includes Agribusiness Outlook magazine and an ag calendar.
- Conservation Technology Information Center
- A Purdue University research station with information on sound farming practices and farm water pollution issues.
- Entomology Index of Internet Resources
- Iowa State University's entomology index is a searchable database of insect-related resources on the Internet.
- Farmland Information Library
- From Northern Illinois University: Farmland protection statutes, literature, abstracts and ag census data from many states.
- National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
- News and other information on pending laws and regulations of concern to state agriculture officials.
- Online Agricultural Journals and Magazines
- A list compiled by a consulting firm, with links to the appropriate web site for each entry.
- U.S. Geological Survey: Agricultural Chemical Use
- A report on use of 96 herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers, cropping patterns; plus other data, all at the county level.
- Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
- Business directories and information on proper handling of seafood.
- Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System
- Information about organic and sustainable farming in the subtropics.
Sustainable Agriculture
- Alternative
Farming Systems Information Center
- An information center of the USDA
National Agricultural Library. Includes a searchable database on biological
controls and other alternative farming methods, plus links to other
sustainable agriculture sites.
- Consortium for International Crop Protection
- Database
of State Alternative Agriculture Laws
- From North Carolina State
University, dated February 1994. Included in each entry is the law's
title, cite, year enacted, purpose, and a brief summary of the law's
- InterGarden: Organic Agriculture, Farmscaping, Permaculture
- A collection on organic agriculture, farmscaping, permaculture
and bioregionalism; includes archives from some alternative
agriculture discussion groups and listservs.
- IPMNet
- IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management, a means of reducing pesticide
use, and this site contains newsletters on that subject, plus a calendar
of events, message boards and a data library.
- University of California
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Project
- Includes copies of a quarterly newsletter and summaries of journal
articles, plus a list of news contacts and archived press releases.
- Virtual Orchard
United Nations and International
- Australian Agriculture Online
- Links to government, research, business, media and sustainable agriculture sites in Oz.
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Includes a library of reports on fisheries, forests and other resources topics.
- Canada-Ontario Agriculture Green Plan
- Resources for sustainable agriculture in Canada, with best management practices, pesticide information, etc.
- Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- Home page of the people who brought you the Green Revolution; information on research projects and stations.
- Developing Countries Farm Radio Network
- A Canadian effort to disseminate information about low-cost ways for farmers to increase food supplies and improve nutrition.
- FAO Commodity Market Review
- Reviews key developments affecting international trade in commodities and individual commodity markets.
- FAO's Food Outlook
- Online archives of a journal published by the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization.
- FAO's Foodcrops and Shortages
- Online archives of a journal published by the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization.
- FAOSTAT Database Collections
- Online queries of a collection of FAO databases on world agriculture.
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Its mandate is to improve nutrition, standards of
living, farm productivity and rural living conditions; much online data.
- U.N. Food and Agriculture Org.: Agriculture Dept. Home Page
- Includes databases on crops, water, livestock, trade and population, plus general information on FAO.
- World Food Programme
- This site from the World Food Programme, a United Nations Agency, has situation reports and other data from around the world.
Other sites:
- Agri Alternatives
- Agway Inc.
- American Farmland Trust
- Home Farm
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
- Institute of Food Science & Technology
- International Food Information Council Foundation
- Micro Irrigation Forum
- Midwest Organic Alliance
- Millennium Institute: Indicators
- MooMilk
- National Ag Safety Database
- National Biological Control Institute
- National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research
- Netafim Irrigation
- Online Insect Database
- Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Overseas Development Institute
- Pesticide Information Service database
- Progressive Farmer Online
- Resistant Pest Management Newsletter
- Rural Development, USDA
- Statistical Resources on the Web/Agriculture
- Sunbelt Ag Expo
- Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System
- Ted Radcliffe's Gopher State Integrated Pest Management Site
- The Cattle Pages
- The Lawn Institute
- The Population Debate: Is The World Overpopulated?
- Today's Market Prices
- United Farm Workers union
- USDA: Water Resources Management Laboratory
- Veggies Unite!
- Weather in U.S. Agriculture
- Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
- World Agricultural Information Center
- World Food Summit
- World Wide Web Virtual Library: Agriculture
- World Wide Web Virtual Library: Irrigation
- Zero Population Growth
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